I woke up to see sunlight.

"You're awake." Ed said.

I turned to see him and noticed I was in a hospital. "What..." I turned my head to see a boy with brown long hair with brown eyes.

He wore a red coat and under it were a black shirt, jacket, and pants. He wore a happy smile and opened his mouth. "It's nice to meet you Aikou." He said.

"Who... Who are you?" I asked sitting up.

"Ai, meet my younger brother, Alphonse." He said.

I gasped and turned Ed. "Alphonse... he's..." I said.

Ed frowned. "I saw, Aikou. He's gone." He said.

I covered my face and cried. "Alphonse..." I whispered.

"Hey, I know how you feel." The Al said.

I looked at him.

"I'm sure Ed told you. I cared about someone a lot too. And she died of a disease." Al blushed. "She died from a disease." He said.

I closed my eyes and smiled at him. "She's happy that you're back into your real body, Alphonse." I said.

He looked at me confused.

Ed and I just smiled at him.

I set a bouquet of flowers at Alphonse's grave and smiled at his ghost form. "Thank you for everything Alphonse. I'll never forget you." I said. I reached into my purse and placed a book next to the flowers.

"What's that?" Alphonse's ghost figure asked me.

"The book that's not to be published. I'm sure you'll like it a lot." I said looking at him.

He smiled. "The Lady and her Armor?" He asked.

I stared at him wide eyed. "How did you know?" I asked.

He laced his fingers behind his head and smiled. "I read the title while you were sleeping." He said. He sat on his grave stone while I stared at him. "So you and Al are settling alright, right?" He asked.

I looked at the ground. "Y-yeah. He's a lot like you. Loving stray cats and being kind. I remind him of the girl he used to love, Aikou Mitsuna." I said.

He nodded. "I'm happy for you two." He said.

I smiled back.

"Ai, ready to go?" Al asked.

I turned to him and waved. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said to the ghost Alphonse.

Alphonse waved as I ran off.