Authoress: "I got the idea for this fanfict when I heard Jordin Sparks "shy boy" song.
Hunni: "Not as amazing as CAKE!" -sparkle-
Authoress: "Yeah...cake..." -stare-
Hunni: "Want some?"
Authoress: "Yes!"
Hikaru/Kaoru: "I dont think so. You need to do the story!" -grabs and drags away-
Authoress: "NOOOOOO!" -sobs-
Hunni: "Yay! Oh yeah, Host club dosent belong to her, right, Takashi?" -eats cake-
Mori: "Ah."
"We're in the door, I get a smile from a fly boy
He seen me before and makes his move like a fly boy
I'm sick and tired of them fly boys
It's bye bye boy."
The bell rings, signaling the end of the last class of the school day at Ouran High. Haruhi slowly puts all of her books in her bag, feeling tired and slightly dreading club for the first time in many months. She had gotten used to it, and frequently has even begun to enjoyed herself lately. However she was feeling tired from studying all night, but knew the wrath of the demon lord would be upon her if she didn't go. She stood, noticing that she was the last to leave, the rest of the students had hurried off as soon as the bell had rung, chatting excitedly. She walked out the door, only to be pulled to the side by the quieter of the Hitachiin twins. Haruhi was surprised, but more surprised that Hikaru was nowhere to be seen.
He just smiled at her and put a finger to his lips.
"I have a surprise for you!" he whispered, pulling her down the hall.
"A...suprise?" Haruhi tilted her head and looked up at Kaoru with a innocent face, making him blush the smallest bit. He coughed and nodded.
"But...wheres Hikaru?"
Kaoru frowned for a mere moment, then gave her a large smile. "Its a secret suprise...just for you."
Haruhi blinked her large eyes up at him. It's too bad out little Heroine doesn't know how to take a hint. Or does she? She stopped walking, causing Kaoru to come to a halt also.
"Kaoru, wait, I have to go get my things before club…" She protested, pulling away. Kaoru quickly grabbed her wrist.
"Please, Haruhi..." He pleaded, his eyes imploring her and telling her what he couldnt say. She just shook her head and gently pulled her wrist from his grasp.
"Im sorry, Kaoru...but I have to go. I'll...see you in club." She touched his shoulder softly and left. He stared after her, sighing. Finally when she was out of his sight he put his hands in his pockets and left for club, hoping with slight bitterness that maybe Hikaru would have better luck.
Authoress: Just wait, it gets better. I swear.