My Happily Ever After

"Edward! Stop it." I yelled as Edward picked me up as we stepped out of the limo.

We had just had the most memorable day of our lives (thanks to Edward's creepishly pixie sister)! The wedding was straight from a fairy-tale! I'm so happy that Renee' and Phil could come but even happier that Charlie put his feelings for Edward aside and walked me down the aisle! How could I ordinary Bella Swan be married to the God-like Edward Cullen? Truthfully, I still felt as though I was in a dream. If it was a dream, I hoped I'd never wake up!

"Bella, being the old-fashioned man I am I will and must carry you over the threshold."

I giggled to myself hearing him call himself an "old-fashioned man". Edward doesn't look a day over 18 but he really is 100 this year! I can't believe it myself!

"Well, what's your excuse for the rest of the time?" I asked trying to sound smart.

"Hmm, let's seeā€¦.well I love you and you are my Bella." He answered matter-of-factly.

"Well, that explains a lot. NOT!"

"It's my prerogative!" Then he gave me his perfect crooked smile!

Once we arrived at the door I realized that it said "Empyreal Suite". Oh great, I thought! As we walked into the unbelievable suite he sat me down at the couch.

"Edward, this is too much!"

"Is that a good or bad thing?"

"Well, both. You know I hate for you to spend money on me but it is beautiful."

"Ok, first, yes you are beautiful. Second, in my family after all of these years money isn't an issue."

Just then, I thought about his sister Alice and how she had CRAZY shopping sprees every other day. As if he had read my mind he added.

"Well, for now at least. Until Alice uses it all!"

We both smiled at each other thinking of Alice.

"So, what's first on the agenda?"

"Well, since you still have no idea where we are, I can't tell you. Sorry!"

"Please Edward; I know you want to tell me just give into that feeling." I begged in the 5 year old voice I had saved for times of need.

"Sorry, no can do."

"Humph" I pouted and folded my arms in front of my chest.

"Bella, sweetie." He laid his head on my shoulder.

"Follow me!" He grabbed my hand and we walked out the door.

PLEASE Review! I won't write more until I have at least 5! Hope you like it!! It's my 1st Fanfic!!