Ok! Sorry for the long wait everybody, been busy as usual, and final exams are finally over! Yay! Me no own Absolute Boyfriend. This will be the last chapter, so please review with a bit of extra feedback and let me know how you all liked my first story! As mentioned previously, I have an idea for Rurouni Kenshin. If you like Ruro Kenshin, let me know! I'll post the name of it with the trivia so you can find it and I promise to have the first chapter up as soon as possible. This plot bunny's been in my head for a long time!


End of the senior year of high school

Riiko sat with Night, Soshi, and Satori at the grad excercises. Riiko wore a beautiful, deep purple kimono that set off her eyes and had small flowers dotting it. White lines swirled gracefully between the flowers and seemed to dance when she moved. Satori wore an expensive looking blue kimono with black silhouetted koi swimming around on it. The boys had decided to go for a more modern look, both wearing suits. Night had his black jacket unbuttoned and untucked, revealing the white shirt underneath and a silky black tie. Soshi opted for all white. He sported a handsome white coat with gold buttons and white pants to match.

The four sat in eager silence as the principal made his speech to the grads and as soon as he was done, the class shouted for joy.

"Hurray! We're done!" Cried Riiko as she wrapped her arms around Night in a hug. He laughed and shared her enthusiasm by lifting her off the ground. Satori and Soshi watched the two with a blank expression, but shared a secret smile between them. After the ordeal with Tora, they had all breathed a huge sigh of relief to go back to normal, though Night would always carry the scar left by the knife attack. His brother had left town after the incident, leaving no trace of where he had gone. Satori had recovered from the mental trauma inflicted by the cruel words with Soshi's help and kind words. When Riiko found out they were together, she laughed.

"I never thought Soshi would be civil enough to find a girlfriend! He's always so stern looking and gloomy." She said as her eyes lit up. Soshi retaliated cooly.

"I wouldn't be one to talk.... flatsy patsy." This remark earned him a blow to the head and Riiko's yells. Night held onto the ill tempered young lady with a smile as he chatted calmly with Satori about where they should go for dinner. In the end, after the group had settled down, they headed towards Mantiev.

The group headed along the sidewalk after the grad party and dinner. Satori had permission from her Grandfather to stay the night at Soshi's.

"He's a respectable young man!" He had said when she asked. The two said goodnight to Riiko and Night and entered his apartment. Riiko unlocked the door to hers but before she could set one foot inside, Night picked her up bridal style and kissed her fiercly. The girl was shocked momentarily but immediatley sank into his embrace.

"Night... I'm so glad that I have you back with me." They hadn't spoken about his absence in so long that it seemed more like a distant dream.

"I'm glad I was able to come back to you Riiko. I can't bear the thought of making you unhappy again." He said passionatley and kissed her lightly before carrying her inside and setting her on the couch.

Satori had changed out of her kimono into her long sleeved pajamas and came to sit beside Soshi in the livingroom.

"Well, highschool's behind us, and now onto college." She said and Soshi pulled her gently to his side. She willingly snuggled up to his warm body. He had changed from his suit into a t-shirt and PJ pants. He simply nodded as he relished the moment they had.

"You know, I used to love Riiko." He said quietly, causing Satori to raise her head and gaze at him.

"Do you still love her?" She inquired just as quietly. Soshi smiled down at her and kissed her gently.

"Only as a sister." He said, making both of them smile.


7 years later

Riiko stood in the kitchen, trying to make out the recipe before her. She wanted to surprise Night when he came home from work, for their first anniversary. The handsome man had become a successful marriage counsellor, saving many couples relationship by reminding them of what exactly they loved about each other. Riiko giggled at the irony of the situation.

'Oh Night, could we ever ask for more?' She thought to herself as she looked around their large, but cozy house. The fireplace in the living room gave off a comfortable heat against the winter chill. Riiko smiled in memory as her teenage years washed through her mind in pleasant waves of memory. She sighed happily as a flutter arose from her now slightly swollen belly. This is all she could ever want in her life. Night, her loving husband, and a new baby. His baby. After another sigh, she tackled the recipe again.


Soshi came home from work to find Satori had beaten him again. The beauiful young woman had become a very succesful entrepreneuer, helped along by her knowledge of stocks and her partner and husband.

"How do you always beat me home?" He laughed lightly and kissed her forehead. She only smiled up at him before answering.

"Because if I get home first, you have to cook." He remembered their little bet, made when they moved into the spacious house. Last one home had to cook. Soshi didn't mind, he enjoyed it and so did Satori.

"Oh yes, we're expecting your brother over for a visit." She said over her shoulder. Soshi sweatdropped.

`Just like in highschool` He thought but soon had a stir fry and some soup on the stove.

"Riiko is expecting" He announced to his wife a few moments later. She nodded as she turned on some low music.

"Yes, I heard. I`m glad for her." She replied. Satori wasn`t jealous. She had Soshi and that was all she would ever need.

That was one thing the two girls would always share in common. They only really needed one thing in their lives. Their husband.

Satori found hers when she was lonely and hurt, never believing a man would be able to overcome her physical appearance. Until Soshi showed her what love meant. They healed their emotional scars together.

Riiko had found hers in a fluke meeting with a strange individual by the name of Gakku Namikiri and the company Chronos Heaven, only to be lost when he could no longer function. But people like Night and Riiko are fated to be together, because when an old love returned, Riiko found her happiness.


The end! I hope you like the ending, I did the best I could so if you hate it I`m sorry! Trivia will be up after this chapter so if you`re interested in participating, let me know. Feedback and reviews greatly greatly appreciated. If you would like to know the name of my Ruro Kenshin fic, let me know in the reviews and I`ll get back to you A.S.A.P!

I would like to thank all the readers of my story for your support! You are all amazing and I hope to see your reviews for my new story as well.

Thanks again!

Love Lady Taiyou