AN- Here we are then! To my familiar readers, thank you for keeping up and tagging along for the next part in the series which I recently decided would be a series.

For those of you new to this story, it is a sequel to my other work of fiction 'When Tables Turn'. Although you might be able to keep up, it is advisable you read that one first then you'll be completely clear, especially in the Dorian department….

I do not own any of these characters, geniuses do, and the concept of the League belongs to Alan Moore and Kevin O Neill, who are also geniuses. However, the lost Agent you will meet belongs to me. I also give credit to Jess Nevins who wrote the accompaniments to the Graphic Novels, which I use for background research and references and who is amazing for noting all of those references out for avid (or obsessive…I fall into this category) fans.

Let us begin…

1st September
British Museum, Bloomsbury

The grey streets of London were graced with a splash of colour- at least within Hyde and Regent's park. The leaf fall of autumn had approached and brought with it a wave of auburn, orange and deep reds to the ground.

The leaf litter which had been blown onto the streets skittered about the large stairway to the grand British Museum. Inside, away from the public eye, although truly rare additions to the building that day, 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' were seated at a long, dark wood table in a lower and secret room, awaiting an Agent of the British Empire

On making their return from Venice, they had received a message from the British Government requesting their immediate return to London and their attendance at meeting with Agent Campion Bond, whom they had met briefly in Venice- and brushed off; with more important matters at hand at the time.

Now they waited, being taken down a flight of stairs to what appeared to be an off limits library. The door panels had each displayed the Masonic symbols of the compass and right angle and were painted a deep blue colour.

''Bit ominous, isn't it?'' The Invisible man had quipped lightly as Mrs. Harker had pushed these doors open, leading them into the room which an attendant had lead them to. They were informed that Mr. Bond would arrive shortly.

Skinner had settled himself down in a chair with a glass of sherry from the side cabinet while Doctor Jekyll took a slow walk around the room, being unfamiliar with it himself. He admired the vast collection of books and the portraits which donned the walls; seeming to be paintings of past Leagues…'Prospero' he read quietly, looking at the names listed beneath the painting.

Mina, the Captain and Mr. Skinner, had visited this place before to meet Moriarty on their first mission. Dorian Gray gave a sigh of tedium as he drummed his ringed fingers on the table. Raising a perfect eyebrow at Wilhelmina, he ceased drumming and laid his pale hand out flat upon the table.

''Are we going to be waiting much longer?'' He asked. The vampiress frowned at her fellow immortal.

''I would not know, Dorian,'' she replied simply, her slim fingers linked together on the table, ''but we must be patient, even if the Agents of the Empire are incapable of being punctual…''

''You're just saying that because you're on time this time around.'' Skinner remarked with a painted grin after emptying his glass. The Doctor, done with his tour of the room, joined them at the table.

''I must admit I am apprehensive about this whole affair,'' He said, looking around the table at his calm, albeit bored, tram mates. ''With our entire recruitment the ruse of a megalomaniac..?''

The Indian sat across from him nodded quietly, a dark hand running over his beard in thought. Before anyone could answer the Doctor, the doors opened again and the portly gentleman who they had encountered briefly in Venice arrived, seeming slightly flustered.

''Do forgive my late arrival.'' He said, approaching the table. Mrs. Harker was seated at the head of the table and he stared at her for a moment, as though he had expected to sit there. He cleared his throat and began to hand out a set of files which he carried under one arm. Each file was marked with a small, illustrated symbol- a silhouette of a gentleman with a cane and a question mark for a head.

''What is this, Bond?'' Nemo asked, frowning as he took up the file passed to him. The larger man nodded as if to say silently that he was getting to it.

''I understand, Captain, you want to know your purpose for being here- I shall explain everything.'' Bond replied. His dark hair was neatly tousled and he removed a sleek, silver cigarette case from his pocket. Skinner watched curiously- it was exactly the same as Moriarty's had been, with a large harlequin etched onto the case.

''Now- the Government is fully aware of the circumstances surrounding your creation.'' He began, resting his cane against the table. The Captain noticed that upon the handle was etched a small amount of Morse code, translating to '007'. ''It was a mishap that you should have been brought together under Professor Moriarty rather than myself, or Mr. 'M'- the true Mr. 'M' that is to say.''

''True Mr. 'M'?'' Mina asked, frowning at Bond. ''There is another?''

''Indeed, Mrs. Harker. The Professor did not earn his title as 'Napoleon' of crime lightly. His contacts were extensive…'' Bond replied, fidgeting with his cigarette case nervously for a moment.

''Who's M?'' Agent Sawyer inquired slouched casually in his chair with his arms folded. ''We gotta right to know…''

''And what did you mean by your earlier statement?'' Nemo added suspiciously. Bond removed a cigarette and held it between two chubby fingers as he slipped the case away again.

''You will meet with him yourselves, eventually. And Captain- I merely meant to say that yours is not the first League to have come together for the British Empire. Unfortunately Moriarty brought you together before the Government had the chance.'' Striking a match, Bond lit his cigarette and puffed upon it lightly, the end glowed a bright red as he inhaled. The smoke rose and curled upwards. ''It is unfortunate that Mr. Quatermain was lost in the effort.''

''So you're telling us that we are a League now? An official one?'' The thief asked, his painted eyebrows raised while his lips curled into a little smirk. Campion nodded and gestured towards the files in front of them.

''Now if you'd just like to examine your files, there are some matters which need attending to which require your particular 'skills'…''

The six League members opened their files and were greeted with a daguerreotype of a middle aged slim man with fair hair, well dressed and holding a cane very similar to Bonds.

''This man is one of our 'boys'-'' Bond began to explain, when Sawyer interjected.

''You mean spies.''

''Our boys.'' Campion replied with a nod, smiling wryly. ''Agent Lucius Fox, 004. He was charged with investigating the case you see first- the disappearance of Miss Alice Liddell two months ago.''

''I recall reading that, actually.'' Skinner said, frowning as he pulled out a photograph of the young girl in question. ''Thought she'd been abducted, didn't they?''

''It would appear not to be the case, Mr. Skinner.'' The larger Englishman informed him, standing where they could all see him. ''Agent 004 left notes- as you can see- about a strange 'vortex' which appeared in Oxford, where the girl vanished. Since he went to investigate, we have lost all track and communication- he has vanished as well.''

''Into this so called 'vortex' I take it. And you wish for us to follow them both into it with no idea where it may lead or what it contains.'' Gray deduced with a frown, unimpressed by the prospect.

''Half of you- yes.'' Bond replied flatly. The group all frowned at this comment.

''Half of us? What are you talking about?'' The Doctor inquired with a hint of nerves in his voice. Why would they be split up?

''There is another case which requires your services. A paranormal disturbance in Sussex, people have been murdered, women attacked, houses robbed and ransacked, all unexplained.'' Rubbing out his cigarette in an ashtray, Bond adjusted the rings on his fingers casually.

The League members exchanged dubious glances, all of them seeming to be thinking the same thing. They had just managed to stick together after the explosions on the ship- and now they were being broken up..?

''Who is to attend to which case?'' Mina asked, turning her blue eyes to the British Agent. He gave a light shrug in reply.

''That is for you to decide amongst yourselves.'' He replied promptly, straightening out his shirt cuffs and cufflinks. ''Everything you need know is in these files. Thank you for your prompt return.'' He gave them a polite nod and took up his cane, leaving the library and disappearing up the stairs.

''How do you like that?'' Rodney said, pointing with a gloved hand after him. ''We got here on time and we came from Italy!''

''So did he, if you recall, Mr. Skinner. And he did not have the Nautilus…come along gentlemen.'' Mina said with a sigh, rising from the table. She lead the way out, back into the public part of the museum and out into a waiting Hansom cab to take them back to the docks at Wapping.

To Be Continued...