Disclaimer: I still don't own Star Wars even though I tried my hardest to convince George Lucas to endorse the rights to me.

A/N: Well, this is the first chapter after four years. I know, it's been way to long. I am not sure if anyone will read the first chapters again so I'll just tell you again. The reason for my long absence is that some things happened in my life which I had to deal with and then I honestly kind of forgot about this site. I'll try not to let that happen again. I replaced chapters 1-5 and tried to fix all the mistakes I made. If I overlooked any, tell me^^ Also, I imagine that there will be some differences between the old chapters and the new ones. I have obviously changed over the years. If you think the tone of the story has changed too much, let me know and I'll see what I can do about rewriting the whole thing. For the moment I'll leave it as it is and just start on the next chapter since I have a free weekend ahead of me.

Have fun:)

Mace watched Obi-Wans' retreating figure and then turned towards Qui-Gon who still stood next to the couch, looking extremely disturbed.

"May I come in, my old friend? I think you and I have some talking to do." Mace said and entered the apartment without waiting for a reply.

"Sure, have a seat." Qui-Gon said. "What do you mean we have some talking to do?"

"All in good time. Care to tell me first what that was all about? What was Obi-Wan doing here?" Mace wanted to know. From his point of view it hadn't looked like a peaceful encounter. If Qui-Gon was now also fighting with Obi-Wan on top of his conflict with Xanatos, Mace would let his hair regrow just to pull it out in frustration.

"I don't know, Mace. I thought he was reaching out to me for help but he just said some very hurtful things and told me to leave him and DuCrion the hell alone. Since when does he even use such a language? I have taught him better than that. Surely you must see that you all have made a mistake. Xanatos is not good for him."

Mace rubbed the bridge of his nose and held up a hand to stop Qui-Gon before he could say anymore. This whole business was giving him a never-ending migraine.

"Actually, I came to talk to you about this." Mace said.

Qui-Gon looked up hopefully.

"No, don't misunderstand me. We still do not believe that we have a mistake and we will not change our decision. I don't know how many more times I have to tell you this. Now, do you know what brought this on? Did you invite him here?" Mace asked.

"No, no I didn't. He came on his own and said he had overheard a talk and that he had to speak with me."

Mace frowned. What talk? Had he overheard him and Xanatos? That would maybe explain the situation.

"I think he may have overheard my conversation with Xanatos. I went to talk to him before I came here, you see. And I will tell you the same thing I have told him. You have to stop with this childish behavior, Qui-Gon. You are not giving a good example to the young ones, not to mention your Padawan. It's time to let that grudge go. You are a Jedi Master and quite frankly, right now your behavior is horrendous." Mace said sternly. Qui-Gon was a good Jedi, one of the best and that was why the council had let him get away with his behavior. Maybe that had been a mistake, Mace reflected.

"I can't let it go, Mace. Xanatos is having a bad influence on Obi-Wan. I cannot let him be tainted by the dark side that is so strong in Xanatos. He never cursed before and you should have seen the show they put up in the gym the other day. That is not how Obi-Wan is." Qui-Gon said.

"What show?" Mace asked. "I heard that their training session went excellent. Wish I had been there myself."

"Obi-Wan is not that good with a Saber. Sure, he is above average but not at that level. Xanatos always felt the need to impress the people around him but to fake a duel? That is not how a Jedi should act. And he is dragging Obi-Wan down with him."

"Now, come on Qui-Gon. What are you saying? That Xanatos practiced a duel with Obi-Wan in secret so that they could shine on stage? Surely, you cannot believe that. Apart from the fact that they are both exceptional fighters, when and where would they have practiced without anyone noticing?" Mace looked at him with a deep frown on his face.

"I don't know." Qui-Gon admitted. "You allowed them some time off I heard. There are plenty of places where Xanatos could have taken Obi-Wan."

"It is enough, Qui-Gon. You will stop this now. Obi-wan is a good fighter, he doesn't need to cheat. Neither does Xanatos. You made mistakes Qui, with both of them. You hurt them. I just hope you can see that before you lose them forever."

"I hurt them? That's what Obi-Wan said. Pray tell, how did I do that? Xanatos was the one to leave me. He turned against me and embraced the dark side. And I never hurt Obi-Wan. He is ready for the trials. I still believe that. I am so proud of him, of the Jedi he has become. Does he not know this?" Qui-Gon exclaimed. Maybe he should have talked to his old Padawan before announcing his decision in front of the council but that was all he was willing to admit.

"How would he know that? You took Anakin from Tatooine even though Obi-Wan was against it and when he saved your life from the Sith, you used the time he needed to heal to forge a bond with a new Padawan. Have you ever told him before that you thought he was ready to be knighted?" Mace asked.

Qui-gon stayed silent. "Well, have you?"

"No, no, I don't have. I thought he felt the same way. Still, that is no reason to be hurt. He should have been happy."

"Happy?" Mace echoed. "You just can't see it, can you? As for Xanatos, how do you think he felt when you abandoned him in a war? He was young and foolish and too arrogant but he never succumbed to the dark side. He made one mistake and you just gave up on him. So yes, you hurt him, both of them."

Jinn looked ready to launch into a lengthy discussion so Mace just held up his hand again.

"Don't. I can see that there is no way to make you see things as they are right now. It seems you'll have to learn this on your own. I ask you to stop harassing them, though. You made your decision and now you have to accept that Obi-Wan is no longer of concern to you. Just concentrate on Anakin. His training is important and the dark side is strong in him." Mace said and got up to leave. He had tried his best. If Qui-Gon didn't get to his senses soon, maybe Yoda would be more successful.

"What do you mean the dark side is strong in him? You're telling me that Xanatos is good and Anakin is evil? Have you really been so blinded by his charm that you would stoop so low as to accuse a little boy?" Qui-Gon growled at his old friend. Mace, however, ignored him and left the apartment. He turned one last time in the door and said: "Don't make the same mistake again. The future relies on Anakin."

Obi-Wan had returned to his apartment, still angry. At Qui-Gon, at himself. He punched the wall in frustration. A frame fell from the wall and broke on the floor scattering it with tiny shards. He couldn't believe that he had once again let his emotions take over. How was he ever to become a good Jedi if couldn't even deal with this?

He spun around when he heard a loud thump and colorful cursing behind him. He saw Xanatos sitting next to the table, his robes rumpled and rubbing his forehead which he had obviously bumped on it when had fallen off the couch.

"What happened? Where is the fire?" He asked, trying to shake off the sleepy haze and get his brain working again.

Obi-Wan grinned. His Master had obviously taken a nap and been startled out of his sleep by the frame breaking. "I am sorry Xanatos. It's just me. I broke a frame."

"What did you do that for? Didn't you like the picture? You could have just said so. I liked that one, you know?" Xanatos grumbled. He picked himself up and sat down on the couch, looking at Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan laughed again. "Sorry I woke you up and sorry I broke the picture. I do like it. I just…" He trailed of uncomfortably.

"You just what?" Xanatos inquired. He shook his head again and looked more closely at Obi-wan. The young man was rubbing his knuckles and it looked as if there was blood on the wall next to where the picture had hung. "Did you punch the wall?" He asked slowly and got up to examine the damage Obi-Wan had inflicted on himself. He took his hand in his own and turned it over to see some light bruising and a few scratches on Obi-Wan's right hand.

"Well?" he raised an eyebrow waiting for an explanation.

Obi-Wan shuffled his feet and let out an embarrassed chuckle. "I did punch the wall. I am sorry." He looked into Xanatos stern face and a thought occurred to him. "You are not going to send me away, are you? I'll replace the picture."

Xanatos scrunched up his face and pulled Obi-Wan over to the couch he had previously slept on and pushed him down. Without a word he went to the bathroom and returned quickly with a wet cloth which he pressed onto Obi-Wan's hand. "Of course, I am not going to send you away? Whatever gave you that idea?"

Obi-Wan looked down. "I just thought you might be angry with me."

Xanatos let out a short laugh. "It's just a picture Obi-Wan. I can get another one. If you want me to send you away, you'll have to stab me when I am sleeping. Get it?"

"Got it." Obi-wan said in a small voice. Stupid! What the hell is wrong with me? First I yell at Qui-Gon, then I punch a wall and now I am acting like a little kid.

"Alright then. Mind telling me why you felt the urgent need to punch my wall in the first place? It is a nice wall, you know? Never let me down before. It might get angry if I just let you punch it without a good reason." He joked. Over the past weeks he had learned that it was easier to get Obi-Wan to talk when he got him to laugh first.

Obi-Wan chuckled, mirth dancing in his eyes when he looked up. "I'll make sure to apologize to it. We wouldn't want it to be angry with you."

Xanatos grinned. "No, we most certainly wouldn't. A wall can be a terrifying opponent after all. So, want to tell me what got you so mad?"

"I went to talk to Qui-Gon." He said after some time, not looking at the other man.

Xanatos raised an eyebrow again. "Why did you do that? And what happened?"

"Don't be mad now, but when I returned from the gym earlier I overheard your talk with Master Windu. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but the doors are thin and I have good hearing."

"Fair enough, I don't mind. I still fail to see, however, how that lead to you talking to Qui-Gon."

"It is obvious, isn't it? You have to put up with Qui-Gons' anger because of me and I know that that must be painful for you. After all you have done for me I thought I could return the favor. I know that you didn't have to take me as a Padawan. I am old and it's unusual for a Master to take on someone who is almost finished with his apprenticeship as their first Padawan. I am grateful to you and I just wanted to help." Obi-Wan said seriously.

Xanatos smiled affectionately at the young man next to him and pulled him into a short, one-armed hug.

"You are right. I didn't have to take you as my Padawan but I wanted to. I felt, still do actually, that we will both get a lot from this arrangement. There is no need to feel grateful." Xanatos said before winking at Obi-Wan in a playful manner. "And anyway, I figured that it might be best if I tried my hand at being a Master with someone older before accidently scarring a young, impressionable child for life."

Obi-Wan blinked once, twice before laughing loudly. "So, you just see me as a test-drive? An experiment?"

"Exactly!" Xanatos exclaimed delightedly. "If you last until your trials and come out of this without a permanent room in the mind healers' wing, I know I can take on a proper Padawan. You don't mind, do you?" He poked Obi-Wan in the ribs laughing along with him.

"Nope, that's fine with me. I'll just take one for the team and make sure that you are not too mad to be inflicted on a youngling." He quipped. This was nice. He had never been able to laugh like this with Qui-Gon. Sure, they had joked around and teased each other but it had never been this carefree. He felt now, that there had always been a serious undertone to their relationship.

"Thank you for your service Padawan Kenobi. I know it will be of great help for future generations." He said with a straight face. Then he took Obi-Wan's hand again, pulled away the cloth and looked at the damage more closely. He applied light pressure on the bruised knuckles and told him to flex his fingers. "It doesn't seem like you have broken anything." He concluded. "Alright, my first official order as your Master will be, then, that you will not get this healed by the Healers. You will wait it out. Take that as a lesson to never punch a wall again. If you feel the need to hit something, use a pillow next time." Xanatos said straightening up and adopting a tone eerily similar to Mace Windu when he reproached initiates for running in the halls.

"Yes, Master." Obi-Wan agreed, playing along.

Xanatos relaxed again. "That's alright for you, isn't it?"

"Yes," Obi-Wan assured him. He reminded himself that no matter how great a Jedi Xanatos was, having a Padawan was new for him. "I deserve it and you can be sure that this will be a lesson I won't forget anytime soon."

"Good. Then tell me what happened with Jinn. All joking aside, there must have been a reason for you to be so angry."

Obi-Wan sighed. "Nothing really happened. I just wanted to tell him that his actions hurt me and that I am not ready for knighthood yet; that you were helping me to get to that point and to leave you, us, alone. He didn't see it my way and said that you must have done something to me, that you were evil." At that point Obi-Wan winced but Xanatos just waved him on. Nothing new there after all. "It just made me mad. I always knew that he could be stubborn but I didn't know that he could be so blind. That's it really. I am sorry if I have made a mess of things. I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't feel like myself at all right now."

"Don't be sorry. I appreciate the fact that you put your own feelings aside to stand up for me. Rest assured that there is no need for that. I can deal with the old man on my own but I appreciate it nonetheless. And just for the record, there is nothing wrong with you. You've been thrown off balance that's all. It will pass." He squeezed Obi-Wan's shoulder. Then he perked up again.

"Come on. Let's go down to the cafeteria for dinner. All this talking made me hungry and it's already late."

"You're always hungry, Master." Obi-Wan grinned. Rolling; he really should be rolling instead of walking.

"That I am, Padawan, that I am." He answered gravely.

The two of them left for the cafeteria, Xanatos grumbling all the way. They had to go to the other side of the temple and his stomach didn't agree with the long wait.

"We could have just cooked something at home, you know? That's what the kitchen is for and you'd have gotten something to eat sooner." Obi-Wan pointed out.

Xanatos looked at him blankly. "Can you cook?"

"I think I should be able to recreate Qui-Gon's teeth-destroying, stone pancakes if you want to call that cooking." Obi-Wan said. His old Master had never taught him how to cook. How should he have done that anyway? He wasn't able to create anything edible himself, after all.

"Thanks, I think I'll pass." Xanatos laughed. "We'll just have to live with the long way to the cafeteria, I suppose."

After his talk with Windu, Qui-Gon had left his place for the relaxing atmosphere of the room of thousand fountains. He had meditated to calm his raging emotions and try and see things the way Mace had put them. He still couldn't but he was much calmer than before. He was still miffed about that comment about Anakin and the dark side, though. He had been a slave all his life so it was only natural that he had more anger inside him than the initiates who had been raised in the harmonic environment of the temple. With time, Anakin would be able to release that anger into the force. Thinking of Anakin made him realize that the boy had been on his own for most of the day and he decided to look for him. If his intuition hadn't completely deserted him, he was sure he would find his young Padawan in the Cafeteria. Upon entering the crowded place he let his eyes wander, looking for the little boy. He made his way over to the counter to get dinner when he finally spotted him, sitting alone at a table far away from everyone else.

He walked over with his tray, ignoring the looks he received, and sat down across from Anakin. "Hello Padawan, why aren't you sitting with your classmates?"

"Hi, Master. Because they don't like me." Anakin exclaimed.

"Now, what's that? Of course they like you." Qui-Gon said tenderly.

"No, they don't. They don't even talk to me. They just glare at me and whisper. Back home, I never had a problem with making friends." He said, picking at his food morosely.

"This is your home now, Padawan. Give them some time. I am sure you will have more friends than you can count in no time at all." Qui-Gon assured him.

"But I want them to like me now. No one talked to me all day." Anakin pouted. He wouldn't mention his training session with Obi-Wan he had decided. Could this be true? Qui-Gon mused. Jedi were not malevolent people so he couldn't imagine that no one would talk to his young Padawan. Then again, though, the other iniates and Padawans were just children. Maybe they had a hard time accepting someone into their midst who had only arrived at the temple at nine years of age. Some of them were probably also jealous of Anakin's status as the chosen one and the fact that he already had a Master. He smiled at the sullen boy and explained this to him. "You have to be patient. That is one of the first lessons a Jedi must learn."

Anakin relaxed a little. "Do you really think they will like me if I am patient?" He asked, ducking his head a little.

"Of course, padawan. Just wait and see. Let them adapt to the new situation." His pep talk was interrupted by loud laughter coming from the entrance. He looked over and saw the team that had given him so much grief lately. He had only seen them together that one time in the gym and he was interested to see how they interacted with each other. They went to get dinner and then sat down with Garen Muln, one of Obi-Wan's closest friends, who had waved them over. He could see introductions be made and it seemed that Xanatos was quite comfortable with leaving the two friends to their talk and eat in silence instead. Qui-Gon watched his former student and his friend and wondered what they were telling each other. After their initial elation at seeing each other again, Garen had been away on a mission for several months, their faces turned serious and they leaned closer to each other to have a whispered conversation. A conversation which lasted until Xanatos returned to their table and put dessert in front of them. Judging from the surprised looks on their faces, they had apperantly not even noticed that he had left the table. Stiffling his curiosity he turned back to Anakin and asked whether he wanted to have dessert or go back to their quarters. Anakin shrugged, he didn't care much for sweets. They made him feel sick. So with one last look at the other table he got up and led Anakin back to their rooms.

A little bit later Xanatos, Obi-Wan and Garen got up as well.

"Say, Xanatos, is it ok if I spend some more time with Garen?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Sure," the black haired man shrugged. "As long as Garen's Master doesn't need him. I have to talk to Adi anyway, eh, Master Gallia I mean. I'll come and fetch you later. I have a surprise for you. Have fun." He grinned and left the two Padawans to their own devices.

Garen cocked his head to one side. "How will he find you? He doesn't even know where we'll be."

"No idea, he has a knack for finding me, though." Obi-Wan replied. It was true, it never took Xanatos long to locate him. He wondered if that had anything to do with their bond. He didn't think it was that strong yet. He certainly couldn't locate Xanatos through it.

"Ah, I see. Let's go for swim,eh? We have to keep up tradition even without Bant, don't we?"
Garen grinned.

"Sure," Obi-Wan agreed readily. He loved swimming. It probably was a side effect of being friends with a Mon Calamari.

They made their way to the room of thousand fountains in companionable silence and it was only after they had been swimming laps for some time that Garen made his way over to the small alcove where the friends had always liked to spend their time. Obi-Wan followed him and readied himself for the onslaught of questions he knew was imminent. Neither of them noticed Qui-Gon Jinn sitting hidden behind a bush, close enough to listen in on their conversation. He had seen the two friends on their way to the lake and knew them well enough to know that they would be talking about everything soon enough. He needed to know how Obi-Wan really was, so he took Anakin home and told him to meditate while he quickly finished some work he had left unattended for too long.

"So, how do you really feel? Bant told me about what happened with Qui-Gon. He is a jerk, by the way, don't let it pull you down."

"I won't. It is still hard for me and I am still angry but I've accepted the situation and I am trying to make the best of it." He said firmly, hoping to relate to his friend that he did not wish to speak about Qui-Gon. He got the message.

"Fine, how is living with Master DuCrion then? I heard some pretty bad things about him over the years."

Obi-Wan laughed. "So have I. I was with you most of the time you heard these rumours, remember? I asked him about those, by the way, and let me tell you that he assured me that he most certainly did not kill that native queen everyone keeps talking about because negotiations with her didn't proceed fast enough. He didn't kill her at all. Her husband did."

"Are you crazy?" Garen interupted him. "You can't just ask someone if any nasty rumour about them is true. And that's not what I was even talking about."

"What were you talking about then?" Obi-wan asked raising an eyebrow questioningly. Garen frowned, Obi-Wan never did that.

"I am talking about the fact that a lot of people keep saying that he is arrogant and too full of himself, that he has a nasty temper he has no control over, that he is quick to throw punches when he is angered and that he has been consumed by the dark side a long time ago."

Obi-Wan sat up sharply and crossed his arms over his chest. "People are saying that, yes? Do you really think if that was true he would be so successful or that the council would keep him here?"

"I don't know ok? The only thing I know is that I am worried about you, Obi."

Obi-Wan smiled fondly, his anger vanishing. Garen had always worried about his younger friends. "You don't have to worry about me." He said.

"'Course I do. I am the oldest. I have to make sure that you guys are ok."

"Thanks Garen, but it really isn't necessary to worry. I am fine. Sure, he might be slightly conceited but he is not dark. And while he really is in a foul mood every morning he has yet to throw more than a nasty glare my way. Living with Xanatos is actually quite funny." He appreciated his friends' concern.

"Funny, yes?" Garen repeated skeptically.

"You don't believe me? Well, then my friend, let me tell you the story of how I woke up to see him rage a rather ridiculous war on a tiny moth that had disturbed his sleep last week." Obi-Wan chuckled thinking about it.

Ready to launch into his tale, Obi-Wan barely heard the low growl behind him before he felt a hand grab him by his hair and dunk him under water. Garen whirled around and saw Xanatos looming over him, staring angrily at the spot where he had pushed Obi-Wan under water. Obi-wan resurfaced spluttering and spitting water.

"So, that's how it is, you insolent whelp? I take you in, give you a roof over your head, I feed you and that's how you thank me? By spreading degrading gossip about me?" There was an edge to his voice and a mad glint in his eyes that made Garen gulp and caused him to carefully inch his way between his friend and that lunatic. Obi-Wan blinked up at him and spit out some more water.

"Have nothing to say? Wouldn't help you anyway. I am going to make you pay. You might want to leave now Muln. I am about to teach my Padawan a lesson and you truly do not want to get in my way." Xanatos snarled and kicked off his shoes, shrugged out of his robe and unbuttoned his shirt. Garen glared at him, though he felt slightly uncomfortable. He saw Obi-Wans eyes widen and and watched his friend backpaddle into the lake trying to bring more distance between him and his Master.

Xanatos ignored the other Padawan and leaped over his head into the water. He walked into the lake up to a point where could still stand comfortably while Obi-Wan would have no chance to reach the ground without going under. Xanatos smirked. Good thing he was quite a bit taller than the younger man. He concentrated on the Force and used it to create a current that pulled Obi-Wan back towards Xanatos, no matter how hard he tried to swim against it. Garen watched in horrified fascination as DuCrion grabbed Obi-Wan in a headlock and started dunking him under again and again. He tried in vain to fight against the same waves that had pulled Obi-Wan back and now kept him from going any further into the lake. He tried to use the Force to stop the waves but there was little to no effect. And then he heard Obi-Wan gasp and start to laugh hysterically.

"Mercy, I give, I give. You win. Please stop." He pressed out.

"Very well, I'll go easy on you this time. It's your first offence after all."
At once the lake calmed down again and he let go of Obi-Wan. Still trying to regain his breath, the young man went under again prompting Xanatos to make a mad grab for him and pull him to the shore where he'd be able to calm down again. He splashed a little wave in Garens face when he passed him and then dumped Obi-Wan onto the grass unceremoniously. Garen hurried after them to check on Obi-Wan.

"Have you learned your lesson, Padawan?" Xanatos asked firmly.

Still laughing Obi-Wan answered, "Yes, Master. Don't spread gossip about you." He finally calmed down enough to look at Garen and see that he was torn between anger and confusion.

"Ah, you have not understood anything, have you? Spread all the gossip you want but don't make it sound so mediocre. It was not a tiny moth; it was a gargantuan monster trying to suffocate me with its huge wings. I had to muster all my strength to escape with my life. That's how you tell a story." Xanatos said dramatically, plopping down next to his grinning apprentice.

"I'll try to remember that." Obi-Wan said.

"Do not despair, Padawan. I will teach you all you have to know." He turned his gaze on Garen. "Are you going to sit down any time soon?"

"You said you would make him pay." Garen said confusedly.

"Yes, and I did."

"But you only tickled him and dunked him under."

"Yes, I believe in punishment that fits the crime. A silly mistake warrants a silly punishment do you not think so?"

"Relax, Garen. I told you he wasn't evil," he turned to Xanatos. "Although, you really don't have to treat me like a child."

"Huh, so that's what this about? You were trying to prove to him that I am a good guy? By telling him about my adventure of killing a moth?" Xanatos scratched his head. "Weird method. Maybe you should try to think of a new one."

"Let's head back inside guys. I still have that surprise for you Obi-Wan." Xanatos smiled, picked up his clothes and waited for the two to follow him.

"You're crazy, you know that? You scared the crap out of me with that stunt, Master DuCrion." Garen growled.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry." Xanatos said.

"You didn't? What was that for then?" Obi-Wan demanded to know.

Xanatos looked them both over and shot them a glare.
"Don't tell me you didn't notice Jinn sitting in the bushes listening in on your talk? Didn't they teach you anything?"

The two friends looked at each other in surprise.
"Qui-Gon was sitting in the bushes?" Obi-wan asked incredously. "I didn't notice, did you?"

"No," Garen admitted.

Xanatos sighed deeply. "Right, you and I are going to have lesson about being one with the Force tomorow and on being aware of your surroundings at all times."

"I am aware of my surroundings." Obi-Wan protested.

"Obviously not." Xanatos said pointedly.

"But we're in the temple here." Garen threw in.

"Doesn't matter where you are. Be it on a mission, on the intergalactical hugging festival or in the temple, you never want to be open to a surprise attack. You know what, Muln? Tell your Master that I am kidnapping you for the day tomorrow. It's clear that you need that lesson just as much as Obi-Wan does."

"There is an intergalactical hugging festival?" Obi-Wan asked at the same time as Garen exclaimed. "What? I don't need any such lesson."

"Yes, you do." Xanatos stated firmly.

By the time the three men had entered the building Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn was still squatting behind the bushes attempting to calm down his racing heart. For a moment he had been sure that Xanatos would seriously injure Obi-Wan and he hadn't been able to move even one limb of his body. He stood up and made his way back to his rooms, his legs feeling wobbly. He knew he had seen true terror on Obi-Wan's face so why had he played along afterwards and laughed and joked with him? How was Xanatos able to control him like that?

Ok, so this is long. Really long. Maybe I should have split it in two but I don't know where. Anyway, hope you liked it and that there is still someone out there keeping an eye on this story.