A/N: This is my first ever fanfic so don't criticize my work too much, I'm sensitive. Please do not give me flames, I'm not ready for any of those. If I ever happen to mispell any words or if my grammar sometimes suck, I only ask for your forgiveness. Please don't kill me if I mess everything up.

Disclaimer: I do not own Super Gals or any of its characters. But I do own this story. I'm just borrowing some of its characters.

Summary: Aya got hurt badly after witnessing Rei confess to Ran and decides to leave. After staying for years in America, she thought that she had already moved on, but sadly she wasn't even halfway over him. Then fate made their paths cross again.

Forgiveness…that is the word that popped up in my mind while writing the last few sentences of this chapter. Forgiveness because this chapter is short and again, a bit hurried. I left out a few details I had originally planned on writing because, well, I don't have the luxury of time to write it. But still, rest assured that I will definitely finish writing this story. So yeah, I thank you for your continued support. Well, here is the 11th chapter of It's Not Over, freshly written and directly uploaded (and once again, there's a high probability that you'll read quite a number of typos and grammatical errors, sorry).

Also, to those who reviewed the last chapter, I wrote something for you at the bottom of the page. Do care to read it, that is, if you have the time. ^^

It's Not Over

Chapter Eleven

I want you…


She faintly smells of strawberries and well, alcohol. She had gone drinking and now she's drunk. She's drunk and I knew it. But she also looks utterly breathtaking from underneath me. I know that she's not exactly in the right state of mind right now, nor in control of herself. Heck, she's probably not gonna remember all of this in the morning. But still, I couldn't find the strength I needed to stop myself. Not when she's being so deliciously seductive and oh so willing. And her scent…fuck. Her scent simply makes my erection throb in anticipation. I groan as she wraps her tongue around mine, pulling me even deeper into her hot tavern. I could feel the heat radiating from her core even though we still had all of our clothes on. She was hot and I wanted her heat and her tightness to surround my being.

Her loud moans fill the room as I begin to grind myself over her clothed core. I was on the verge of cumming already even though I had yet to penetrate her. If dry humping her already feels this good, I can't even begin to imagine how sex with her would feel like. She is just so perfect that it fucking pisses me off knowing that I had let her go once. Tsk. After tonight, I don't think I'll ever let her leave my side ever again. I'll find a way to make her stay, to make her mine once more.

The hands which she had kept tangled in my hair start to drift downwards, tracing a path over the length of my back, before settling over the bulge on my pants. And it was the feel of her soft hands over my clothed erection that served as a bucket of cold water poured on my head. Aya is drunk and she is not herself. And I chant it in my mind over and over again as I grab her hand and roll over to her side. My cock twitched in protest. I hear her complain and beg for me to continue what we had started. I just shook my head and hugged her from behind while burying my face in her hair. No matter how much I wanted to just thrust myself into her and get lost in lustful bliss, I'd still rather have blue balls than have her hate me for taking advantage of her.

It didn't take long before she fell silent and her breathing became even. I pull away just a bit to stare at the face of the one I love, looking angelic with her hair splayed out beneath her. I lean in one last time to kiss her soft lips which were slightly swollen from our sensual kissing. I stayed awake for a couple more minutes before I finally succumbed to a much needed sleep.

I wake up to the feel of her soft fingers tracing my eyebrows. It travels downward to my nose and then my lips. I open my eyes and look at her. She blushes when our eyes meet. I was about to ask her if she was hungry or not, but before I could do so, the sound of her stomach grumbling interrupted my speech. She immediately covers herself with her hands as her face turns to an even brighter shade of red. I give her a smile then lean in to place my lips on her exposed forehead.


The familiar ring of my phone echoed across the room as I begin to wake. I open my eyes and am met by the face of the person who has haunted my dreams ever since I could remember. Even when sleeping, he still looks so beautiful, in a manly way, that is. It makes me feel rather honored to be able to look at him from this distance. Feeling a bit bold, I trace his well-shaped eyebrows with my fingers, then his nose which seemed a bit pink, probably from being rubbed against a surface for quite some time. And then I reach his lips, warm and soft, completely opposite to his demeanor. I bet a lot of women would kill just to have these lips against their own. And to think, I once had these lips over my own.

And then my eyes clash with his as I look up. Was he awake all this time? Have I been staring at his lips for a long time? My gosh. What would he think of me now? I feel my face heat up and I knew I was blushing. Before I could explain myself or make up an excuse or two, the sound of my stomach grumbling interrupts the embarrassing moment, only to sink me deeper into shame. Oh God, I wish the earth would just open up and eat me. I cover my face with my hands in an attempt to somehow hide the fact that I was most likely already mimicking the color of a tomato. The bed dips a bit more before I feel his lips on my poorly hidden forehead.

"I'll go make us some breakfast," I hear him say before he leaves the bed. It is when he was out of view that it dawns on me that I was in Rei's room. And the added detail that I am on his bed simply fuels the assumption that Rei and I must have done something totally scandalous last night. Oh my God! I can't even remember the things I did after I downed that…watchamacallit drink. I frantically check myself under the sheets and immediately exhale the breath I had unconsciously been holding when I find that I still had my clothes on. Phew. Thank goodness for that. But then again, how did I end up at his place in the first place? I mean, wasn't I with Ran and Miyu last night? Hmm.

I shake my head and dismiss a few silly ideas that pop up in my mind. I definitely have to call them later and ask them about it.

"Do you need any help?" I shyly ask Rei when I enter the kitchen.

"No," he states, "Just sit there. I'm almost done," he had his back to me the whole time, giving me quite a nice view of his lean back. A very nice view indeed. Ugh. Stop with the dirty thoughts, Aya.

I smile as I take a whiff of his freshly brewed coffee. He was sitting across me, clearly waiting for me to taste the meal he had prepared. I have to say, he definitely knows his way around the kitchen. The food looks and tastes divine. I give him a two thumbs up as I continue to fill my empty tummy. It makes me feel so happy inside at having to eat his cooking.

The peaceful moment was broken when I hear the all too familiar ring of my phone. It was an incoming call from Gilbert. I feel Rei's eyes on me, observing me as I battle with myself. The air is tense as the ringing continues for a few more times before it finally dies down. I give out a deep sigh. The call simply reminded me of all the shit that has befallen upon me.

"You should eat more," was Rei's only comment to my situation. He speaks with indifference but his eyes show deep concern. I nodded curtly before I continued eating my food.

"I guess it's time for me to head on back to my hotel," I said after I had finished with my food. My gaze still fixed on my empty plate on the table. I refuse to meet his gaze for fear that I'll see, reflected in his eyes, the pity that I feel for myself. He stands up and puts away the dirty dishes while I remain glued to my seat.

"It wasn't your fault," he started and I see him lean on the counter at my side. A dozen questions pop up in my mind and I was tempted to just lash out at him just to vent out my frustrations, my anger, and whatever this is that I have bottling up inside me. I feel like I'm about to burst here. And then I realize, he doesn't deserve to be treated that way, considering that he did take me in while I was incapacitated last night and even fed me a decent meal the following day. I give out a harsh sigh in an attempt to calm myself. I could feel the moisture building up on the corner of eye. Fuck. I don't wanna break down in front of him. I cover my face with my hands as my tears start falling. It didn't take long before I felt his strong arms wrap around my form. The gesture only intensifies my emotions and I cry even harder.

"Call me when you get there," I hear him say from behind me. I was at his doorstep, ready to face the music that awaits me back at my hotel. I actually feel a bit better now. Calmed down, I guess, after being able to cry my heart out. I look over and give him one last smile before heading off. The trip back to the hotel felt like an out of body experience, like I was watching everything happen from a distance. Gilbert will most likely be waiting for me there and we shall talk. Hopefully, I'll find my peace after.

He immediately makes his way towards me when I enter the suite but I stop him midway. Images of him being in the arms of the woman I saw on TV flash before my eyes that I simply had to look away. It's a bit fortunate that everyone else seems to have gone out for the day. This way, no one will interrupt us while we talk.

"Let's break up," I mutter, finally mustering enough strength to do so. His reaction was instant and I find myself trapped in his arms. He smells of the cologne I had bought him a few months back. The scent brings back all the happy memories I had with him that it briefly makes me reconsider my decision. But then I remember the pain of his betrayal.

"Forgive me," he mutters after a while. I feel the sincerity of his plea but my decision still remains the same.

"I have," my voice trails off as my tears begin to fall, "But I just can't forget," I watch as he falls down to his knees and bury his face on my trunk. He too was crying now. Although it breaks my heart to see him like this, I realize that we both needed the time apart and the space breaking up will bring, in order for us to heal and to move on from this nightmare.

I decided to take Ran up on her offer to stay at her place before I find myself a new place to stay in. I was planning on staying here in Japan for a while longer to heal and pick up the pieces. The experience practically drained the life out of me that it makes me feel a bit lost. I don't know what to do after all this. Should I return to my old job at the restaurant? Should I move to a different state and start a new life there? The thought of being completely alone again terrifies me. This time, there won't be a Gilbert who'll come to my rescue. All this time, I had actually just been sheltered under his wings. I cry again as it dawns on me that even after all these years, I'm still so dependent on someone else. I'm still so useless.

To be continued…

A/N: Hello there, dear reader. I would like to thank you again for still reading this story even though I update really slowly and quite shortly. I will try my best to change this fact. So yeah, do send in some reviews, if you have time. Have a nice day! ^^

In the previous chapter: (1) Rei went to the concert because he felt that Aya was avoiding him since she wasn't answering his calls and replying to his messages properly. Also, because he missed her. (2) Before the start of the concert, Gilbert called out Chloe to discuss a few things with her. He asked her to stop attacking Aya. Chloe got mad because Gilbert seemed too blind to see that Aya was still not over her ex (Rei) and that's when she told him everything that she knew. (3) Naturally, Gilbert got mad and well, downed a couple of bottles of alcohol before meeting up with Aya. (4) With alcohol coursing through his system, he felt a bit more bold and decided that he was gonna have his way with her. You know, alcohol does shit to your libido and sense of right or wrong. (5) He became impatient and then mad because Aya was still denying him the sex he wanted even though they had been holding it off for quite a while now. (6) Gilbert left the changing room to get himself a drink. He wound up in a bar, got drunk, then found himself a willing partner to scratch his itch. He woke up, panicked, and went straight back to the hotel. And that's what happened. Sorry, for cutting out a huge chunk from the previous chapter. I'll try to maintain the integrity of the chapters that follow.

Med school: It's tough and well, draining. It sucks the life out of you, literally. The fact that I had become too busy to the point that I had cut off all forms of communication with my pre-Med classmates and friends serves as a proof of how life changes when you enter Med school. Also, I'm studying at a school with a problem-based learning curriculum which means that I have to read a lot of books and understand it all in order to survive. So yeah, life is hard but I know it'll all be worth it in the end. ^^