This is the story of what happened after Night was sent back to Chronos Heaven. Did Riiko end up with Soushi after all? Or will Night somehow return to her? First Fanfic! Please be constructive only!

Riiko raced around the house trying to find her school books as usual. Next door, Soushi and his brother calmly ate their breakfast even as the crashing ensued. "Where's my textbook! I'm going to to be late again!

" Riiko cried as she tripped over a stray takeout box and fell face first on the floor. She groaned and sat up slowly, rubbing her cheek.

Looking around in frustration at the messy room, her gaze fell upon her desk, where two rings lay in a box. Riiko sighed as she remembered when Night had bought them for her last year, before he was returned. She thought he would never leave her, until his body finally shut down. A small tear trailed down her cheek when she thought of his kind heart and gentle manner. How supportive he had been after her heart had been broken by Ishizeki Kun, and how much she missed him now.

A knock on the door pulled Riiko from her reverie. Quickly wiping away the tear, she looked over at the door to see Soushi, glowering at her through his glasses.

"Hey boobless, are you coming?" He immediatley regretted his words as Riiko delivered a heavy hit to his face.

"Don't call me that!" Riiko yelled as she mysteriously found her books and slammed the door shut behind her.

"You're such a jerk! Why do I even hang out with you!" Soushi massaged the bump that now formed on his head and looked grumpy.

"It's not my fault you're so unorganized." He grumbled as the two walked towards Seiba High, bickering the whole way.

"You know, sometimes I think it was almost a good thing you had...TENJOU?!"

Gaku Namikiri watched as the repairs on 01 were performed. He thought back to the meeting involving the rebooting of Riiko Izawa's beloved figure, before he had left to run his food stand. He had thought that the argument was lost to him, so he'd given up...until that brat Yuki had called him back, saying Night was to be repaired.


Gaku walked home on that mild summer night when his cell rang.

"Gaku Namikiri...YOU!...You want what?...Rebooted! But I thought they said-... no, no of course I'll come back...alright..."

He hung up and immediatley set his course for theportal to Chrono's Heaven.

end flashback