Title: Five Months In

Author: Dracodion

Disclaimer: Don't own anything worth causing a fuss over (especially the boys in green), so don't sue XP

Fandom: TMNT

Characters: Donatello/Michelangelo

Prompt: 009. Months

Word Count: 382

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Mikey wants an anniversary date.

Five Months In

Donatello stood in shock and blinked at his youngest brother/lover. Michelangelo stood before him, arms crossed and bottom lip sticking out.

"Well?" he asked Donnie, impatiently.

"Well what? I'm still not sure what you're asking," Don said, confused.

Mikey sighed then walked over to his brother, placing his hands on his shoulders.

"Okay, take two. Listen carefully," Mikey said. He waiting until Donnie nodded then continued. "I, Michelangelo, your lovable lil' brother and sexy lil' lover, want you, Donatello, my brilliant older brother and okay lover, to take me on an anniversary date."

"But what anniversary are you talk-wait, okay lover?" the brunette asked, raising an eyebrow at the blond. "That's not what you said last night when I was making you scream that I was a "fucking sex god"," a sly grin grew across his face.

Mikey's eyes grew wide as his cheeks burned red.

"Get back to the point, pleeaasssee?" he pleaded, looking away.

Donatello chuckled. "Fine. What anniversary are you talking about?" he asked.

"Our five month anniversary. I've been keeping track. We've been together for five months since you first kissed me and told me that you loved me," Mikey said, lifting his chin up with pride.

Donnie's face softened and a loving smile slowly appeared on his face.

"You really kept track?" he asked, wrapping his arms around his brother's waist. Mikey shyly ducked his head and nodded.

"Well, yeah. It's my first real relationship and I wanted to remember everything about it. So I…" then he became quiet, while his face turned red once again.

"You what?" Don asked, leaning his face near Mikey's.

"I…kept a journal," Mikey said quietly.

Donatello grinned brightly.

"You mean a diary?" he asked, cheekily.

"Journal," Mikey exclaimed, looking up at his brother with a stubborn pout.

Donatello chuckled quietly, placing a gentle kiss on Michelangelo's lips. The blond's eyes fluttered shut as he kissed his brother back, slowly wrapping his arms around the other man's neck, pulling himself up and closer.

A few seconds later, Donnie, reluctantly, pulled away, giving Mikey little pecks on his mouth. Mikey moaned in protest, but pulled away as well.

"So, how do you want to celebrate out five month anniversary?" the brunette asked with a smile.

The blond's grin lit up the whole room.
