Word Count: 433


Author's Notes: Again, SHORT. I present to you more Rikkai crack. Enjoy!

Mud and Candies

"Have you ever wondered what mud tastes like?" Akaya asked randomly.

Marui turned to look at the second year. "Mud?"

Akaya nodded.

"Why would people want to taste… mud?"

Just then, Niou entered the clubroom. Akaya backed away, terrified.

"What'cha doin', brat?" Niou asked as soon as he spotted Marui and Akaya sitting near the lockers.

"We're wondering what mud tastes like," Akaya answered.

Niou shrugged. "Doesn't mud taste like chocolate?"

"Chocolate?" Marui asked, looking hopeful.

"I don't think mud tastes like chocolate, Niou-kun," Yukimura said, coming from behind Akaya. He smiled at them, and they looked at him oddly. The second year was too startled to move.

As Niou and Marui tried their best bringing the second year back to life, Sanada entered the clubroom. Looking around, he noticed that they were all slacking off.


"Ah, Sanada," Yukimura cut him off. "We were just discussing something. We'll go practice now," he said, smiling his "I-can-read-your-mind-so-don't-bother-talking" smile.

Sanada nodded and looked away.

And as Yukimura had said, everyone headed outside to practice.

"Try to return this, brat!" Niou shouted, giving Akaya one of his best shots.

Unfortunately, Akaya didn't return it. He fell face down on the ground instead, landing on something quite unexpected (no, not really)—mud.

"Ewww!" he shouted, "Mud does not taste like chocolate at all!"

Niou laughed. "That's what you get for not returning the ball!"

"It's because you aimed it at my face!" Akaya defended. He then paused to wipe off the sludge on his face. "You lied! You said mud tastes like chocolate!"

"Yeah, so?"

"Haven't you ever tasted it before?"

"I'm not stupid," Niou snickered.

Yukimura walked towards them. "Who won?" he asked.

"I did," Niou said proudly.

"Great! I'll give you some candy tomorrow at morning practice," he told him, smiling.

"WHAT?" Marui screamed, running towards them. "He gets candy and I don't?" he complained.

"Did you win any matches?" Yukimura asked, raising an eyebrow.

"But I didn't have any today—!"

"Then I won't give you any."

Marui pouted, looking at their captain with puppy dog eyes. "Please! Please! Please!" he pleaded.

"Awww, I can't say no to that!" Yukimura cooed. "Fine. I'll give you some too." He then smiled his "I'm-so-generous-so-get-down-on-your-knees-and-show-me-gratitude" smile.


The next morning

Sanada looked at Yukimura as he handed out candies. Eventually, Akaya got some too. Being such a copy-cat, he showed Yukimura the eyes. And you know that Yukimura can't say no to those eyes, right?

All the while, Sanada felt unloved. He had won the most matches yesterday, he thought. Where was his share?

Author's Note: I love Sanada. :))