A/N: My internet broke so I had to type the lyrics. Sorry if there's anything wrong.

Thank you to SweeneyPod; my loving, doting, amazing iPod.

Song: "For No One" by the Beatles. From the album Revolver.

Disclaimer:Don't own the Beatles. Or Twilight. That stuff.

Do own SweeneyPod, though. For true.

Note: Lyrics are italicized. Bella's message is in bold and italicized. Because then it's less confusing. Usually, I would've put the message in italics.

Jacob woke up from a particularly long nap. He needed it. Bella had screwed him up quite well. He opened his curtains, just making out the sun was peering over the crystal blue water at First Beach.

Your day breaks. Your mind aches. You find that all her words of kindness linger on, and she no longer needs you.

He walked over to the small kitchen. Billy was dosing in his wheelchair in front of the TV. As Jacob strolled over to the fridge, he noticed a few messages on the machine.

"Hey, Jake. It's Bella. I'm sorry…"

He erased the message.

"Hey Jake. I'm still really sorry. Please for give me. Love you…"

"Skank," he muttered. He erased the message.

"Jake!! Please call me back. Well, I'm probably going to be at home all day. Might go to Edward's later to—"

That one he got rid of before the end of it.

She wakes up. She makes up. She takes her time and doesn't feel she has to hurry. She no longer needs you.

After twenty minutes, he finally decided to call her.

"Hey. I'm comin' over."

"Hey, Bells."

"Yo, Jake. What's up?" Bella sniffled as she let he should-be lover inside.

"You cryin' kid?" He held her chin up.

"No. Yes. A little. I was."

And in her eyes you see nothing. No sign of love behind the tears. Cried for no one.

"I brought doughnuts!" Jake held up the bag that had "DUNKIN DONUTS!!" emblazoned on it.

Bella giggled, still sniffling. "Cute."

A love that should have lasted years.

"Shall we?" he gestured toward the kitchen table. He held his arm out for her.

"With pleasure, sir," Bella laughed.

When they reached the table, they sat down across from each other.

"How's school?" Bella smiled.

"It's there… y'know…"

You want her. You need her.

"How's… leech?" Jacob frowned.

"Fine, I guess."

"Are you sure that you don't want to—"

"Yeah. Pretty sure, Jake," she sighed.

And yet you don't believe her when she says her love is dead. You think she needs you.

"Want me to get you a tissue?" he offered.

"No, I think I'm fine now…"

And in her eyes you see nothing. No sign of love behind the tears. Cried for no one.

"But thanks for offering!" she added quickly.

A love that should have lasted years.

"Yeah…" this was getting awkward for him.

"Would you mind if I run to get something at the grocery store really quick? I won't be that long. I promise. I think Charlie had said something about a hockey game that should be on soon, if you're interested," Bella said this as if she had suddenly remembered something.

You stay home. She goes out.

Jacob sighed, "Are you going to his house?"

Bella seemed aghast, "No!" she said, grabbing her coat. "Well, he has been acting… weird… lately. I'm not sure if… I was thinking I was going to tell him that—"

She says that long ago she knew someone, but now he's gone. She doesn't need him.

Jacob felt elated. He could swear he could've heard a French horn in the distance.

"So are you guys…?!" Jacob grinned.

"Yeah… for now…" Bella replied.

Your day breaks. Your mind aches.

"I realized… I love you…" Bella whispered, her head down.

There will be time when all the things she said will fill your head.

"Lemme go to the 'grocery store' with you…" Jacob was on Cloud 9. He even made quotation marks with his finger when he said "grocery store".

You won't forget her.

She grabbed his hand. He smiled his famous smile.

And in her eyes you see nothing. No sign of love behind the tears. Cried for no one.

"A love that should have lasted years…" Bella looked up at Jacob.