Lion's Pride

This is just a story that popped into my head, I hope you like it. Also I know lions aren't native to the area and all, but that does not stop my creativity!

A/N: I have noticed that when I some reviews it inspires me to continue certain stories. So for anyone who reads my stories pls send a good review if you want me to continue it, it doesn't always matter how many I get sometimes its just how much it is liked.(like this one for instance, I am editing and putting an update at the end of this one because I got a really good review that touched me)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Allana Higurashi, lady of the southern lands watched over her cubs, twin girls, who were 6 years old now, play in the garden of their palace. Her oldest Kikyou looked like everything a young female lioness should look like golden fur in her beast form with brown eyes, and pale with blonde hair in her humanoid form, very much the little princess she should be.

On the other hand, Kagome the younger cub was very dark. In her beast form she was a dark golden brown with black streaks around her ears, while in her humanoid form she had ebony hair and tan skin with emerald eyes. While Kikyou nearly pranced around the garden in her beast form, Kagome was jumping and pouncing around her sister, trying to get her older sister to play.

Allana was sitting on a bench in the garden; the three were waiting for the Lord of the South to return from a diplomatic mission with the dogs of west. She smoothed her hair and gown as she considered the implications of the trip.

She knew they would have to go to western palace soon, to finish any treaty her husband and the Lord of West came up with, it was only proper; she had heard that the Lord of West had two pups as well.

However unlike her mate, Inutaishou had sons of varying ages and two different mates.

He had lost his Inuyoukai mate in child birth and had to raise this first born and heir himself, the heir was approximately 14 years now.

The younger prince of west was a different story however, he was a hanyou and about the same age as her daughters.

Allana nearly shuddered, how a proper lord could mate a human she could not understand, having them as servants was one thing but to mate them, a different story, it nearly horrified her.

Suddenly she was brought out of her thoughts by her younger daughter in her beast form jumping onto her lap licking her mother's face.

Allana smiled slightly at her daughter's affection, "Kagome dear, I love you too, now please get down."

Kagome pouted a second then jumped off her mother's lap and ran into the palace.

Kikyou just went to rest properly under a tree.

Allana sighed, this waiting was torment, if they had not had young cubs at home she would have gone with her mate.

Suddenly in her human form and a child's white Kimono with red flowers embroidered in it, and her hair flying everywhere Kagome ran back out into the garden and up to her mother.

"Mother mother Papa is returning, a runner just came in telling he will be back soon!"

Allana gave a sigh of relief, "thank you Kagome, now go have a maid do your hair so you will be presentable for your father's return."

Kagome pouted but ran back into the palace if there was anything that got her youngest to do anything proper was to mention her father, Allana went to Kikyou and said, "Come Kikyou we need to be presentable when your father returns," Kikyou in her beast form just nodded and then strode beside her mother into the palace.

Meanwhile in the western palace Inutaishou was in his study looking over the treaty that he and the lord of south had come up with, when Izayoui came in, "Beloved?"

He looked up at the raven haired beauty that was his mate, "yes dear?"

She smiled, "have you decided which you will put up for betrothal?"

Inutaishou nodded, "I have thought it will have to be a compromise on both land's parts."

She nodded taking a seat on the seat across from him, "which is?"

He looked in her eyes, "I love you to death dear but South finds Inuyasha a taint, so when Saya, the Lord of South left I came up with what I am going to propose to South when they return."

She nodded, she knew quite well how the youkai community viewed her relationship with Inutaishou as well as her son, "they?"

He nodded, "Saya is bringing his mate and daughters when he returns and I will propose this: that Sesshomaru mates their youngest, since though she is the younger she is still a full blooded youkai, then suggest that their oldest mate Inuyasha. This will happen when they are all of age of course."

Izayoui nodded, "that seems fair."

As Inutaishou was telling his mate of his plan, Saya, lord of South was telling this family of their upcoming trip, told them to have the servant start packing for they would be leaving in a week. Once this was done Saya told his captain of the guards, a lioness named Sango of the plan and to prepare the guards who would be accompanying them.

Once this was done the Lord and Lady, Allana confronted her husband about what he was planning.

"Saya dear what do you plan to suggest to the western lord? I hope you do not plan to have one of our beloved daughters mated to the hanyou."

Saya shook his head, "I would not want to dishonor our family so I plan to ask for Kikyou to be mated to the eldest of the west."

Allana nodded, that would work very well though she really did not want Kikyou as a submissive bitch to a dog, she smiled at her mate, "I have a better idea, since with the way Kagome will eventually dishonor our family name at this rate, she is not a proper princess and I have a feeling will never be one, why do we not have Kagome mate his oldest."

Saya looked at his mate, "I will consider it dear, for now let us have our rest.