A clash of lightning lit up a room, showing a small black haired boy laying on the floor. The scene would be innocent if not for the blood coating the boy and floor. Rain began to fall, as if mourning the boy's pain. Lightning lit up the house revealing that it looked the same as the others.
A closer look at the boy revealed his black hair that fell into his closed eyes. The boy was pale and very small. The blood loss just made him look like a ghost. His face was unnaturally beautiful and effeminate. Long black eyelashes, any girl would kill for, rested against his cheeks. His expression just made him look angelic, but the blood made him an tainted angel.
Another clash revealed a man walking up to the house containing the boy. The door opened just as the man was walking up the front steps. His hair was as black as night, his eyes glowing even darker. The paleness of his skin could rival that of the boy's. He walked through the house purposefully, straight towards the kitchen where the boy was located. The man knelt next to the boy, surprised when the boy's eyes opened; revealing cat shaped emerald eyes. His surprise lessened, however when he felt the boy's slow pulse. He leaned towards the boy's next, his mouth opening and fangs sticking out. Biting into the boy's neck, he let go after two minutes; the boy paler than he was before. The man cut his wrist letting the blood flow into the other's open mouth. Soon the boy bit into the wrist, new fangs flashing in the light.
Whimpering was heard when the man removed his wrist. Emerald eyes slid shut as the man picked him up and walked out of the house. Stopping in the middle of the street, he looked back at the house memorizing the scene. Bothe man and boy faded away from the street, the only sign of their presence the boy's blood in the house.