A/N: New idea that somehow crept into my brain, while I was writing something else.

Disclaimer: Nope, not mine. I only own the cool guidance counsellor. You'll meet her soon.


Chapter One

Week One: Monday

She walked into my office, with a heavy sigh, and the saddest expression I've ever seen on a person. Well, she might be worried about going into a decent college, but she shouldn't because we've had this talk already. Her grades were pretty impressive, and if UCLA didn't take her then I'll be forced to intervene to vouch for her.

She looked at me, and gave me a small smile, as she sat on my couch, dropping her decorated backpack next to her. She looked like her dog just died. God, I hope not. I love dogs, even though I'm into cats too.

Which would account for the scratches on my arm.

"I'm sorry, Laura, I just needed to come here. I didn't make an appointment or anything," she said, her face showing slight alarm. I'm Laura Whitman, but I allow the kids to call me by my first name, so that there are no barriers or anything like that. I know some are harder to reach than others.

"Zoey, it's fine, so what's on your mind?" I asked her, out of genuine concern, because I really like Zoey Brooks. When I found out, I was pregnant, she was the only one that knew, besides my husband. But now, I'm due in three and a half months, and the belly in front of me makes it quite obvious. Now, everyone knows, and the well-wishes have been awesome.

Okay, lets get off my pregnancy for the moment.

"It's just that prom is going up in a month, and everyone's been getting into the hype and stuff. I'm just really torn right now," she explained, as she quietly sniffled. I handed her the tissue box on my desk and she pulled one out, using it to dab at her eyes, and stopped the tears that wanted to fall. I silently let her know that she could continue. Seriously, she so had undivided attention.



"When I came back from England, I found out that Chase loved me. He said he was in love with me. I actually found out before he left, and I was ready to tell him that I know as I soon I got back to PCA. I was ready to just find him, and lay everything on the line, but I found out that he had moved to England thinking I was still there. When we finally did talk via webcam, we agreed on a date…"

What the…

"Uhm, Zoey? How is it possible to go on a date with someone five thousand miles away?"

"I took my laptop with me. And it was great until we lost the connection. After Quinn came by, and fixed it, we both came to the conclusion that it wasn't going to work, and agreed we could date other people. Then he told me he loved me…"



And they think teachers don't know these things! Okay, Laura, calm down.

Calm down, and act professional. Be comforting, but not judgemental or one-sided. Partially is not the way. I cleared my throat awkwardly, and brush my bangs from my eyes.

"So, how do you feel? Are – or were the feelings mutual?"

Zoey covered her face in her hands, and looked at me, with her brown eyes shining with confusion, frustration, and I swear, I could catch a little bit of anger in them. Ah, the life of a teenage girl in distress. I'm serious. There need to be a theme song to this.

"Yes, and no," she answered, with a quite heavy sigh, and moved her hair from her face.

"Care to elaborate?"

"I mean, I told him I loved him too. I did, and I felt like I was able to sort of lay things on the table with him. So that was that, and it wasn't until a couple weeks later until I saw him, and he was Logan and Michael new roommate…" she said, as she finally developed some interest in her red ballet flats. And suddenly, I get it, because I've had a few talks with one Mr. Logan Reese. That boy is so complex. Haha. And I know he can't get along with him to a certain extent. Yet this session doesn't even revolve around Logan at all.

Zoey Brooks, Laura. Zoey Brooks.

"James Garrett?" I offered, with sympathy. Zoey looked at me, with new tears in the corners of her eyes. She nodded.

"James…" she said, finally, as a tear rolled down her cheeks. "I'm usually able to figure things out, but for once I can't. And it's sucks, Laura. It sucks."

I know how to feels to be torn. Honestly, when I found out I was pregnant I wasn't really expecting it. It was one of the most shocking things ever, because Gary's an engineer, and I was scared a baby would get in the way of his career. I'm against abortion, but if I had actually gone through with it, I think I'd hate myself forever.

And besides, I love the little girl growing inside of me all ready. I'm still working out on names. Something meaningful, you know?

"And it sucks feeling like a whale sometimes," I pointed out with a laugh, and placed a hand on my belly. She laughed through her tears, and I'm glad I could at least make her smile. It was temporary, but at least it was a smile.

"I don't want to be someone's executioner, and I love James. I really do, but I don't know if I'm in love with him. I don't want to hurt anybody, and it's going to be hard because I know Chase is coming back, and James only knows him by word of mouth," Zoey explained. "I can honestly that I have feelings for both, but it's difficult for me."

Wow, is this reminiscent of Degrassi or what? The classic love triangle never gets old.

"Look, you have about a month to prom, which is roughly four or five weeks. There's a lot of time. I want you to think about it, and make a list. It's classic but works every time. One for James and one for Chase. On both sides, I want you list their strengths and their weaknesses. Like pros and cons. But think about it, and before you do anything, come here first, and we'll talk it out some more if you like. Would you like that?"

She stood, smiling, "Yeah, I would, and I'll consider your idea."

"I'm glad to hear it, Zoey."

"Later Laura. I have English class," she said, and I quickly wrote her a guidance slip because in the staff room, we know that Eleanor has a stick up her ass. And she constantly flaunts that she's had thirty years experience.



Excuse my French.

I handed the pink paper to her, and she said thank you, and was about to walk away when she turned around in my direction, a curious look on her face.



"Boy or girl?"

I beamed proudly, and I can't get over the fact that she's been kicking. It's amazing.

"It's a girl, Zoey," I said, happily, and she gently hugged me in congratulations. I hugged back, because I like hanging out with my students. And interacting with them. That's the fulfilling part of my day.

I love this job.


Week One: Tuesday

Today was indescribable.

Even as a little girl, I planned my wedding. All of animals would attend, sitting up close and I'd wear a pretty white princess dress. After I kissed my husband, I'd celebrate by having the best party ever. Funny how everything planned and spawned from a six-year-old could work out. Today, as the minister droned on and on, I was in my white wedding gown, train and all. I was only mere minutes for becoming Mrs. Gary Daniel Whitman.

He took my hands in his, his smile radiant and he was clad in a black and white tuxedo, an ivory clad flower in his lapel. The blue eyes I fell for in college were sparkling with happiness. My happiness and joy were threatening to brim over in the form of tears that were evident in my green ones.

"You may kiss the bride…"

Our lips met in a kiss, and it was as if time stopped, and we were the only ones in the church, that sunny California day. Sure, I was aware of what happiness was, but on that day, as our friends and families broke out in cheer when we parted lips, and hugged tightly, I really knew what happiness was.

And that too, was indescribable.

I've always been indifferent to Tuesdays. Seriously. It's not a random thought this time. I was born on a Tuesday, the gas prices always seem lower on Tuesday, and the best shopping sales happen on a Tuesday. It's on this particular Tuesday that I realized my fingers look slighter bigger than usual and my wedding ring will have to resized, since I'm starting to sausage fingers. On this particular Tuesday, I'm kind of thrown of guard when it's not Zoey, but her younger brother, Dustin, standing in my doorway.

He's only been in here a few times, so I know him well enough.

"So, Dustin? What can I do for you?" I questioned, as he plopped himself on the couch, facing my desk. He looked at me, and then looked at his shoes. I swear, I just saw his face turn pink. He answered, looking at me, and he was overly nervous.

Ten tucks says it's about a girl.

"Well, Laura, it's about this girl in my math class…"

YES! I RULE! I may be pregnant with somewhat swollen fingers, but I don't care. I freaking RULE!

I'm the sh – Whoopsie, my bad. I guess you can excuse my Spanish too.

I nodded, encouragingly, "Well, tell me about her."

"Well, her name is Sienna Carmichael. I don't know. She's a dark brunette, with the prettiest hazel eyes ever. Not only is she cute and really pretty, but she's cool to do homework with. It all started when she wasn't getting algebra, so I volunteered to help her. And we've been hanging out more and more ever since," Dustin explained, sighing, and ran a hand through his blond hair. "I kind of want to take her out on a date, and then possibly ask her to go to prom with me."

"Then while you're doing homework with her, just casually bring it up," I offered, and then warned. "But don't sound too eager, and I know you'll probably roll your eyes at this, but just be Dustin, and no one else."

Your sister was in here yesterday, crying because she was torn about which boy she loved more.

Ah, so affairs of the heart are genetic. I clearly didn't know that. It's not sarcasm. Seriously, I didn't know.

Dustin looked at his watch, "I've got to meet her at the quad right now."

"Here's a lollipop for good luck," I said, tossing Dustin a strawberry flavoured one. I winked at him, with a smile. "Zoey asks, you didn't get me from me, alright?"

Dustin nodded, grinning like the love stoned boy I knew he was, "Gotcha, Laura. And thanks."

Hey, I listen to Justin Timberlake too. She's got me love stoned, I think that she knows, I think that she knows.

And I'm only twenty eight, so I don't see thirty for another two years. Okay? Okay. We're clear.

He bounded out of my office, and I realized why Tuesdays were really significant to me. On this Tuesday, I just thought of the most perfect name for the little girl, currently bouncing around inside me.

Erin Nicole Whitman

And on this Tuesday, it marked my sixth month of pregnancy.

I guess the indifferent approach is not one after all.


Week One: Wednesday

Wednesdays are the middle of the week. And something was bound to happen, as I walked into Pacific Coast Academy. I stepped into my office with Stacy Dillsen already there. What the hell?

"Hi Laura…"

She's been too here too many times. I swear, her psyche is too glass-like. Way too fragile for me, but last time I checked was PCA's psychologist. Um, yay?

I forced a smile, sitting down at my desk, with a mug of green tea. I can't have coffee. Ugh.

"So, Stacey," I cleared my throat, awkwardly bracing myself for that lisp that made it hard to forget. Don't get me wrong. I like Stacy, but when she tells me about her aspirations of being a singer, it's just that she's so far away from reality. It's just sad. "What can I help you with this…time?"

Stacy beamed, and spoke, "Well, I wrote this song, and you're the only that hasn't heard it. My mother said my singing voice was pretty. I just felt like I should sing it, and give me your feedback."

Oh no.

No. No. Oh, God. Not that sassafras song.

For the love of everything that is holy –

"You can sip it in the morning, sip in the evening, even at a quarter to three. 'Cause I like sassafras, you like sassafras, we like sassafras tea!"

Stacey, I'm sorry, but your mother has truly and genuinely lied to you.

My ears are ringing. And I think my head is numb.

"So, how is it? You wanna to me to sing it again – "

"No!" I yelled, abruptly, and I caught the confused look in her face. I shifted in my chair, a little, and forced another smile. Twice in one morning, I'm on a roll. I tapped a nail on my now warm green tea. "Uhm, Stacey, I think you should pursue a more realistic career. Like… uh…"

Come on, brain! WORK, ALREADY!

"Like what? I like singing, Laura…"

"Broadening your horizons and such. You know, you can still keep singing as a hobby, but go out there and explore something else," I explained. "You'll find something that screams Stacy Dillsen can do that!"

Her eyes lit up, and she twirled a lock of her long brown hair around her finger, "You think?"

Um, yeah. Now, don't carry anymore tunes. I like you, Stacey. But you're tone-deaf!

I nodded, "Yes. Now, go try right now…"

"Right now?"

"Yes! Right now! This very instant!"

Stacey stood up, slinging her bag strap over her shoulder, "Okay, I'll go try another hobby. Thanks, Laura!"

Stacy Dillsen was out of my office, finally, and I was able to let out a sigh of relief.

But now my green tea is EFFING WARM!

Again, I repeat, what the hell?


Week One: Thursday

Hello, six months pregnant guidance counsellor here!

Okay, sorry. I'm just bouncy today, and I'm so psyched Gary and I have Erin's nursery almost finished and everything. The mere thought is giving me this crazy adrenaline rush. I found myself while driving here, thinking of Quinn Pensky for some strange reason.

So, imagine my delight where she walked in, but she had a scared look on her face, and she fidgeted. See, now I'm scared, because her 'Quinnventions' get out of control. I've heard things, okay?

"Quinn, what's wrong? Did you knock Lola and Zoey out with stun gas again?" I questioned.

"No, and I'm working out the kinks on that," she answered, shaking her head. She stared at her shoes, and then at me again. "We have to tell something, but this stays between the three of us."

I was confused. What three was she talking about? I stood up, feeling restless, and leaned against the edge of my wooden desk. I just realized this morning that I can't see my feet anymore.

Random thought or what?

And then Logan Reese walked in, closing the door. I always predicted it, but I never, ever…

Oh, damn!

Quinn and Logan shared similar smiles, looking at each other, before they held hands with their fingers interlaced. My eyes almost bugged out of my head. Seriously.

My skin is keeping me from jumping around.



I'm the shit. Bottom line.

We weren't betting on the student's lives or anything. Ahem.

"Laura, Quinn and I have been dating for a few months. We're boyfriend and girlfriend," Logan admitted, with a sheepish smile. I knew it. I so knew it. Because it reminded me of how Gary and I met. But they were adorable. You think those arguments were for nothing. And the fact that Logan always told me about his latest arguments with Quinn, kinda gave him away.

There are things on the inside of Logan Reese which floored me, but he's like a younger, nuttier cousin to me. I can say out of all the students, I've worked with, I can honestly say that I feel the closest to him.

He's actually been playing the violin, since he was about six.

His parents are divorced, but he sees his mother and identical twin brother, Ethan, every other weekend.

And the list goes on and on, but the closet couple intrigues me. I'm curious now.

"So, tell me about when it happened. I'm up for a good story today," I encouraged, and they sat on my sofa, and looked each other before Quinn broke the silence.

"Well, it all started when Mark broke up with me to be with Brooke Margolin…"


Week One: Friday

Society sucks major, and the whole Quinn/Logan – wait, Quogan (I'm so smart! That's a cute merge) thing is adorable and then the thought of them being teenagers crept in. Logan's history with the females isn't actually spotless, but Quinn is the genius smart girl. For your information, I hate, absolutely hate, labels. That's why I refrain from using them.

My dislike for labels seemed irrelevant, but even right now, I can understand why they want to keep it a secret. They're opposites, but the Paula Abdul song says differently. Besides, I find the secret love thing kind of romantic. Ah, forbidden love. Romeo and Julliet. Logan and Quinn. See, the parallel connection I made there?

Now, it's at the end of the week meaning that it's almost the weekend, and I can sleep.

But I put my desire for a well-deserved nap on hold, because it's Friday.

And Friday usually meant that Logan came here to talk, every week. It started because of his anger management program and then anger management was over, and he still came. His life was like those really hard books that had to be read with willpower.

Like every Friday after school, Logan stopped by.

"So, you finally realized you can't see your feet?" he asked me, with a teasing smile on his face.

"Yesterday…" I answered, truthfully. I missed my toes, and how I wouldn't be able to touch them. But there was only three months left before I could actually hold Erin in my arms. We were just so casual about things. Logan isn't the sharpest crayon, but he truly has personality and his own brand of uniqueness. "So, Logan, tell me. How do you feel about Quinn? Are you love stoned?"

Logan stared at me and shook his head, "I knew I shouldn't have uploaded that song to your iPod."

I stuck out my tongue immaturely because that's how I roll.

"Well, tough cookies, Mister. It's been in my head since Tuesday, anyway," I countered, only in a kidding manner. And then, I swear, I saw Logan's cheek flare up with a twinge of pink even though he hated blushing. "The blush in your face totally blows your cover. And I'm the guidance counsellor, so I'm supposed to know about feelings."

"Laura, this face can't blush!"

Michael says that all the time. I only hope the Perkins-Barrett ship hasn't capsized. Not cool. NOT EFFING COOL AT ALL!

"Uh, yeah. It can…"

"God, you totally suck right now…"

I grinned, "You totally love me. But seriously, how do you feel about her?"

Logan sighed, and looked me straight in the eyes, "When it comes to Quinn, Laura. I'm not just love stoned, I'm high as a kite when it comes to her…"

Now, that I've had Logan basically pour his guts out, I'm craving a smoothie. I grabbed my bag, slinging the strap over my shoulder. My car keys and everything I needed was in there.

"I've been craving a smoothie all day," I told him, and pointed a thumb behind me. "Come on, Logan. Smoothies make everyone feel all fuzzy and warm inside."

He shrugged, and we walked out of my now dark office, and the door shut, "So do milk and cookies, but I'm up for a smoothie. Chemistry's lame."

"I thought you were awesome with that though," I pointed out, a confused look taking over my features. Remember when I said Logan was like a book that was difficult to read, I stand corrected. So many complexities surrounding him, and there's always something to learn.

On this Friday, I added another little discovery to my long list of Logan Reese truths.

He was definitely in love with Quinn, and she was a keeper.

Again, I repeat, I love this job.

A/N: Okay, so there's the first chapter. I'm planning up to six chapters, and an epilogue where Laura gives birth. Laura's not a random character. She's important to the story. I'll explain in later chapters. I hope you like Laura's random thoughts, and they made you laugh hard.

