SugahSugah, ohohohoh. Baby, Baby ohohohoh!

You are my candy girl! :)

hehe. Hope you all enjoy this one. Leave me feedback.

Still no super hot sex. For some reason I haven't been up to writing smut, lately.

Promt number: 023.

mood: Curious.

Warnings: Fluffy, slightly? I guess?

How was this even beginning to be fair? How did this even begin to make sense?

Weren't girls supposed to be extra careful when it came to their diary? And wasn't a girl like Hermione not even supposed to own one? This was not fair. This made absolutely no sense to the poor teenage mind of Ron Weasley.

Books lay scattered across the small table in front of where he sat in the Gryffindor Common room, and most of them read titles like "Defensive Magical Theory" and "One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi" but one, black leather bound book stood out and was flopped wide open in front of him with it's scrawl of girly handwriting staring him in the face. He could make out a word here and there from where he sat, but he forced himself to turn away from it and tried to continue with his potions essay.

Hermione would be back soon. His torment and temptation would be over soon. She merely left to grab her potions text book... and left him here with this scattered mess they had been attempting to control together. He couldn't risk picking up that book. That would just be idiotic. He told his mind little things like that but Hermione hadn't returned in the five minutes he sat, and he couldn't help but look up and try to decipher the small, cursive text from where he sat.

He felt a small pang of guilt as he picked up the black book. Hermione was willing to help him with his Potions essay and he was sitting here with her personal thoughts in his hands.

As it turns out, curiosity wins against guilt.

Dear Diary,

I sincerely have no idea why I even write to you anymore. It's rather ridiculous, isn't it? Hermione Granger and her beloved Diary? Maybe it's because you're the only one I can talk to. I can't exactly tell Harry all the meticulous details I tell you, now can I? Can you imagine?

Ron glanced up nervously, fearing Hermione's return. When he saw no sign of her, he continued on.

I mean, honestly! How awkward would that be? Ohhhh, Merlin. telling your best friend you're absolutely, pathetically in love with your other best friend? That wouldn't exactly go over very well, now would it? And I can only shudder to think talking to Ginny about it. She'd be so smug and cocky about it. She seems to be more observant lately and I simply could not bare that embarrassment!

Ron's hands began to shake. He was her best friend, wasn't he? She never said "Ron" specifically, though... No. It couldn't he him. Just as quickly as his heart had sped up, it dropped. Even with his disappointment at his sureness that she couldn't be talking about him, He kept reading.

Besides, How could I bring it up? "By the way, Ginny, I dreamt about shagging your brother last night. Yeah, that's why I moan in my sleep sometimes. It's becase that bloody git of a brother you have... His red hair just drives me crazy."

It was at this point Ron nearly dropped the diary and punched the air in victorious swipes, but what he was reading intrigued him more than any book had ever before which wasn't much of a surprise seeing how little he read.

I think it's actually pretty sad, how much I have dreamt of him lately. He looked me in the eyes yesterday, and I nearly fell right where I stood. Those blue eyes... ugh! It's so horrible for me to talk like this. It's without hope. Having known the boy for five years and yet I can't stop thinking about him. It's hopeless, isn't it? Ronald Weasley could never love a pathetic, bushy haired book worm like Hermione Granger. I'm done with this embarrassment, Diary. Goodnight. Let's hope my dreams are not bothered by my pathetic wishing. -Hermione.

Ron turned the page reluctantly with his mouth wide open, obviously baffled. There was a single sentence on the page.

Dear Diary,

Pathetic wishing doesn't end very easily.


"Ginny, Let me through. This talk on your sudden interest in S.P.E.W. was interesting for the first ten minutes but I really promised Ron I would help with..." Hermione's voice stopped immediately as Ron whirled around to see Ginny grinning mischievously while standing on the stairway leading to the girls dormitories, and a very furious, shocked, and embarrassed looking Hermione in front of her.

"You git! You complete and total ARSE." She screeched, running at him and grabbing the book away from him... then proceding to hit him on the arm with it repetedly. "Ronald Weasley! HOW DARE YOU! This is personal! How did you even find... I just cant believe..."

Hermione's embarrassed and tearful words were cut off by the soft lips of the boy in front of her that had suddenly found her's.

"Where'd you plant the Diary?" Harry asked, appearing behind Ginny.

"the table." She replied with a hint of pride. "Turned it to page forty two."

Harry and Ginny exchanged an accomplished high five before leaving their two best friends to their snog-fest that was taking place on the common room couch.

I really hope you liked it. Please Review!