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(( w . Lolz. Thank you for all those who have reviewed, this is now going to be a Loe chapter. Hurrah! Thank you to: hainsy, parakeet17, mmmbopjonasgirl, XLoendLOLiver4evaX, serena94, Wildfirecrazy006, HereIAmWaitingForTheHeartbreak, peach and plum, Sydneysue-01, blackinkedguilt, luv me xoxo GossipGal, and peaceloveejonas.))


Nick and Lilly were unaware Joe was listening to the whole thing. When Nick was going to fetch water in the kitchen, Joe was there . . . yet again taking some food. He didn't answer to Joe's questions, so he just followed him. And now Nick and Lilly were leaving for the mall, it wasn't that far so you could just walk. Joe wanted to come along, make sure they didn't do anything 'funny'.

"C'mon Frankie," Joe said.

"Where are we going?" asked Frankie, rubbing his sleep eyes.

"Silly goose, we're going to the mall!" Joe said, throwing the sheets of Frankie and opening the blinds. Frankie covered his eyes and groaned.

"But I don't wanna!" he wailed, shielding his eyes with his webkinz.

"There's a sale at Toys R Us," Joe said, Frankie grinned.

"I change my mind now I wanna come," Frankie said, getting out of bed.

"Good boy," said Joe, patting him in the head. The truth was they were going to follow Nick and Lilly around; Joe just didn't want to be alone so he decided to bring Frankie.

"Hey Frankie, want to wear a disguise?" Joe asked.

"What for?" Frankie asked.

"Um, uh, so you don't get suspected! I mean, you're so cute and you're our little brother and people know you around here." Joe said. Frankie thought that idea was quite fun.

"Oh, okay!" Frankie said Joe patted Frankie's head. Soon both Joe and Frankie were at the mall wearing their disguises, it was a terrible disguise. It was the kind with the hat, sunglasses, long badge coat, and gigantic mustache.

"Joe the mustache is killing me!" Frankie said, scratching it.

"Bear with me okay?" Joe asked as he took Frankie's hand and walked out of the house, saying he was taking Frankie to the park. Halfway through walking Frankie got tired and Joe had to carry him on piggy back.

"C'mon," Joe said as they entered the mall. It wasn't so packed with people but they could see Lilly and Nick already on the second floor chattering away. They rushed up to the second floor on the slow elevator and ran over to the ticket booth.

"Two tickets for . . . Iron Man!" Joe said, looking to which movie house Lilly and Nick were entering.

"Two tickets for Iron Man, 5 dollars. . ." the man said. Joe grumbled, getting some money from his wallet.

"Rip off. . ." he muttered.

((A/N: I don't really know what American Money costs for tickets so please forgive me! ))

"Thank you!" Frankie said after the man gave them their tickets. The man smiled.

"Your welcome, sir. And you um . . . you dropped your . . . mustache?" the man said, picking up Frankie mustache. Joe gasped in fear, they would be found out. But Frankie didn't seem to notice anything.

"Oh, thank you!" he said, taking it from him and pasting it back up his upper lip. Joe picked up Frankie and ran.

"Wait! I want popcorn!" Frankie said, Joe groaned.

"No!" he roared. Frankie shrunk back, bawling his eyes.

"M—m—meanie!" Frankie stuttered.

"Damn it," Joe muttered as he rushed to the popcorn stand. "What do you want?"

"I want butter popcorn with ice-tea . . . and can you buy me nerds?" Frankie asked Joe nodded. He didn't really mind spending; they'd earned a few millions already.

"Sure," he said and bought them for Frankie. Frankie happily sipped away as they entered the movie house. It was already dark which Joe hated; he liked seeing all those other nice trailers and hearing the music before the movie. It was good Nick really didn't do anything and the movie was very nice.

"Hey, can I have some popcorn?" asked Joe.

"No, get your own!" Frankie said, Joe fumbled about ungrateful little brothers. Mrs. Jonas actually wanted a girl instead of a boy but she was very happy with Frankie.

Lilly's POV

So far this outing with Nick has really been fun. I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me; I turned around to see two guys bickering about popcorn. They looked exactly the same but their mustaches just plain freaked me out.

"What's wrong?" asked Nick.

"No, nothing. . ." I mumbled. I wasn't going to let two crazy old guys ruin our outing. Nick was in his disguise as he shrugged and ate his popcorn. When the movie ended we walked outside, threw our trash, and went to meet up with his friends.

We entered a small ice-cream shop on the other side of the mall. There, we met his friends. I was surprised because they mostly consisted of girls, Chyna who had dark green eyes and light brown hair. There was Deni black hair and brown eyes, she was asian. And lastly there was Leigh who had short brown hair and brown eyes. They were all gorgeous girls like all girls from New Jersey. They didn't recognize Nick at first but soon they did.

"Hey Jerry, who's your friend?" asked Chyna, waving. They also called Nick Jerry in public. Nick grinned, he loved his friends. They loved him for who he was since they were friends before they were famous.

"Hey Chyna, her name's Lilly from Malibu. When Frankie got lost she brought him back all the way from Malibu. . ." Nick said. Chyna grinned.

"That's cool, hey Lilly!" Chyna said. I wasn't very good about meeting new people but something about this group made me smile.

"Hello," I said.

"I'm Chyna, this is Deni and this is Leigh!" she said. I all thought their names were unique. We started to hang out and chat while Nick got us some ice-cream. We clicked quickly.

"So how's it like in Malibu?" asked Deni, who was a very sweet and friendly girl.

"Well, Malibu is really hot and sunny since it's a beach. I went to SeaView High with my two best friends Miley and Oliver." I said.

"Whoa, cool! So there must have been a lot of good looking guys!" said Leigh excitedly. We all laughed as I nodded.

"Yes there were, there were a lot of surfers and skater boys and the one and only Jake Ryan went to my school. He even asked me out to the 70's dance though he was really in love with my friend, Miley. . ." I said. They all giggled excitedly.

"Whoa, I wish Jake would come to our school!" said Leigh excitedly, I nodded.

"Why would you want that when you can have the Jonas Brothers? They're triple the cuteness," I said. We laughed and nodded and when Nick came back he looked so clueless we couldn't help but giggle at him. We ate our ice-cream and had lots of fun; we exchanged each other's numbers.

"Bye Lils," they all said when we were about to leave. Me and Nick nodded as we waved, it was raining outside.

"Dang it, I forgot to bring an umbrella!" Nick said.

"Brella ella ella eh eh eh," I sang, Nick chuckled.

"I'll go out in the pouring rain and run home with and umbrella then I'll come running back then—" but I cut Nick off.

"Nick you don't have to be a gentleman, I can run there myself. It's just a little rain," I said. Nick looked so nervous.

"Seriously?" he asked, I nodded and laughed.

"Yes! Seriously," I said.

"OK," Nick said. "Race ya!"

I grinned and got into running position. "On the count of run . . . one, two, RUN!"

We ran so fast, it was a miracle none of us slipped. I was well ahead Nick which was a surprise. He ran after me waving his fist as if catching a criminal. I only laughed as I twirled around in the rain, I was completely soaked now. I stopped and decided to give Nick a break as he came panting over to me. I just laughed at him.

"Your, your pretty fast!" said Nick in between pants.

"You're pretty slow!" I said, Nick chuckled and laugh.

"I can't run anymore," he said, I nodded.

"Me too, let's just walk. Your house isn't that far right?" I asked, I didn't really know the directions. Nick nodded.

"But first. . ." he said as he cupped his hands to my face. I knew what Nick was going to do and I wanted it, I wanted him to kiss me. Isn't this what ever other Jonas Brother fan wanted? I felt so honored.

"Promise me we won't try to forget this kiss like the last time," Nick said, pressing his forehead on mine. I nodded. But just before we were about to kiss the two guys I saw earlier from the cinema hurdled forward. It was like slow motion.

"No!" the guy said, coming in between me and Nick. Nick didn't mind the kiss at first as he helped the man up, his mustache was falling off.

"Joe are you okay?" asked Frankie, forgetting to use his code name: Bob. They gave each other different names instead of calling each other Adam or anything. Joe became Bob and Frankie became Earl.

"Earl? What are you talking about my name is Bob!" said Joe in an Indian accent.

"O, I am sorry Bob!" Frankie said trying to imitate the Indian accent. "We are very sorry for all the trouble we are causing you!"

Nick raised his eyebrows at the two boys, did they think Nick was dumb?

"Joe? Frankie? Is that you?" Nick asked.

"No, I am Bob and this is Earl!" Joe said, Nick laughed because it was so obvious.

"Got any last name?" he asked.

"Hamster," Joe said but at the same time Frankie said "Bear!" then when Joe said: "Bear," Frankie said "Hamster."

"Yes, um, we were Bob and Earl B. Hamster!" he said, nodding his head. Nick and Lilly burst out laughing, it was so obvious!

"Joe, we know that's you. . ." Lilly said as she took off his hat, his mustache, and his eyeglasses. "Why are you doing this?" asked Lilly.

"Never mind, that's not important. All that's important is just that we get out of the pouring rain," Nick said. Sheesh, they ruined the whole date! I mean . . . it was all so perfect! Why did Joe have to do that?

When Lilly got inside she took a shower, dressed up and wasn't even in the mood for dinner. They didn't talk to each other at all.

There came a small knock on the door, it was Joe.

"Lilly, could I come in?" asked Joe. Joe was the last person I wanted to see.

"Go away Joe," I mumbled but Joe went inside anyway. He stood at the edge of my bed and I refused to look at him. He rubbed small circles on my back though which relaxed me.

"Why did you do it?" I asked, not looking at him. I could feel Joe shrug.

"I don't know . . . I don't know, maybe I was a bit jealous. . ." Joe admitted which was pretty hard for him but he guessed he should let it out sooner or later.

"So you went in a disguise and tackled Nick when he was about to kiss me?" I asked. Joe and I chuckled but I stopped quickly.

"Don't make me laugh, I'm mad at you!" I said, Joe chuckled as he continued rubbing my back.

"I'm sorry, I'll get out of your life if you want me to. . ." Joe said, but I shook my head.

"It's okay Joe, I'm actually pretty flattered that you're jealous of me. I mean, I'm not that special or pretty or anything. And you've got billions of pretty fans that you could have, so, yeah. I guess I am a sort of flattered. . ." I said, turning around to face him. Joe smiled.

"Thanks . . . so are you and Nick together now?" he asked, turning jealous once more. I threw a pillow at him.

"Don't spoil the moment!" I said, he nodded and chuckled. "Sweet mustache by the way." We both laughed.

"Hey, look!" Joe said. He pointed outside the window and we saw a sunset and . . . a faint rainbow? I wondered how Joe could spot it when he was near sighted. It took me a while to see it but when I finally did it looked so amazing.

"Cool!" I said, Joe nodded.

"Joe, please don't get jealous anymore." I said. "I don't want to see you getting hurt so much. I mean, stalking me and Nick?"

Joe chuckled and admitted it by nodding.

"Yeah, sure, and you have to stop getting too friendly with Nick!" he said. I nodded.

"Sure," I said.

"Wanna seal the deal with a little kiss?" he asked, grinning. I rolled my eyes but I kissed him on the cheek.

"No more being jealous!" Joe said.

"No more 'getting too friendly' with Nick!" I said.

(( Lol. I think this chapter is okay. I especially loved it when Joe and Frankie went on a disguise and named each other Bob and Earl. Lol. I was thinking of naming them: Incanyeba (In-can-yee-bah) and Yanush (ya- nue-sh) Lol. But Bob and Earl would be much more understandable. PLEASE PRAY FOR MY SISTER. When she came home she was crying so hard and I had to pay my maid to tell me why she said that she lost her cell phone! Someone stole it! It was a pretty cool cell phone, it was a camera and a phone at the same time something mega pixel. I know you shouldn't cry over material things but this was really special to her since she bought it with her own money. Please pray for her to feel better because I am! Thank you and don't forget to review!)