I have read some quite nasty stories about Snape and Hermione, so I thought that I would write a nice one. This first chapter is about Snape's feelings towards Hermione, the next chapter will be about Hermione's feelings towards Snape.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, or anything like that, just this story.


He didn't notice it until a few days ago, he didn't even realise he had these feelings until a few days ago, should he ignore it or should he tell her when the time is right……….. no of course he shouldn't tell her what a stupid idea, why would he, what exactly would he gain from that, apart from being laughed at and called a…….well he didn't want to think about what he would be called, and what it would do to his teaching profession, he would never find out if he was going to end up teaching Defence against the Dark Arts, and he has wanted to for so long.

It would be the best for everyone if he just ignored these feelings, left them alone, never thought about them again…..but what if he couldn't….. what if they kept bugging him, what if they couldn't leave them alone, would he just have to live with them gnawing away at him, he would have to keep telling himself that everything would be fine, that they would go away soon enough, and give him some peace.

Every time he thought of her, he couldn't help smiling, her untamed hair, her smile, her intelligence…….she annoyed him at first, she knew the answers to all of his questions, he couldn't wait to get rid of her, the annoying first year….the annoying second year…….but the older she seemed to get, the more grown up she was, the more beautiful she was…the less annoying she was.

It was because he noticed theses changes that he shouted at her, just a few days ago, he was angry with himself that he had noticed, so he made up a reason to shout at her, he can't remember what it was now, but he did remember that he had shouted a lot, and……that terrified look in her eyes…oh those eyes….they were filling with tears with each word he was shouting, but she had noticed that he wasn't entirely angry with her that he had felt something else, she had frowned at him before he had sent her out of the classroom.


Thanks for reading, I hope you thought it was good, please can you review this chapter so I can read your thoughts about it, constructive criticism is appreciated.