Authoress: "Dont you just love carnivals? And what would make a carnival better, if not a little Conyuu?? Muahaha..."

Gwen: "Would you get on with it already?" -glare-

Authoress: "Wahh!! Okay Okay, no need for the evil eye, Gweny..."

Gwen: "I told you not to call me that!!" -DOOM-

Authoress: "EEEK!" -flees-

Conrad: "Oh dear. As the authoress is currently sobbing in the other room, i will take the time to tell you that Kyou Kara Maoh does not belong to her." -legendary smile-


Yuuri and Conrad were in Yuuris world, enjoying the pleasures of a local festival. The rest of the bunch had gone off somewhere, and Conrad offered to treat Yuuri to some Cotton candy, who accepted eagerly.

"That'll be one please." Conrad said to the man behind the cart, handing over the proper amount of money that he had received from Jennifer.

"Just one Conrad? What about you?" Yuuri questioned.

Conrad smiled. "Don't worry about me, your majesty."

The man behind the cart handed Yuuri his Cotton Candy and Yuuri bit into it with relish. "Mmm, pink and blue, the best!"

Conrad laughed and said, "I'm glad you are enjoying it."

Yuuri smiled back at Conrad, feeling extremely happy to be here with him. It was almost perfect.

"Oh…Your Majesty…" Conrad said.

Yuuri blinked. "Yes, Conrad?"

Conrad pointed to Yuuris face and said, "You have some on your face."


Suddenly Conrad got a wicked glint in his eye. "Allow me, your Highness."

Conrad grabbed Yuuri's chin and leaned down, licking off the cotton candy slowly.

Yuuri's heart skipped a beat as he felt the mans rough tongue on his skin and his face flushed.


Conrad smiled innocently, as if this was a completely normal thing to do. "There. All better, your highness."


After a moment, Yuuri added. "And its YURRI, Godfather."

Conrad simply laughed, and Yuuri couldn't help but join in.

Altogether it was another end to a perfect day with Conrad.

Authoress: -back in action- Cute, ne? Leave some reviews, tell me if you want more! :)