After arriving at Mas' room, we sat in silence, she was reading her books from foreign lands, while I was just sitting lost in thought of what I was going to do for my father's people. No. My people. Mas then stops reading,

"What are we going to do today Rah"

"We are going to help the people of the poor and middle district"

"Great idea Rah, should we change our clothes and wear a shemagah so that we don't raise much suspicion" Mas says now smiling

"I do not know yet, I want my people to know it is I who is helping them but then again it should not matter who it is that is helping them" I say while yawning a little

"But think of this Rah, if we go as ourselves we surely won't be bothered like we were last time"

"Hmm…I see" "But last time was just the result of a wicked Templar's acts against the people, who got caught by us then…" I was cut short by Mas'

"Who became furious that you were talking to him as if he was as low as dirt"

"But he was Mas, keeping the people from their food, by locking it up in crates so that they starve to death. Then I simply stepped forth and said many nasty things to that Templar simply because he deserved it. And the only reason why he was removed was because he did not know I was the princess and that he had no right to keep the people from their food."

"You are right Rah, my apologies, but when we do venture to the districts, try to hold that tongue of yours so that nothing like that will ever happen again" says Mas now pouring herself and I a glass of water.

"Yes, I will try to do so" I say smiling and Mas looks at me as if she does not believe me and then I add now laughing "If it gets my people what they want and during that ordeal the people got their food back, then I shouldn't hold my tongue" Mas then looks at me with a smile.

After Mas and I reminiscence of that event and the morning disappears and afternoon approaches, we plan how we were going to help the people of the other districts.

"How about we just view the two districts and see what it is they need" says Mas

"Do you know of what you speak of? Of course we know of what the people need." I say a little upset and annoyed

"Sorry Rah, I did not mean to upset you" Mas says in a low voice accompanied by a bow.

"No…there is no need for that" I say with a wary smile "But we must plan something to improve conditions and the lives of the people.

"What do you have in mind Rah?

"Hmm….I don't know just yet" I say coolly, now walking from the table to Mas balcony and laying down on the cot of lavish pillows located under a beautiful multicolored canopy.

"Well think about it because the afternoon is upon us" says Mas still sitting at the table now eating berries.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door, then followed by the voice of Mrs. Raje.

"What are you two girls doing" Mrs. Raje asks politely

"Nothing mother, we are just discussing what we should do today. Mas says quite annoyed.

"Okay Mas'ouda" Mrs. Raje says to Mas returning the annoyed tone. "What about your guards Amirah, do you want them to continue to wait in the garden or do you wish for me to dismiss them?"

"Dismiss them please" I say politely

"As you wish Amirah" Mrs. Raje says then leaves. I listen to her foot steps grow faint as she walks down the hall. Mas then comes to join me out on the balcony.

"Why did you dismiss your guards? You know how upset your father is going to be because of this."

"Yes I do, but I do not care of what my father thinks all I care for is my people and they're future"

"Hm….I understand that Rah, but what if we run into trouble again?"

"I doubt something like last time would happen again, but if it does we will simply find some city guards to aid us."

"Ok….I suppose, have you planned what we are going to do for the people?"

"We will travel through the two districts buying property"

"Then what Rah?"

"After buying the property we can create jobs by hiring people of the two districts to create schools, orphanages, and tenets, buildings of that nature." I say with a smile on my face.

"Yes that is great Rah, but what will be next? I know you will create jobs by having people build the buildings but what about after that?"

"Many of the building that will be built will propose training in a skill so that adults can make their own money that will support them and their families"

"Ah…that is brilliant Rah" Mas says smiling

"Yes,…just like the saying goes Give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a life time" I say laughing

"After all the property is bought, and the buildings are built who is possibly going to manage the business, certainly not the two of us"

"Hm…well we will have to just find trustworthy landowners and merchants" I say now relaxed.

"This is so great Rah, the city and the people will be better once this plan of yours happens, I am sure of it. But what are you going to do when your father finds out?"

"Who said I care about my father finding out?" I say still relaxed.

"WHAT…" Mas says now alerted "But if you aren't going to do anything about your parents then it will be the end."

"I'm not so sure…my father and mother already know how much I care about this city and its people and surely they know that interfering would not stop me"

"That is true, but you forgot one thing" Mas says still alert

"What is that?" I say a little annoyed

"Marriage" Mas says now wary

I do not say anything to Mas but look at her in shock. She is right, my parents can arrange a suitor for me at any time, and that would be the end of my plan. But then again….will it? Mas looks at me suspiously noticing the change from my shocked expression to normal.

"What is it that you are thinking Rah?"

"If my parents do find a suitor for me, I will make sure he will be willing to help me achieve my goal"

"How will you do that" Mas asks now confused

"I don't know just yet" I say now smiling

"Ah…Rah you truly are something." Mas says now relaxed. "So shall we be off on our mission?"

"Yes, we should before evening approaches" I say getting up from the cot under the canopy and exiting the balcony, then heading towards the door readying to leave followed by Mas.

Upon reaching the middle district, Mas and I walk among the people of this district. Some of the people arouse strange glances at us knowing that we do not belong, but the good thing is that Mas and I have our shemgahs drawn to cover our faces so that we cannot be identified.

"Hey Rah, this looks like a good building to remodel as a school"

The building is of medium height and is decently wide, it also has two floors and next to it lies am empty courtyard, excellent to allow the children time to play.

"It is a little slum, but we will handle that" I say smiling.

Mas goes and examines the opposite side of the building while I look around to find anyone who may know of the owner. I then spot a merchant stationed at his venue and I begin to walk over.

"Excuse me sir, do you know who may own that building?" I ask as I point to the building I want to purchase.

"Yes, fair maiden I own that building" he says casually

"Is it for sale" I ask joyfully

"Perhaps" says the merchant now looking over his pottery

"How much would like?" I ask mildly excited

"Not much fair maiden, as you can see the condition it is in." the merchant says now looking towards the building.

"Well, then I will pay you five hundred shekels (which is equivalent to 50 US dollars)"

The merchant then smiles profusely and says "Thy fair maiden has a deal"

"Thank you so much, sir….by the way what is your name?" I ask happily

"Just call me Moe" Moe says now smiling, he then quickly adds "And what might yours be fair maiden?"

I smile and then say "Just call me Karida."

"Ok, Karida allow me to gather a contract for you and the building will be yours"

Once Moe seized the contract and I signed, I then went back over to tell Mas of our success.

"Mas, I've got a contract from the previous owner of this building." I then take the contract out of the bag I was carrying to allow Mas to see.

"Hmm…this is great Rah" Mas says while examining the contract. I then go and examine the building once more, before looking for others.

"Rah, I've got one question"


"Why did you use the name Karida?"

"Because, if I gave my name he would know who I was"

"But, is this contract any good with a false name" Mas says a little annoyed

"It is not false, it is simply my middle name" I say now serious. "Why would you even ask that question to me, you should have known that was my middle name"

"Sorry Rah" Mas says now a little saddened

"It is quite alright" I say as I smile at Mas warily "But lets get back to the matter, we need to find more property"

"Okay then, lets get going" Mas says as she readies to leave

"Wait….let us split up, you can finish looking in the remainder of the middle district and I will go to the poor district." I say still serious

"Are you sure Rah?" Mas says a little uneasy.

"Yes we will meet back at your house before night fall, now be off" I say to Mas as I take the contract and place it inside my bag before turning to leave.

I arrive at the poor district, I was welcomed by an unsatifing sight. Children are on the streets, women are out on the corner begging for money or selling themselves, and the men are drunk and savagely looking while only a few men look decent and have vendors selling goods.

"Looks like I have a lot of work to do" I say to myself as I walk down the street.

As I walk down the street, the women look at me with envy, the men look at me with greed and lust filled eyes while the children look at me with sorrow. One particular boy stands out to me, he has a brown robe on with black pants and no shoes. His hair looks like it could be black but it has dirt ravaged throughout. His face has traces of filth but in his dark blue eyes are traces of hope. As I continue to look at the young boy I notice that he is standing in front of an abandoned building….now that I look it is a row of four abandoned buildings! I begin to approach the buildings and examine them. I look through the windows and check the doors, just as I finished checking the door of the last building on the right. I found a latter leading to the roof. I then climb the ladder and examine the roofs of the buildings. People among the streets look at me as if I am not of a sound mind. One woman then stops to speak to me.

"Miss, what are you doing?" asks the woman on the street. I then look down from the roof and notice the woman. She is not much older than I, she is wearing a maroon disdasha with a black shemgah. She to has no shoes but yet has jewelry.

"O, nothing just checking these buildings"

"Well, are you looking for a place to stay?"


"If you are it would be wise not to sleep in either of these buildings but to go to the central area of this district. There you will find merchants not of this land who are selling food, clothing and rooms for rent"

"Ah thank you…." I say waiting for her to tell me her name.

"Saidah" she says warmly

"Thank you" Is all I say. Saidah then leaves and I climb down from the roof and return to the front to the building that is placed in the center. That boy is still here, it seems as if he is waiting for me. I then approach him.

"Hello, young man" I say with a warm smile, but he does not respond, but only smiles. I then speak again.

"Are you hungry?" I ask still smiling, but still no answers from the boy, only smiles. I then become a little worried.

"What is wrong with this boy?" I ask myself. I then ask a more personal question.

"Shouldn't you be home with your family? Where is your mother and father?" I ask kindly. The boy's smile fades and he begins to talk.

"They are gone" is all he says

"Do you have a place to live? Is there a orphanage? I ask now a little upset.

"No" he says but then quickly adds. "Only in the middle district"

I then look at him with sadness in my eyes. Not only because of his condition, but because I used to be in a similar situation, the only difference is that I had my parents well….at least my mother.