DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the plot and the surnames!!
A/N: I changed some of the surnames so they could all fot the story. I didn't think Edward would need and older brother if his apst was the secret past I'm trying to invent. Don't forget to review! I really care about what people have to say about my work! )
He rolled onto his back and stared out into the darkening sky, feeling the cool air tug his bronze hair and running its misty fingers down his body. The sky was dotted with a thousand stars, each one telling its own story, each one part of a large constellation.
He wondered vaguely if the small apartment in which he was living in was now safe territory, for when he left there had been an ongoing row between his best friend and his girlfriend. Of course, if things were OK now, then maybe he still didn't want to step in that territory. Who knew what was going on?
Either way, he had to make his way inside, for the sky was clouding over, taking away those little lights and keeping them somewhere far away and unreachable.
Sighing, he sat up and donned his leather jacket, the one with the small rip in the collar which was a consequence of a fight involving a sharp blade pointed at his throat. Dark territory was the one he had stepped out of, and light territory was the one he had stepped into now.
He walked slowly down the inclining slope taking him to one of the apartments where most students decided to stay instead of dorms which cost more and gave you little privacy. The small apartment which he had been assigned to had three rooms, each one with its own bathroom; a kitchen the size of an average living room; the living room maybe a little larger than the kitchen, and a garden with a path that led up a hill to Jaspers and Edwards favourite place. It was there that they both would calm down after a heated argument, or just lie there watching the stars and telling each other stories of their childhood.
Edward had always made sure that nobody knew much of his childhood, for it was unusual.
He opened the door and let himself quietly in. The argument had indeed quietened down, and as he climbed the stairs to his room, he passed Jaspers room and he heard a soft growl followed by a giggle. Edward shook his head and slammed his door shut, loud enough to indicate that he was back.
A few minutes later, after he had showered and changed, he was fast asleep, a cushion slammed over his head, his dreams filled only by those large chocolate brown eyes that had haunted him since the day they met.
"Edward! Jesus, can you wake up? We're gonna be late!" Jasper yelled from the other side of the door. Edward groaned and rolled over, falling onto the floor, his forehead making contact with the bedside cabinet.
"Ow, shit." He muttered, disentangling himself from the duvet. He rolled over and checked his watch that was lying discarded on the soft floor.
7. 30 Am. he had half an hour to prepare his books, have a quick shower, change and get down to campus.
"Edward!" Jasper yelled again.
"I'm coming already!" he roared back. This answer was acknowledged by feet thumping angrily down the stairs. Groaning, he stood up, hand pressed to his forehead where he had banged on the piece of furniture. He went into the bathroom and inspected the damage.
There was a red scratch on his forehead, the skin around it was turning into an ugly purple. It had a funny effect with the dark colour of his hair and the colour of his eyes which were a vivid green. Shaking his head, he stepped into the shower and relaxed as the hot water pounded over his body, loosening all of those tied up muscles in his back.
When he stepped out of the shower and glanced at his watch, he saw he had twenty minutes left. And he rushed to meet his friend after changing into decent enough clothes, collecting his books, and stuffing them in his bag.
"God, you are so damn lazy," Jasper muttered, opening the door and stepping out into the cold September air.
"Yeah, well I didn't get much sleep last night." He answered, counting how much change he had and wondering if he could afford a coffee for lunch.
"Is that so?" Jasper asked, eyebrow arching.
"Yeah. Mind if I ask for you two to keep it down next time? Only, I don't want to end up having to sleep in the garden if you two keep it up." He explained, regarding the flow of students as they entered the courtyard. He knew Jasper was looking at him, searching his face for anything that might say something different to what the words stated.
"You know I'm sorry, man. It's not like we were… planning to. It just kinda happened." Jasper futilely said, scanning the crowd anxiously, for that glimpse of raven hair and easy blush.
"Dude, you don't usually plan for things like these, OK? I'm not asking for an entrée of your damn sex-life. I'm just asking you guys to keep it down." Edward said, his phone screen flashing angrily up at him as he fished it out of his baggy paint splattered, ripped jeans.
"Fine, we will. And hey, I need to ask Alice to take you on a shopping spree. You really need a change of clothes." Jasper changed the subject quickly, as if what they had been talking about had no matter whatsoever.
"What's wrong with these? I like them. That's all that matters." He snapped, green eyes flashing dangerously.
"Jeez, got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?" Jasper croaked. Never in all this time had he seen his best friend so annoyed. Even though the sun was shining and the day was going to be short, Edward didn't seem appeased by the calm atmosphere. Jasper was well known for the effects he had on people. As in, there could be a fight anywhere, and with a few words, Jasper would have calmed everyone down.
Too bad it didn't seem to work on Edward.
"Yeah, you can say that. Slammed my head into the bedside cabinet as soon as I woke up. And you know I don't like people commenting on the way I dress." Edward tucked his phone away after having read a near angry message from his girlfriend, Tanya.
"It's not the way you dress, more like what you wear. I love your hoody but y'know… the skull with burning stakes through his eyes? Isn't that going to make you look like some scary big guy? I thought you said you wanted to avoid any scraps this year."
"Chill, I'm not going to get into any fights, OK? I just like the way I dress." Edward sighed gustily, pulling some of his hair of his eyes, trying to conceal some of the ugly bruise forming.
"Are you trying to pull that tortured artist thing?" jasper laughed, glancing at the bruise on his friend's forehead again.
"Nah." Edward answered. Before he could make his getaway, Jasper grabbed his arm and said,
"Right, I'm taking you to see Alice, like, now. I don't like that bruise one bit."
"That bad, huh?"
"Yeah, that bad."
Alice waved at them from across the lunchroom, her light eyes flashing excitedly. She had a cheerful smile on her face, and as she saw Edward she visibly brightened.
They made their way cautiously to where she sat a gaggle of friends around her. It was the usual group but there was someone there who made Edward's heart to mega flipflops. There was Rosalie Hale, the backstabbing, sweet talking, sugar coated girl who had everybody's and no one's interests at heart, Emmett Smith, who seemed like a scary person but had a heart of gold, then there was Alice herself, pixie like, funny, zany, makeover crazed babe, and then finally there was Isabella Swan….
Jasper smiled and walked over to Bella, pressing his lips to the back of her neck, causing her to blush and twist round so their lips could meet.
Edward turned away from the sight and sat down next to Alice who regarded him softly.
"Are you OK?" she asked. At first he thought about what he witnessed every night back at the apartment and what he wanted to say was: no, I am NOT ok. Everything is bad and all I needed was Jasper to bring back every night his girlfriend who, hello? I think I am most probably in love with!
But then he saw her gaze flicker to the bruise on his head and he smiled, telling her about the incident as soon as he left the safety of his bed.
For the next twenty minutes, he was the centre of attention…
Too bad the only person he wanted attention from didn't even know he existed.
Review people!! Tell me if you liked it or not and make sure to tell me what parts I might want to work harder on….