This chapter took me a long time to write. The potions teacher is modeled after my crazy math teacher. grecianxpiratex07 and Mewt should know which teacher I'm talking about!! Thanks to I'm not that insane , miko, Mewt, and grecianxpiratex07 for reviewing!! When the words are in bold italics, the characters are dreaming.

I'm gonna stop babbling now so you can start reading!!

Chapter 3: Potions


Darkness surrounded Albus as he stood in the middle of an empty room. He could see nothing. Out of nowhere, a flash of green light flew across the room, startling the young wizard. A brilliant sphere of white light floated where the green light had disappeared. Albus reached his hand out to touch the radiant glow, but when his finger touched the light, a horrifying corpse-like face appeared. Illuminated by the bright shine, the feminine face showed it's pale skin and filthy matted black hair. The disgusting woman smiled deviously, revealing two rows of rotten black teeth.

Albus turned to run in the opposite direction, but as soon as he did, the zombified woman appeared in front of him.

"There's no hiding from the Dark Lord, Potter," The floating corpse stated threateningly.

Within moments of warning Albus, the woman disappeared, leaving behind a green cloud of smoke resembling a snake crawling through a skull.


The frightened wizard awoke with a jolt.

Who was that person? She was really gross. She looked a lot like...Cassie. That's scary. I should stay away from her. Everytime I think about Cassie, I'm gonna see that creepy dead lady.

"You're awake! Finally. I've been trying to wake you up so we can go to Potions," Scorpius said looking at the time. "Crap!, we're gonna be late on our first day!!"

"Why'd you wait until I woke up?" Albus inquired.

"I don't remember where Potions is."

Yeah right. All his dad does is babble about Voldemort and how Snape was a great Death Eater. Of course he knows where the dungeons are. His whole family is obsessed with Slytherin. What a stupid thing to say.

"Ok. I'll show you to the dungeons since I know where most of the classrooms are."


The Potions room was unusually cheerful. The windows were decorated with flowers that seemed as if they were trying to make you feel welcome in a room that has been remembered as a gloomy place. Beautiful paintings of meadows and posters with positive sayings made the formerly dreary walls of the newly renovated classroom vivacious and cordial. The entire room looked as if it was smiling at whomever entered it.

Scorpius and Albus barely made it to class on time.

"Hello class, and welcome to Potions!!" The strange looking Potions teacher said cheerfully.

The professor, dressed in bright periwinkle robes and a pointy hat atop her long blonde hair, was the most unique of all the Potions masters Hogwarts ever had and would come to know of.

"My name is Professor Clarisse Periwinkle," The professor announced to the class."Professor Slughorn decided to retire again, so I accepted Professor McGonagall's job offer as your new Potions Master."

At least she's better than Snape. My dad told me about him. He said that Snape was an evil git.

"Today, since it is the first day of school, we won't be doing any assignments," Professor Periwinkle told her students.

Heck yes!! This is gonna be the best first day of school ever!! I always heard that Potions was the worst class ever, and if Potions is gonna be awesome, than all the other classes will be too.

"Professor Periwinkle, since we don't have any work today, are we allowed to talk?" Patrick asked.

"Knock your lights out," The weird Potions Master replied.

The students conversed amongst themselves, and although the Slytherins had Potions with the Gryffindors today, Albus didn't see Cassie.

Where's Cassie? Ooh!! She's skipping!! I bet she's scared of seeing Scorpius. What a pussy.

"Hey Albus, I don't see your girlfriend anywhere," Scorpius said.

Professor Periwinkle sat at her desk talking to herself and scribbling notes on long sheets of parchment.

This class is SO boring!! All Scorpius and Patrick do is sit there and babble about Cassie just so they can piss me off more than I already am. I hate that I look at the door every five minutes hoping that she'll come in. I still don't plan on telling Scorpius or anyone about Cassie aking me out on the Hogwarts Express, nor will I tell anyone that I said yes. But how am I gonna keep that secret?? It's pretty weird when you see a guy from Gryfindor hanging out with a girl from Slytherin. We're supposed to hate each other. At least that's what everyone says. I know that's not

"Albus! Are you alive?? What's wrong with you?" Patrick said, waving his hand in Albus's face and interrupting his thoughts.

"Oh. Nothing. I was just thinking," Albus replied sleepily.

"About what??" Scorpius inquired.

"I bet he was thinking about his girlfriend!" Patrick said, trying to make Albus mad.

Albus's face turned bright red.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Albus yelled.

As much as he wished he could tell the truth, Albus knew that if he told anyone he was dating a Slytherin girl, his reputation would be ruined forever.

Professor Periwinkle looked up at the class.

"Who's not your girlfriend?" The teacher asked with a big smile on her face.

"Nobody," Albus lied.


A few feet away from the Potions room, the girl of Albus's dreams sobbed and limped quietly, hoping that she wouldn't be seen by him. Her long black robes were torn and her arm was bleeding badly. She needed someone to help her. Someone who would understand her problem. Cassie couldn't sustain this lie any longer.

I have to tell someone about him. Someone must know that he beats and curses me. His insanity driven by his hate for the world and what is has done to him will soon cause misery for everyone who "ruins" his life. Come on Albus, hurry up before he finds me again!!

Minutes later, Albus exited Potions class only to be shocked at the sight of his girlfriend.

What the heck happened here?


Well that was exciting wasn't it?? Sorry if it took me a long time to update. I have terrible writer's block.

Time to review now!! :)