Disclaimer: The characters of Viewfinder belong to Ayano Yamane.

Warnings: Angst, Violence, Smex. (Rated R)

Pairings: Asami/Yasuka, Asami/Akihito

Summary: When Asami sees Akihito getting close to another male, his rage comes out. What will happen if his rage lashes out on Akihito?

Notes: Thank you for all the reviews I got for the story. Here is the final part. Might be a little OOC and it is fast paced. I hope you enjoy it and please tell me what you think.

Part III: Together

At a warehouse, Akihito spits out blood from his mouth. As he looks around to notice three huge guys that must be bodyguards and one tall man, who seem to be the boss of the group, he chokes out, "She won't come." When he is kicked in the stomach for the sixth time, he doesn't even make a sound. While trying to move his wrist, he bites his lip to stop the scream from escaping. It would seem like they also broke his wrist.

The leader walks over and responds, "Oh, I think she will come for a weak brother."

One guard asks, "Do you really think her lover will tell her, boss?"

The leader, Sachio answers, "Asami will tell her since he is madly in love with her."

As the words sink inside of his mind, the photographer wants to curl up and die. How could his sister and Asami be together? Could they really be in love? While tears roll down his face, his heart starts to break even more. All this time he couldn't get the yakuza out of his mind. Did that mean Asami didn't even once think of him?

Another guard taunts, "Look, the baby is crying."

As he leans against the wall, Sachio comments, "We will end his suffering as soon as Yasuka comes. She will watch the last thing she cares for die before her eyes."

Even with those words being said in front of him, Akihito doesn't feel like fighting back. His heart feels the betrayal from both his sister and a person, who he thought at least cared for him. As the thoughts of grief run through him, he doesn't notice the men leaving him alone in this small area. When he moves slightly, he groans as pain courses its way up his leg. This is going to be a long night. If only he just kept the lie up with Benito, then he wouldn't be here with no hope at all.

At Club Sion, Asami orders his men around. When Yasuka walk into the office, he growls out, "Leave now!"

As she stands her ground, Yasuka sneers, "I will not follow your orders like a lap dog. I'm not one of your men, Asami." When she senses true danger rolling off the older man, she questions, "What is going on? What has happened?"

Nas walks in and states, "Boss, Takaba-kun's phone is located at a bar. Some guy named Benito answered. He said that Takaba-kun left the phone at the bar when he ran out."

Turning to face Nas quickly, Yasuka screams out her question, "Where the hell is my brother!?" When the guards stop and has a shock look, she turns around and glares at the older man. As she stomps to him, she raises her hand and slaps Asami hard in the face. Feeling the grip on her wrist, she growls out, "Tell me now! You have no right to keep that information from me!"

As he pushes her away, Asami orders, "Nas, take my lover back to the condo and do not let her out of your sight." When those hazel orbs narrow even more, he replies, "I will find him, myself. You will only make matters worse. Leave now, Yasuka."

Placing her hands on her hips, Yasuka comments, "I'm not him. Stop, Asami." As she walks out with Nas following her, she sighs out, "My lover is such a bastard." When they walk around the corner, she throws a kick, surprising the guard long enough to knock him out. Dusting her hands, she whispers, "Sorry, Asami, but you aren't the only one powerful." With that said, she walks out the Club quickly and heads for the one place that Sachio would love to finish it all.

Inside the office, the yakuza orders, "Leave." After all his men leave the room, he sits down and thinks over everything. Those painful screams ring through his ears still. For two months, he only kept small tabs on Akihito. Once he learned of the photographer around the one guy, he pulled all guards away from Akihito. There was no point of protecting something that wasn't his anymore. Then he started to feel for Yasuka. Now, her words of telling him to stop. Is he looking for a normal way of life? As he lights up a cigarette, he stares down at his phone. Without thinking twice, he dials a number. When a man answers, he remarks, "I'm calling in a debt."

The man asks, "What is it?"

Staring down at the papers that are no help to him, Asami questions, "Which warehouse did Kobayashi-san die in?" It is the only thing he can do to find Akihito. After he gains the address, he hangs up without saying a word. As he walks out of the office, he orders, "Akira, take me to this address and make it quick."

At the warehouse, Akihito listens to the small sounds of the outside world. It would have been nice to die somewhere else. As he sighs slightly, he groans with more pain racing through his body. Those men did a number on him. If he does make it out, he is sure that a couple of his ribs, his leg, and his wrist are broken. Closing his eyes, he talks to himself, "Asami. Even knowing you have forgotten about me and moved on, I still can't forget you." With tears rolling down his face, he whispers out to no one, "I should have stopped you that day. I should have told you how I really felt, but I was so confused."

Outside, Yasuka stares at the warehouse. As the memories of the day she lost everything runs through her mind, she thinks, "Akihito, I'm coming. This time I will be strong enough to protect what is dear to me. Hold on, Aki-chan. Just hang in there." Pushing all doubts away, she walks inside, fully knowing it is a trap. When guns are pointed at her, she holds her head high and growls, "I'm here, Sachio. Let the boy go."

As he is dragged out and tossed onto the hard ground, the photographer hisses from the pain. When his clouded orbs look up, he mumbles out his question, "Why? Why did you come? You could make him happy and now you will die here."

The pain within her brother's eyes drives anger within her. As she narrows her eyes at Sachio, Yasuka questions, "What the hell did you do to him? He didn't do anything to you!" Throwing a punch without thinking about the guards, she feels a blow to her and falls onto the ground.

Sachio steps on the photographer's broken wrist to hear a loud scream and comments, "Your emotions are foolish, Yasuka. It will be nice to see the cold Asami back in this world. To bad for him that he will find the body of his lover and her brother dead."

As she watches the tears roll down Akihito's face, Yasuka realizes it isn't from the pain they caused him, but the pain within his heart. With a soft smile, she states, "I can't make him happy. I'm not the one, he wants."

When he notices the sister, he knew in childhood looking at him, Akihito thinks, "He'll come."

Chuckling loudly, Sachio retorts, "You two are something else. Amusing to watch." As he turns to his men, he taunts in a question, "Isn't it nice to see family getting along?"

A guard walks over and states, "Boss, a car is coming. We believe it to be Asami."

As his eyes narrow, Sachio orders, "Get these two into the other room. We need them as hostages to get him out of our way."

When the guards drag them away, Akihito feels his spirit brought back. As they are tossed inside the small room again, he groans out, "We can win. Asami won't fall."

Not ready to tell him that even a powerful man can fall for those he cares for, Yasuka keeps her brother's spirits up, "That is right. I have never met a bastard who refuses to bow to anyone like that man." When her younger brother lies his head on her lap, she runs her fingers through his brown locks like the time when they were kids. As she hears Akihito softly breathing, she thinks, "Asami, do not fall to anyone. Akihito needs you."


Inside the car, Asami's driver tells him that Nas lost track of Yasuka. As he shows nothing but calmness to the outside world, he thinks, "You fool. What could you do for him if you die? Yasuka." While noticing the warehouse, he orders, "Stop here. We'll walk. Second call in for back up."

Akira stops like order and gets out of the car. As he notices the yakuza tensed, he realizes whoever dared to attack is going to experience a lot of pain.

As they start to walk toward the warehouse, Asami whispers, "They are watching us."

Akira mumbles back, "Yeah. We need at least twenty minutes until the others come."

When they walk inside, golden orbs narrow to notice guns pointed at them. As he looks over in the corner to see Sachio smirking at them, he thinks, "He is dead."

As he pushes himself off the wall, Sachio speaks up, "Glad you could make it, Asami. The party wouldn't be good if you didn't." When all amusement leaves his face, he throws documents in front of the yakuza and orders, "Sign everything over if you wish to see Yasuka alive again."

Not even looking down at his feet, Asami questions, "What proof do I have that she is alive now?"

In the small room, the photographer gets startled out of his somewhat sleep when the door slams open. When he tries to protect Yasuka, he is thrown onto the hard ground. Without daring to make a sound, he watches his sister being dragged out of the room. Even with the pain in his leg, he crawls over to the open door. As he notices those golden orbs looking fiercely at Sachio, he sighs in relief, "Asami."

As she is thrown at the feet of Sachio, Yasuka growls, "Kill the fucker, Asami. Just kill him."

Grabbing her by the hair, Sachio sneers at Asami and Yasuka, "This is your lover. The one, your heart belongs to."

From the partly open door, Akihito watches as those golden orbs flicker. It was only for a second, but now he knows the truth. The older man has truly forgotten him and has moved on. As he glances at his sister, he notices nothing within her hazel orbs. All he wishes to do is scream out but he isn't sure if that will make things worse.

Back in the open room, Yasuka shuts everything out and stares straight into golden eyes. As he blinks, she snorts out, "These eyes bother you." When she is tossed onto the ground by Sachio, she continues even if it means her death, "I'll never be able to show you what you truly want."

Sachio mumbles, "A lover's fight I see?"

As she starts to stand up to only be knocked onto the ground, Yasuka yells, "Stop pretending, Asami! I'm never going to be HIM!"

When everything snaps into place, Asami figures it out. All this time he was seeing Akihito in her. As he watches the guns pointed at them, he calmly states, "I could care less what happens to the woman."

After hearing all the words, Akihito doesn't care any more about his safety. All he needs to do is get out of there before he watches his sister be killed. As he leans on the wall for support, he slowly walks out of the small room. When Akira looks over at him, he groans out, "No. Yas." All he hears are gun fire and someone pushing him down. While struggling from, whoever knocked him down, he screams, "YAS!! NO!! YAS!! I have to go to her."

Dragging the boy behind a pile of wooden boxes, Akira snaps out, "She is fine, kid!"

Across from where Akira is with Akihito, Asami growls out, "You really are reckless, Yasuka."

As she is handed a gun, Yasuka snorts out, "Not anywhere near reckless as your lover, Asami-sama." When she hears some cars drive up, she asks in a teasing voice, "Back up."

Standing up once he hears his men, Asami notices Sachio on his knees but still alive. Before Jin can end the bastard's life, he orders, "Take him. I'll deal with him personally." When a few men grab Sachio and drag him off, he walks over to see Akira who is still trying to calm his wild cat down. As he nods his head to have Akira back off, he kneels down and mumbles, "You are being feisty today. All you will do is injure yourself even more."

As he blinks out the blurriness, Akihito looks to finally notice golden orbs. When he grabs a hold of Asami's suit jacket, he asks in a hoarse voice, "Yas. Where is Yas?"

Asami answers, "Yasuka is fine except her pride." When he notices a small smile and closed eyes, he orders, "Akira, get a hold of our private hospital and tell them we will be there in twenty minutes." Picking up the younger man, he notices his pet is out cold.


A few hours later, Asami hears about all the injures Akihito has and walks inside the private room. As he sits by the bed and caress Akihito's face, he wonders if he could gain the man back. Of course, he has no plan of releasing him. With a smirk forming onto his lips, he retorts, "You are mine, Akihito. There is no freedom for you. I will not let you go."

Like hearing the words, Akihito moves in his sleep to the warmth and groans out, "Bastard."

Leaning against the door frame without being notice, Yasuka smiles at the two unlikely couple and shakes her head. As she walks down the hall, she hears two voices that she wished never to hear again. When she turns the corner, she stares at the scene of a nurse trying to explain to Chikao and Fusa why they can't see their son. Walking over to them, she tells, "Nurse, go do your rounds. I'll handle this." The nurse gives her a small smile of thanks and walks off.

Fusa replies in a soft voice, "Oh, Yasuka. You are . . . "

Chikao asks in a cold voice, "What did you do to our son, Yasuka?"

With a raised eyebrow, Yasuka mumbles, "You don't change at all."

Before a yelling match can start, Asami retorts in a cold tone, "I think you should leave."

Chikao responds, "He is my son."

As a smirk forms onto his lips, the yakuza states, "And Akihito is mine. Your point being?" When his lover's parents look at him, he replies, "I wouldn't try to see him. No one in this place will let you." When Jin walks over, he leans over and orders, "Break Sachio's legs. Both of them. I will let you handle his suffering for the time, but save me some."

Jin responds, "Yes, boss."

When the big guy walks away, Chikao threatens, "I'll call the police."

With a soft chuckle, Yasuka taunts, "Please do, but it won't get you any help."

Inside the hospital room, Akihito awakes to find himself alone. As he looks around, he wonders out loud, "Did he just drop me off and went back to Yas, his new lover?"

Akira responds startling the young man, "I'll go get, Asami-sama."

Turning his head to watch the bodyguard leave the room, the photographer thinks, "Asami is still here. Yas was fine. Maybe a little bruised but nothing she couldn't handle." As fear grabs at his heart, he wonders, "Does that mean he got hurt?" Too many thoughts run through his mind and it starts to hurt. While closing his eyes to shut out all the pain, he groans, "Damn, I feel like a truck hit me."

A dark voice rings out, "You can't keep out of trouble for even a second."

As his eyes snap open to look at the man, who he can't stop thinking about, Akihito tries to sit up to only feel pain. When he is gently pushed back down, he hisses out, "I don't need your help."

With amusement in his eyes, Asami teases, "It looks like you do. You can't stop getting hurt." When those hazel orbs look at him with fire, he smirks and taunts, "Are you going to start a new? Did you really think I would release my pet so easily?"

Ready to fight, the photographer yells, "I'm not your fucking pet! You fucking bastard! How dare you!? I won't be your . . . " Finally the words sink in and he blinks his eyes in confusion. As he balls his hands into the sheets, he asks in a confused voice, "Aren't you with Yas?"

With a frown on his face, the yakuza sneers, "No. I rather be dead then to be with that bitch."

As she chuckles softly, Yasuka comments at the doorway, "That are my thoughts as well, bastard." When her brother and Asami turn to look at her, she sighs out tiredly, "Chikao and Fusa are starting trouble again. Thought you could cool them down."

As his face pales, Akihito panics, "You mean . . . You mean Asami talked to my parents." When Yasuka nods her head to answer, he hits the bed and groans out, "Damnit. Damnit."

After Yasuka leaves, Asami replies, "I only told them who you belong to."

Akihito screams at the top of his lungs, "YOU SAID WHAT!? YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! I HATE YOU!"

Leaning to Akihito's ear to notice the slight shiver through the younger man, the yakuza whispers, "You should stop lying. I enjoy our game, my wild cat. You aren't escaping ever."

In the waiting room, Yasuka chuckles loudly, "Those two. I can't get enough of them." When see notices Chikao and Fusa walk over again, she leans against the wall and asks in a taunting tone, "Can I help you two?"

Chikao demands, "I want to see my son, now."

With a tilt of her head, Yasuka smirks and teases, "Such demands. I doubt his dear owner will like your demands."


As she turns her head with amusement within her hazel orbs, Yasuka comments, "Seem Aki-chan is having fun."

With worry on her face, Fusa retorts, "That sounds like he is being harmed."

Inside the room, Akihito tries to push the older man off with one hand. As he squirms slightly, he growls out, "Damnit, I'm being serious. I'm in pain." When his shirt is torn in half, he sneers, "Later. Do you hear me? I said later. You can all you want . . . "

As a smirk is on his face, Asami replies, "I plan to have as much as I want later. I want to know if I should kill that co-worker of yours or not. If he touched . . . "


Moving off the angry pet, the yakuza snickers out, "Such fire today. Look you are even all red." As he straightens his suit up, he taunts, "Later then." Before a pillow can hit him, he shuts the door and smirks. At least his wild cat still has his claws. It will be more interesting when the younger man is in full health. As he turns the corner, he raises an eyebrow to see Akihito's parents still there. With a tilt of his head, he asks, "What are they still doing here?"

Yasuka chuckles out, "Please tell me those loud screams weren't you fucking the brains out of my brother."

Asami smirks and retorts, "He said I could have all I want later."

As she shakes her head, Yasuka mumbles, "You tricked him to get what you want."

Tilting his head, the yakuza replies without care that Akihito's parents are standing there, "Last time I checked, he always moaned out my name and begged for more." When he notices Chikao ready to flip out, he walks by and whispers deadly, "If you try anything, you will be dead." As he walks to the door, he comments, "Nurse, take Takaba-san and his wife to see their son. I'm sure Akihito has cooled down by now." With that said, he leaves with Yasuka following him.

Inside the private room, Akihito curses at the older man. When the door is open, he states angrily without realizing whom it is, "Asami, I told you later." As he turns his head to look at the door, his face turns beet red not from anger but from embarrassment. The two people he didn't wish to see for a while are standing there with so many emotions running across their faces.

When his son turns his head to look out the window, Chikao asks coldly, "Was that your so-called lover, who you said that was over?"

Fusa comments, "Dear, stop. Wait, lover."

As he rolls his eyes, Akihito mumbles, "Yes, that would be the one. It seems I didn't get over him and we are sort of back together. I think."

Leaning against the wall, Chikao orders, "You will stay away from that man. He is bad news just like Yasuka is. He threaten me."

While anger rises up inside of him, the photographer growls out, "Stop acting like you know anything about Yas."

Fusa replies, "But it is because of her that you . . . "

Turning his head to glare at his parents, Akihito comments, "Yas almost got herself killed to protect me. So, did Asami. They both came and almost lost their lives for me." With tears rolling down his face from anger, he asks, "Doesn't it show you that they care for me? I might not know how they can live their lives, but I know one thing, they care for me. It is all that matters to me."

Chikao asks in a raised voice, "And what happens when some other enemy attacks you!?"

With a deep sigh escaping his lips, the photographer reveals some of the truth, "It wouldn't be the first time." As he turns his head to look out the window, he mumbles, "I don't accept you to understand why I'll stay with him. Asami has saved me many times. Even times where he got nothing out of it. The least I can do is stay by his side. At least I will be always saved."

Chikao questions, "Is he a yakuza?"

Closing his tired eyes, Akihito lies, "Don't know. Whatever Asami is, I have no plan of leaving him." Of course, his mind tells him that he will fight the older man with everything he has no matter what. It is their way of being together. Maybe it isn't the healthiest way for a relationship, but the young photographer refuses to go down a normal path with his lover. For some reason, deep inside he knows that Asami thinks the same way.

As she stares at her son, Fusa whispers, "Oh, Akihito."


After walking out of the room, the yakuza orders, "Bring a change of clothes for me. I will be needing it." As his men walk away to do what he told them to, he hears a loud bang within the room. Lighting up a cigarette, he glances at the door to see Yasuka walk out with blood covering her clothes. As he exhales grey smoke, he asks, "Did you feel that you have gain your revenge?"

With a cold hazel orbs, Yasuka answers in a cold voice, "Yes. It is over." As she walks by him, she whispers, "Don't harm him or we will be enemies, Asami-sama."

While watching her leave, Asami smirks. For the first time, he has met someone who reminds him almost like himself. As he walks down the hall, he tells Nas, "I'm sure I can count on you of not making the mistake on cleaning up the mess." Without waiting for a response, he continues to his private room. A shower and change of clothes will do him good. Then he can go back to Akihito's side.


A few days past by since the photographer was brought to the hospital. As he moves slightly and the pain starts to ease up on him, Akihito sighs out. For all three days, his parents kept coming and tried to talk him out of staying with Asami. It became the same routine which got him even more annoyed. When the door opens, he starts to flip out, "Listen, I'm not leaving Asa . . . Asami." As he stares into those fierce golden orbs, his face turns red.

With a tilt of his head, Asami teases, "You learned your place, wild cat."

Glaring fiercely at the yakuza, Akihito yells, "YOU FUCKING PRICK! YOU . . . " Before he can finish his insults, demanding lips land on his. All thoughts of yelling leave his mind quickly and the only thing in his thoughts are of Asami. His inner voice screams out, 'Oh, gods, yes. Sex . . . Sex . . . Sex . . . '

As his hand slides under the blanket to the younger man's groin, the yakuza smirks against those thin lips to feel his wild cat is more than ready for a round. When he pulls back from the kiss, he notices those hazel orbs in heat. Running his hand over the bulge, he asks in an amusing voice, "You couldn't wait for me to do this to?"

While shaking his head in denial, the photographer moans out, "Yes. Yes. Yes."

With his lips turning up into a smirk, Asami whispers, "Hush now, pet. We don't want to be interrupted." When he notices his lover unable to control his volume, he does the best thing and seals those lips with his own. As he explores every inch of the wet warmth, his hand strokes the younger man fast and rough. Swallowing up a scream from the photographer, he feels wet cum dripping over his hand. While pulling away, he whispers in Akihito's ear, "When you are in full health, then we will have the real fun." As he pulls his hand away, he grabs a few tissues and cleans his hand up quickly.

As he tries to calm his breathing down, Akihito pants out his question, "What . . . What abo . . . ut you?"

Before he can answer, Akihito's parents walk in. As he sits down in the chair, Asami notices the glare sent his way by Chikao. With a smirk, he taunts out, "You didn't think I would leave my pet alone. Pets need attention all the time."

While pulling the covers up even more, the photographer glares at the older man. As his parents look between them, he groans to himself, "I wish the bastard cleaned me up before they got here."

Fusa asks, "What have you two been doing? Akihito, your face is all red. Did this man try to harm you?"

Before the yakuza can straight out tell his parents what they were doing, Akihito replies in a high voice, "We were just talking!"

As his eyes show off amusement, Asami snorts out, "If that is what you call it. I was sure that was called . . . "

Akihito screams, "SHUT UP!"

Asami continues with his words, "I call it taming a wild animal." As a pillow is thrown his way, he blocks it before the object can hit him in the face by his fast reflexes.

While staring straight into a smirk that the yakuza enjoys giving him all the time, the photographer starts to go onto a rant, "You are such a damn asshole. What made me think of being with you!? I must have lost my mind! You old fucking pervert!"

Chikao clears his throat to get his son's attention, who turns and blushes even more. As he looks over at the other man, he asks, "What is he referring to?"

A woman's voice speaks up from behind them, "That they were having some fun in a hospital bed. Of all places, I would have thought this wouldn't be one of their kinks." As Yasuka walks into the room to notice the shell shocks on Fusa and Chikao's faces, she comments, "For goodness sake, Asami-sama, my Aki-chan is injured. Can't you wait?"

Asami taunts, "It was him who was moaning for more. I can't leave my pet in that kind of state. That would make me a cruel master."

As he pulls the blanket up over his head, Akihito mumbles, "Oh, just end me now. This is too much."

While chucking softly, Yasuka teases, "Oh, my baby brother is growing up. Doing naughty things in . . . "

Throwing his blankets off his head, Akihito yells, "I'm going to kill you, Yas! I swear!"

When she looks over at the older man who is now staring at her brother with lust clearly showing in his eyes, Yasuka asks, "How does this turn you on?" Leaning against the wall, she continues to speak, "That would just really annoy me. Yet, it turns you on even more."

As he swears that he feels the stream coming from him, the photographer stares shock at his sister. When he turns his head to see his lover with lust in those golden orbs, he gulps, "Oh, shit." Without realizing what he is saying, he reveals, "You just had to tell him. I'm never going to walk straight again."

As she holds her arm over her stomach, Yasuka laughs loudly. After laughing for five minutes straight, she wipes away the tears and chuckles out, "Aki-chan, don't tell me you don't enjoy the sex." Her brother's face turns even redder if that was possible. While walking to the door, she tells, "Have fun now, Aki-chan. Don't do anything I wouldn't." Turning to glance at the yakuza, she comments, "It should be fun to do business with you, Asami-sama. I have a few questions about running a business."

For some reason, the yakuza has a feeling it will only be to check on her brother. As he nods his head, he watches her walk out the door. His old friend found someone who could fight against even him. When he looks at the bed to notice his lover hiding under the blankets, he states, "They are releasing you in a week. You still got about a month or so to recover."

Akihito groans, "Don't remind me."

Standing up, Asami replies, "I still have work. I'll see you tonight, Akihito." While walking by Chikao, he mumbles, "Stop what you are trying to do. It is getting annoying."

After the business man leaves, Chikao clears his throat, "Son, he isn't a safe man. He is dangerous."

As he uncovers his head, Akihito shows off a small smile and mumbles, "And that what gains my attention." When his father's hand slams against the wall, he explains, "I love danger. Look at what field I got into. Even if my mind tells me to run far away from Asami, my heart races to be around such a dangerous man. I tried a normal safe relationship and all it did was drive me into depression." When his mother sits down and takes his hand into her own, he reveals, "Benito tried so hard to get me off my career like he didn't support it. Even if it's Asami taunting and teasing words about my career, it is his way of showing that he supports it and will be there for me when I need him."

Chikao asks, "What if he is the one who harms you?"

Finally having enough of this, the photographer retorts, "No matter who Asami is. What he does, I already know. I know the worst of him but I'm the only one who knows the best of him. He is both a cold and passionate man. Both sides, I dear the most."

His father remarks, "Because he brain washed you."

Turning his head to look out the window, Akihito speaks, "Maybe or maybe not. I had a chance to walk away, but instead I got closer. No matter what side Asami shows, my heart belongs to him. I love him more than my own life."

Outside the door, the yakuza leans against the wall and hears every word coming from the people inside. As he orders Jin to stand guard, he walks away. When he walks outside, he lights up a cigarette and notices Yasuka standing there. Without saying a word, he walks to the waiting car.

Before he steps inside the limo, Yasuka asks, "What will you do? Will you break him now that he has confessed his feelings for you?"

Standing in front of the open car door, Asami answers in a very cold tone, "What I do to Akihito is my business and no one else's. Love is a weakness."

As she watches him leave, Yasuka sighs out, "You still see that, Asami-sama. Maybe you should look how your tight hold on your turf has been affected by being close to Akihito." Of course, her words are on deaf ears. No one is there but her. When a car pulls up in front, a tall man walks out and opens the door.

Bowing his head, the guard asks, "Where to Yasuka-san?"

With one last look at the hospital, Yasuka answers, "Home."

Inside the hospital room, Akihito sighs for the fifth time. Still his parents refuse to see this has his true feelings. As he closes his eyes, he responds, "I'm not asking you to like my choose. Honestly it wouldn't matter. I'm a grown adult who can make my own choices. Asami is my choice and it isn't going to change."

Fusa mumbles, "We worry for you, Akihito. If we lost you . . . "

Akihito cuts her off, "Asami will do everything in his power to protect me. If I die, then it will be my fault not his." That ended all the discussion between him and his parents.


Two months gone by and Akihito walks around full of energy with his friends. When he turns the corner, he stops frozen to see Benito standing there. As Kou and Takato say their greetings to the man, the photographer smiles and asks, "Are you seeing anyone?"

Benito comments, "You are?"

With a deep sigh, the photographer responds, "I'm back with my old lover. Well sort of." Only a few more visits from Asami at the hospital and some visits from him when he got home. For over a month, he hasn't seen the older man. As he thoughts linger on the yakuza, he wonders if he did something wrong to get the other upset at him. They still had their little fighting matches when Asami visited him but nothing past that. When he could move, he developed the firm that he did for the yakuza. Maybe that is the reason his lover did the disappearing act again. It is possible these low class punks decided to attack Asami and his lover feels the need of staying away from him.

Benito shakes him out of his thoughts, "He left you to be with another lover?"

Those words can ring some truth but Akihito knows that Asami always came back to him. As he narrows his eyes at Benito, he snorts out, "You know nothing about Asami."

Akira walks over and coughs to get the kid's attention. When Akihito turns around quickly and ready to rant in panic, he sighs out, "Boss wants to see you now."

Handing over some of his things to Kou and Takato, the photographer asks, "Can you take that back to my place?"

Kou teases, "You going to get some."

Slapping his friend in the head, Akihito blushes. What is it with everyone teasing him on his sex life? After a full week of explaining to his friends that he was perfectly safe with Asami, they started asking about his sex life. It took almost a six pack, but he finally told them everything about his sex life even the kinkiest things he has done with the older man. While walking with Akira, he asks, "Is Asami all right? Nothing happened right?" Of course, he gains no answer. He didn't accept anything else. The yakuza summoned him and this time he has something to give to his lover. To his surprise, they arrive at the club. As he looks down at the jeans and a T-shirt, he mumbles, "Asami doesn't like me dressing like this in his club."

As amusement flow through his eyes quickly, Akira shrugs his shoulders and retorts tiredly, "Asami-sama ordered to bring you here. He is a busy man after all."

Flicking the bodyguard off, the photographer walks inside. When everyone turns to give him a look of disgust, he starts to feel uncomfortable. Couldn't his lover have him come in another way? As he follows Akira through the halls, he sighs in relief to see the older man's office. Within seconds, he is ushered inside. Looking straight at Asami, he thinks, "Wow, he calls me and he is still working. Stress must be high." After Akira leaves them alone, he snorts, "Don't even think about it, old man."

As he raises his head to look straight into those hazel orbs, Asami smirks and taunts, "I think you should be calling yourself old. At least I can keep going. Only one round and you are out unless I force some drugs on you."

While he feels his legs shake slightly, Akihito looks through his back. As he knows his lover with a questionable look on his face, he fishes out the brown folder. When he sets it down onto the desk, he puts his hand over it. With a smirk, he teases, "I'm sure you are curious what I have here. I'll make a deal for this information."

Deciding to have some amusement for a little while, Asami asks, "What kind of deal?"

Blinking his eyes, the photographer curses himself for not having a deal planned to make with the older man. It surprises him that Asami agreed to the deal so easily. Before he realizes what was happening, the folder is pulled away from him quickly. As he flops onto the seat with folded arms, he mutters angrily, "You cheated, bastard."

As he looks through the folder, Asami smirks even more. This will take down a rival quickly and it will let him go in with his own men to finish the rest. Looking up at the younger man, he purrs out, "I think you deserve a reward."

When he feels all the blood rush down to his groin, Akihito fights back, "I don't like your rewards. They are more like punishments."

Standing up to notice Akihito ready to bolt out of the office, the yakuza questions, "Why run when you know, I'll catch you?"

As he stands up quickly to knock over the chair, Akihito blurts out, "I know what I want for the deal."

With a tilt of his head, Asami asks, "And what would that be?"

Backing up while Asami steps toward him, the photographer asks, "Where were you for an entire month? You didn't see me at all."

As he places his hand onto the door to keep it shut, the yakuza taunts, "Did you miss your master?" When those hazel orbs show off a glare, he leans to the other's ear and whispers, "Taking care of business, my wild cat and finding you a better place to live."

Blinking the fireworks out of his eyes, Akihito screams, "FUCK YOU! I'M NOT LETTING YOU BUY ME A PLACE!"

With a glare sent at the younger man, Asami replies, "First, I will fuck you soon enough. It has been long enough for you to recover. Second, you will be moving one way or another." As those small hands go up to push him away, he pushes the wrists above the younger man's head. When he leans to Akihito's ear, he whispers deadly, "You are mine, Akihito." Before a rant can escape those thin lips, the yakuza kisses him hard and demanding. Without waiting long, the other melts with his hold and invites his tongue inside. As a battle begins, he feels his lover becoming hard by a mere kiss. When the kiss is broken, he runs one of his hands down to the groin. Grabbing the clothed cock, he asks in a teasing voice, "Already? Can't you have better control?"

Losing all sense once again, Akihito pushes his hips forward to gain more and moans, "Ohhhhhh."

As he teases the younger man, the yakuza asks, "Are you going to be good and move?" When his lover shakes his head in refusal, he grabs the cock tightly to have the other man whimper. Pushing his body against Akihito, he asks again near the ear, "Are you going to be a good boy and do as you are told? That means moving."

Unable to stop it, Akihito screams out, "YES!" When he feels the hand down his pants, he moans loudly. Even if the guards are outside the office, he has no plan to tell his demanding lover to stop. This is what he waited for since he left the hospital. When he feels the cold air hit against his lower body, he blinks his eyes. It would seem the yakuza has been waiting long enough.

Ripping the shirt up to gain the pale skin, Asami tugs at his tie. When he has it off, he ties the younger man's wrists together. As those long legs wrap around his waist, rubbing against him to gain more pleasure. Putting his fingers into that wet warm mouth, he orders, "Suck." While his lover does as commanded, he works at the hardened nipples.

As the fingers are pulled out, the photographer begs, "Please, please." He isn't even sure what he is begging for at this moment. Too much is running through his body to know what he wants. When two fingers enter him, he bangs his head against the door and moans out the yakuza's name. While those talent fingers work him over, he feels like he can cum just like this. As a hand squeezes his cock tightly, he whimpers, "No. No. No."

Unzipping his pants quickly, the yakuza realizes he isn't going to hold on for much longer. Always to make the other cum first. Though right this second, he wants to feel the tight warm around his cock. Using the door as a solid surface to hold onto, he pushes inside the tight opening hard and roughly. All that echoes within the office are the loud screams coming from his lover and skin slapping against each other.

While his head moves side to side, Akihito pleads, "Oh, gods, Asami! PLEASE!" As the large hand wraps around his red cock, he screams out his pleasure. Only this man can bring him to this state. No one can ever compare. When he cums, he shouts, "ASAMI!"

As the muscles tighten almost painfully around his groin, Asami cums inside after a few more thrusts. When the younger man's body collapses against his, he replies, "Get your stuff together. Tomorrow you will be moving." All he hears is a small grunt.

Outside the office, Yasuka hands over a large bill and mumbles, "Damn, I can't believe he could get Aki-chan to move."

With a smirk, Akira replies, "Boss has his ways."

As she sits on the desk, Yasuka retorts, "Yeah, sexing my poor innocent brother." Even with a smirk on her face, she tries to show off confused orbs.

Shaking his head, Akira stays silent. It was for two months with this woman around and he can't believe how much she reminds him of his boss.


As the following day, Akihito smirks to himself while sitting at a bar with Kou and Takato. When he looks at his watch, he giggles and thinks, "I'm sure Asami got there already."

Kou notices the look and asks, "What are you up to, Aki?"

Takato taunts, "Are you playing with your lover again?"

Drinking his beer, the photographer answers with a huge smirk, "You can say that."

At his apartment, Asami narrows his eyes at the place. Nothing is packed. In addition his lover is no where to be found in the small apartment. When he notices a note, he reads it to himself.

Hey Old Bastard!

I'm not moving. No thank you! An old man like you can't handle me!

So screw yourself, Asami!

With a smirk forming onto his face, the yakuza mumbles, "Oh, poor Akihito. When will you learn?" As he fishes out his phone, he presses some buttons and asks, "Where is he?"

Jin reports, "At the Tawi Bar with two of his friends."

Without responding, Asami hangs up and orders a few of his men, "Pack everything up." When he notices the cameras sitting there, he states coldly, "Be very careful with his toys. If one of those toys are harmed, then you will see true rage." Of course, he never tells them that it will be his pet's rage after them. As he walks out, he replies, "Take me to the Tawi Bar. I have a pet to drag out and punish."

Back at the bar, Akihito laughs with his friends. Finally he told them what happened and they gave him worried faces. As he leans back against the seat, he mumbles, "It will be another ten minutes before he gets here."

Takato asks slightly worried, "Will he harm you for this?"

Kou chuckles out, "More like some good hot sex."

With a wink, the photographer giggles out, "I'll won't be coming to the office party tomorrow for sure."

Takato questions, "How do you know it will be around ten minutes of him coming here?"

As he tilts his head to the window, Akihito explains, "Cause his goon was following me. Has been for the entire day." When ten minutes past, he hears everyone gasps and he smirks even more. Turning his head with false innocent eyes, he stands up in false rage and growls out, "You!" Pointing a finger at the older man, he yells, "I can't believe it! How . . . " A kiss seals the rest of his words and his face turns red. When he thrown over the strong shoulder, he hits the back and growls, "Put me down. Put me down. I can walk." As he looks at the stun faces of his friends, he puts his thumb up.

After a little making out in the back of the limo, Asami pushes the photographer out of the limo. When they enter a nice apartment building, he pulls the struggling lover up to the floor.

As he tossed inside, Akihito frowns not at being brought there but because the older man didn't do anything in the limo except him being forced to give the yakuza a blow job. While walking around the new apartment, he stops frozen in his tracks. When he walks inside, he yells in an excited voice, "Shit! This is so huge! I never had a dark room this big before!"

Leaning against the door flame, Asami smirks and teases, "Looks like my pet is excited in more than one way too."

While turning around, the photographer growls out, "Well, what did you accept? You teased me in the limo and then wouldn't let me have my relief." As he crosses his arms in front of his chest, he stomps by the older man. When he is pushed inside a large bedroom, he smirks mentally to know this dangerous man is his at the moment. All that are heard in the bedroom are his moans for more of the most powerful man in the underworld. After a few hours, he lays there watching the cold man sleep soundly. As he pushes the black hair out of Asami's face, Akihito lies his head on the well-tone chest. Even if he watches other lovers walk in and out of the older man's life, he knows that Asami will always return to him.

Notes: Well, here is the ending. It is a little fast pace but I hope you enjoyed it. Please tell me what you think.