This is going to be a good one. Plz enjoy.

Erik saves a girl from the opera house fire who tern's out to be his little sister. She was the only person who ever understood him. Since Erik has been away the family has grew, dad was dead. The oldest children were looking after themselves and the others are being cared for by other families, but she was left behind… or that's what she told him.

(Erik's P.O.V)

On the way out I couldn't resist one last look at the burning stage, I turned to take a quick look out of box five as I passed, when something caught my eye. I looked down and saw an old woman. I took a closer look and saw that it was my mum! What the hell was she doing here? I was absolutely horrified. I watched as she held a girl, around the age of 14, up to her face and shouted "You're a stupid mistake you are, just like your big brother Erik. Your just another freak that this world wastes good time on. I hope you all burn in hell." she screeched before throwing her up onto the stage just as a circle of fire closed and started closing in on her.

I felt the need to save her, save my little sister, the sister I forgot existed, the sister who actually understood me. I started looking around to carefully plan how I was going to do this, but I was sharp pulled away from my thoughts when I herd her go into a fit of coughs, she started to cry out, "HELP! Mum don't leave me here, please! I whish Erik was here I whish I had my big brother here to save me. Some one please help me." and then she started coughing again. At this rate she was going to suffocate before I could do anything. I just jumped down and landed behind her. She turned around and smiled at me, "Erik!" she whispered before she collapsed into my arms. I began to panic a little, fearing that she had suffocated and was to severally effected for me to save her. I jumped threw the flames, my cape protecting my skin from the fire and trying to keep the young girl in my arms unharmed.

I climbed down into my lair. We would be safe here. My lair was protected because it had, I guess you could say, a thick coating of stone, everything around it was stone so the fire would never get us. And there was a way of getting into the sewers from here and threw the sewers you could get straight into the hart of the city of Paris, so we could live here, even if the whole opera house did collapse.

I gently placed her into the bed, were Christine would have once slept, had he not let her chose and let her go with Roual, trying not to wake her if she were still alive. I listened and could here her breathing softly, she was alive! I sighed in relief. I pulled up a chair to sit next to her when suddenly her breath quickened and turned ragged, she was fighting for her breath as if her chest was to heavy or something was crushing her. She became hot and her forehead was decorated with beads of sweat. I didn't know what to do, so I did what I do best, sing. I sung to her while rocking her in my arms and dabbing her head with a cool cloth.


Not a sound from the pavement.

Has the moon list her memory?

She is smiling alone.

In the lamp light,

The withered leaves collect at my feat.

And the wind begins to moan.


All alone in the moonlight.

I can smile at the old days,

I felt beautiful then.

I remember the time I knew what happiness was,

Let the memory live again."

I had finish my part of the song. I would normally sing that to her at night when she was a baby.We got put in the same room because no one wanted to hear her cry or me sing and the room was sound proofed. Since she was 6 months old she could talk and she would sing with me. To my surprise I felt something move and a voice, almost as beautiful as Christine's drifted to my ears.

"Every street lamp seemed to beat,

A fatalistic warning.

Some one mutters,

And the street lamp gutters.

And soon it will be morning.

Day light,

I must wait for the sun rise.

I must wait for the sun rise,

I must think of a new life.

And I mustn't give in.

When the dawn comes,

Tonight will be a memory too.

And a new day will begin."

The girl singing was my sister, she was awake! For the first time in ever so long I had a meaningful smile on my face, small, but noticeable and meaningful. She noticed and grinned back at me, and we began to sing together, just like when we were kids.

"Burnt out ends of Smokey days,

The stale cold smell of morning.

The street lamp dies,

Another night is over.

And soon it will be morning.

Touch me,

It's so easy to leave me.

all alone with my memory,

Of my days in the sun.

If you'd touch me,

You'd understand what happiness is.


a new day has begun."

She looked at me and giggled, her jade green eyes sparkled and danced with mischief and happiness. Her eyes were so much like mine, before she could talk her eyes were a sapphire blue, like dad's. I had feared she would take after my dad, I was the only one in my family with green eyes. But I was regarded a freak for that as well, if she had another eye colour like I had, she would get the same treatment as me, and I didn't want that for her, she was my little sister after all.

"Lilly!" I said and her grin turned into a mischievous smirk, her hand shot out and started to tickle my stomach. It felt a little annoying since I had not been tickled in a while, but I laughed, I couldn't help but laugh, she was so cheeky and sweet and she knew my most ticklish spots.

"No… please… stop! Your going… to… give me a stitch." I begged between giggles. She stopped and pouted with her arms folded across her chest.

Just when she dropped her guard I started to tickle her. At first she started to giggle but then let in a sharp gasp of pain. "Lilly! Are you ok? I didn't heart you did I?" I started to panic again.

"No, it's not you. I cut myself." I said.

"You've heart yourself?" I asked, worried that she had done this on purpose.

(Lilly's P.O.V)

Oh my god! I can't believe I have found you! I screamed in my head.I had realised what I had said and needed to cover it up. "I fell over and there was a sword lying on the floor and it somehow cut me a little, I didn't want any one else to know or mum would have killed me herself." I quickly said.

I looked into his eyes and he nodded. He must have fallen for it. He wasn't ready for the truth. Hopefully now, no one would need to know since there's nothing to worry about.

(Erik's P.O.V)

I just nodded, I had a feeling that wasn't the truth but what was important was that her wound was taken care of. There was a loud "THUD" from above as the rest of the opera house fell to pieces, but I ignored. I took her arms away from were she was clutching her stomach, her dress was already red so you couldn't tell if she was bleeding, but her arms were soaked in crimson liquid. I took of her dress and dressed her into some of my own cloths, ones that I had warn around the time I first came, they were much to small for me, as I dressed her I did not dare let my eyes wander. The cloths may have felt strange to her, being used to wearing dresses and not boyish cloths, but it would have been much more comfortable. I used a ripped piece of cloth to try and stop the bleeding so I could stitch the wound.

Just when I thought everything was ok she fainted and broke out into a fever. She had lost so much blood it was to much for her to cope with while she was awake. I continued to help her but allowing her to sleep so she would not feel so much pain.

Finally she stopped bleeding and I used some clean thread to stitch her up. I decided that she would be ok. I needed to get to sleep, but I still feared that she would die in her sleep and I would be asleep too, she would die alone! But I decided to ignore these silly thoughts and go to sleep. She was going to be fine.