Sorry for such a long break. Between summer, looking for and starting a new job, and kids starting school, it's been a rough time to write. Hopefully now it will get better!! Let's just hope a writer's block doesn't hit.

Months, Jason thought to himself. Months and no sign of him…of anyone. A few months had past since he got his family home, but Zander still hadn't been found. Sonny had let him use every available man possible to track him and still nothing. It was almost as if he had disappeared. But they knew he hadn't because of the situation with the organizations. The only questions now were when he would hit next, and who was he working with now. They knew that Alcazar's men were working as a part of him because shipments had been coming missing and been tampered with, and the trails had lead them straight to Alcazar's old properties and men. But still no Zander. There had also been a small situation in which both sides had lost some people…only the rest of Alcazar's men were now all gone. Occasionally the men would say that they had found something…a new lead. But it always led to the same thing…nothing. Since when had Zander become so smart? Or not smart really…but sneaky. Something said that he was working with someone else now…someone who could protect him. But who?

It also didn't help that every time he turned around, the guards were telling him about Sam McCall. Apparently Sam thought it was her mission in life to verbally attack his wife whenever she was in public. But for the life of him, he couldn't figure out how she seemed to almost always end up in the same place. Elizabeth had said to not worry about it…that she could handle it. But he disagreed. He was really going to have to do something about her. Apparently threatening her and locking her in the safe house for a couple of weeks hadn't done anything. Plus, every time he looked for her lately, she seemed to have disappeared. The next time she resurfaced…which he knew would probably be as soon as Elizabeth left the house again…he was going to have a tail placed on her. Maybe then his men could keep her away. He knew you weren't supposed to harm women and children, but she was crossing the line. She was definitely getting on his list.

Plus now Lucky was about to come back to town. His rehabilitation program was over, and he was on his way home. Elizabeth said he had called and wanted to see Cameron. They had both discussed it and had decided against the idea. Cam was starting to adjust well…especially considering getting kidnapped, moving into a new home, and gaining more family. He was fitting right in. Neither of them wanted him to have a setback. Hopefully he wouldn't get back up with Sam because he knew that was exactly what Sam was betting on. It was one of the reasons she attempted to talk to Elizabeth…or should he say harass her on a regular occasion. She was still betting that Lucky would get the boys.

And to top it all off, they were starting to get threats. Pictures and messages. The part that he really couldn't shake was that this time they weren't after Sonny's family. This time they were after his. Pictures of Elizabeth and the boys in the park. Pictures of his home. Pictures of his family. Someone was out to get him and his family. He was betting on Zander, but it could possible be someone else. He had Spinelli up nights at a time looking into it. If they weren't found soon, he knew he was going to have to set up his plan. His family was more important right now. He would do whatever was necessary to protect what was his. He had even gone as far as to ask Elizabeth and Emily to stay home from work for now, even though they were both ready to go back. He couldn't take the chance of someone getting to them.

Jason was pulled from his thoughts by something. He turned when he heard a noise from the stairs. He was finally going to get to spend a little time with his family today. He planned to play with the boys for a while this morning, and he had plans for his wife at lunch. But first he wanted her to get some rest. The twins seemed to be making her uncomfortable all ready. Plus with all the stress, she hadn't been sleeping very well. He sat his cup down as he heard a giggle and walked towards the room's entrance. He stood just to the side of the door and looked down as a small head with curls glanced into the room. As the little person glanced around, and stepped out and said, "Boo!!"

Cam jumped and ran around him laughing. "You got me. Now see if you can catch me."

Jason watched as Cam ran around the couch and was headed towards the door to his office. He took off the other way to cut him off, and Cam just turned and laughed. He ran across the hall to the family room and scooted under the pool table just as Jason got over to him. "Oh no…now what am I going to do?" he asked with a smile.

Cam laughed and said, "Ah ha…you can't get me."

Jason laid on the floor next to him and put out his hand to tickle the little boy. Cam laughed and squirmed until he wiggled slightly closer to Jason. Jason pulled him out and onto his lap and tickled him until he said, "Okay…you got me."

Jason laughed at the little boy and smiled. Cam smiled back and said, "I'm hungry. Can we eat?"

Jason paused as if to think about this to see what Cam would say. "Hmmm…"

"Daddy, I'm really, REALLY hungry." Cam got up and began to jump up and down. "REALLY, REALLY, HUNGRY!!"

Jason stared at the little boy in awe. This was the first time he had called him "Daddy". Jason reached up and hugged the little boy and said, "We can eat anything you want."

Jason stood up and followed Cam into the kitchen. Cam began to ramble on about something that he had done with Spinelli the day before…something about a new game. Jason just watched him for a minute and thought back to the word…Daddy…he sees me as his dad. That one word meant the world to him. He thought hearing Jake say "Da" had been amazing. But this…Cam meant it. He saw him as his dad.

"Can we have pancakes and syrup? I want ten pancakes. Then can you play my new game with me?" Cam climbed up onto a chair at the table and waited for a response.

Jason smiled and said, "Ten pancakes….really. Can your little tummy handle TEN pancakes?"

Cam nodded and looked at him with a serious look and said, "I'm starving. Plus, now I have Jake and the new babies to take care of. That's lots of work. I need lots of food."

Jason smiled and said, "Are you helping mommy rest with the new babies?"

Cam nodded, "And I talk to them too. I just wish I could see them."

Jason smiled and said, "One day. Hey, would you like to make your mom some breakfast too?"

Cam jumped up and said, "Can I help?"

Jason nodded and said, "Sure…she would really like that." Just then he heard a few baby noises from the monitor. "Sounds like Jake's up. How about we go get him and then start breakfast?"

Cam grabs Jason hand and says, "Okay, but we got to hurry. I need food soon."

Elizabeth stretched slowly and looked around. She had slept late. Where were the boys? Where was Jason? She knew she was at her home now, but she could not hear anyone. She was really surprised that she hadn't heard the boys. She also wondered why Jason had not woken her up. She climbed out of the bed and, after going to the restroom, walked over to look out the window. There was a great supply of sunlight shining through. She was ready for the day. Hopefully she and Jason would be able to spend a little time with the boys before he got busy with work again. She knew he was doing his best to keep them safe. She just wished she got a little time with her husband. Once the threat died down, hopefully everything would get back to normal…or some what normal anyway. She smiled as she heard footsteps outside of the room and a shushing sound. As she turned towards the door, she saw all her boys coming in. Jason was holding Jake and a plate, and Cam was carrying a cup.

Cam walked carefully over to her and said, "Mommy, me and Daddy made you breakfast. Jake just watched."

Elizabeth stared at her son for a moment and could feel the tears coming into her eyes. Daddy…he called Jason, Daddy. She was amazed that he did this all on his own. It just spoke wonders of what he felt for Jason. She looked up quickly at Jason and saw his smile. Then she kneeled down and gave him a kiss and hug. "Thank you very much."

He grabbed her hand and said, "Come on. You get to eat in bed."

She followed him back to the bed and sat down. Jason handed her the plate and sat down with Jake on the end of the bed. Cam sat the cup down next to her and smiled as he watched her.

She looked around and said, "Well, this is a surprise. Well, are you going to eat with me?"

Cam shook his head and said, "This is yours."

Jason smiled and said, "We ate a while ago sleepy head."

Cam laughed and said, "You're the sleepy head mommy."

Elizabeth smiled and began to eat as Cam told her all about cooking the breakfast.

"…and Daddy even let me stir the eggs and put butter on the toast. And hot chocolate. You got special hot chocolate. Aunt Emmy ate with us. And Spin-elle. Why'd you sleep so late? Can we go play on the slide outside?"

Elizabeth laughed at her son. "Well, someone's happy this morning. Let me finish eating and get dressed. We'll figure out what to do then."

Jason turned to Cam and asked, "Would you like to have Morgan come and play with you outside today?"

Cam started jumping up and down and said, "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah."

Elizabeth turned with a questioning look and said, "I guess that's a yes."

Jason watched as she sat her plate down and held her hands out for Jake. As he watched her with him, he said, "Carly and Leticia are going to bring the boys over here so that we can go out together for a bit. I called in a favor."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and said, "Okay. Just don't let her think that you owe her for life now."

He smiled, "Naaa…she owes me. So what do you say? Would my wife do me the honor of lunch?"


He stood up and picked up Jake. Then said, "Come on Cam. Let's let mommy get dressed. Plus, I have some plans to make.

Elizabeth walked down the stairs and glanced around. She loved her new home. She walked towards the family room since this was where all the noise was coming from. Jason was on the phone in the corner, and Emily was helping Cam try to hit the ball around with the pool stick. Jake was swinging happily next to them cooing every time he was actually able to touch a toy. This was how her family was supposed to be. This was almost perfect. "Hey Em. How's he doing?"

Cam jumped in and said, "Mommy. I hit balls."

Emily laughed and said, "Well, we are hitting them here and there, but Jason's probably going to have to teach him the finer points. I'm not much good at this pool stuff, am I Cam?"

Cam shook his head, "She doesn't hit any. Daddy hits a lot. Some even went in a hole."

Elizabeth smiled and walked towards Jake. "Hey big boy. Do you like that swing?" Jake smiled and cooed. "Well, that's good."

Emily walked towards Jake and smiled as she rubbed the little boy on the head. "He's had a busy morning. He rolled all the way across the carpet. Then he got himself turned and rolled right under the pool table before I could even catch him. So I figured he better be corralled for the moment."

Cam jumped off the chair after setting down his pool stick and said, "Mommy, I told him it he wanted to get chased, he should have gotten up earlier. Daddy chased me around before breakfast."

"Oh he did," she said and she glanced up as Jason. He just kind of shrugged and turned back towards the window. "Well, that sounds like fun. Did he catch you?"

Cam nodded and said, "Yeah…but only cause I let him."

With that response, they all laughed. Just then the doorbell ran. Emily walked towards it saying, "Hopefully that's for me. I have plans today. Actually, I am going to stay with Nicholas tonight. I will be back in the morning. Call me if you need anything."

Elizabeth waved as Emily headed towards the door. "Have fun!!"

Elizabeth looked down at Cam and said, "Why don't we go out back for a bit? Give daddy a minute on the phone."

Cam jumped down and said, "Yeah…let's go!"

She followed him to the backdoor and out onto the porch. She loved having a yard for the boys to play in. Cam ran straight to the swing set that was shaped like a fort and climbed up to the slide. Elizabeth looked down at Jake and said, "Do you want to swing outside?" He gave her a couple of gurgling noises that ended with a "da". "We are really going to have to work on that little man. It's mama. Can you say it? Mama." And all she heard was "da." "All right. Fine. Let's go swing. Maybe your little siblings will learn mama first."

And this was how Jason found them about twenty minutes later. Cam was sitting in the sandbox under the fort, and Jake was in the swing. Carly followed him out with Morgan and Michael. As she watched Morgan and Michael run for the fort, she said, "How are you doing?"

Jason looked back at her and said, "I'm fine."

Carly snorted and said, "No your not. There's a lot going on. Sonny keeps telling us to keep the boys right with us. He's even threatening the island if things don't slack up. He said you would probably send Elizabeth and the boys down there as well."

Jason shook his head and said, "Not unless I have no other choice. But I'm not going to talk about business with you, Carly. You know that, so let's leave it at this."

Carly nodded towards Elizabeth and said, "How's she doing?"

Jason smiled and said, "She's good. She and the boys are great. Cam called me "Daddy" this morning for the first time."

Carly watched the amazement in her friends face. Damn muffin for taking him, but at least she was making him happy. "Jason, that's great. I know I've been pretty horrible about all of this, but I am truly glad that you are happy. You are one of the best fathers I know. You deserve to have a family. Even if I was pig headed about Elizabeth, I am glad she makes you happy."

Jason looked at her as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. "Honestly Jase, I am truly happy for you."

Jason nodded and said, "Thank you." He turned to watch Leticia head out to where the boys were playing. "Thank you again for coming over here. I just wanted to give her a little bit of a break from everything. If the boys start to get to be too much, you can always try to drag Spinelli out to play video games with them. He's in his room unless you need him. He promised to hang around."

Carly waved him off and said, "Jase, we'll be fine. Get Elizabeth and go."

They walked over to the play set. Jason gave Cam a quick hug and then picked up Jake. "Who am I?" Jake cooed and him and then said, "Da."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and said, "Don't get too cocky about it mister. He called me "da" a few times today too."

Jason pulled her to him and leaned down to kiss her. "Are you ready to go?" She nodded. He said, "Well, let's go."

They waved to everyone and left for her surprise.

Elizabeth stared out the window as they drove. She leaned against Jason as he held her and sighed. "This is amazing. Getting a break…being with you."

He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed the side of her neck. "I'm glad you agreed to get away with me too. I am sorry I've been so busy."

Elizabeth turned to him and shook her head. "Don't apologize. You are there when we need you, and I know what you are doing in important for our family. Let's just look forward to the time we have together. Now," she asked with a twinkle in her eye, "where are you taking me?"

Jason smiled down at her and said, "You'll see."

"That's all I get."

"For now."

She leaned over and kissed the sensitive part just below his ear. "Please," she whispered into his ear.

He shook his head and said, "Not yet. But I could use a little more persuading."

Elizabeth sat up and smiled, "Exactly what kind of persuasion do you have in mind Mr. Morgan?"

He gave her a smile and said, "The kind that we should probably not do with the window cracked to the front seat. How are you feeling?"

Elizabeth sat her hand on her stomach. "We're fine. Just a little tired. I never realized how good you get it with just one. I feel like I'm doubling up on everything with this pregnancy. I think it's because Jake still needs so much."

Jason nodded and said, "You know, I've been thinking about maybe getting you some help after the babies are born. Actually, getting both of us some help." He saw her look and said, "Not full-time…just some help around the house and maybe to help watching them if we wanted to go anywhere."

Elizabeth shrugged and said, "I don't know Jason. Maybe we should see how we do ourselves first. You know we will probably have a lot of help from family."

Jason sort of pause at this response and said, "Well, let's think about it."

Elizabeth smiled and said, "Okay. Are you starting to get worried about having so many babies in the house? You know we still have a few months to go. I'd hate for you to have a breakdown on me before they even arrive."

"Ha…ha. That's not funny. I was thinking about you. We could even get someone now since you're so tired. You know, maybe Leticia could come over for the few hours that Morgan and Michael will be in school or something."

"Jason, I can't do that to her. She's probably already got plans for that time, and she's Michael and Morgan's nanny. Emily lives with us at the moment, and you won't let either of us go back to work yet. Do you honestly think I am so exhausted I can't move at the moment? Emily does plenty to help at the moment. What more do I need?"

"But what about when she's not there?"

"Jason, I am fine. Stop worrying so much, please. I can take care of myself and our children."

Jason traced her stomach and said, "I know you can. I just want to be on the safe side. Let someone worry about you for once."

Elizabeth shrugged and leaned back against him. "Fine. Worry. But everything is going to be fine."

Jason glanced out the window and said, "We are almost there. Are you hungry?"

Elizabeth smiled and said, "We're starving." She looked out the window and said, "Jason, thank you for this."

They stepped out of the car and walked down the steps at Vista Point. Jason had had one of the guards set up a picnic lunch for them and a couple of couple of heaters to keep the space warm for them. Elizabeth smiled as she looked around and sat down. "So what are we eating today?"

Jason pulled out a couple of salads, grilled chicken sandwiches, and strawberries. "How does this look?"

Elizabeth smiled, "Delicious."

"Well then, let's eat."

Sam slowly made her way closer to Jason and Elizabeth. She could see Jason feeding her and pawing all over each other. It wasn't fair. That should be her down there with the growing stomach and the loving husband. Jason belonged to her. After everything they had gone through and everything she did for him, there should be no questions. If only the little witch hadn't gotten in her way. She would have everything. She had almost had Jason married to her…for Christ sakes, they had been engaged. She had even been trying to get at the little witch, trying to keep her guard down because Zander had plans to get rid of her. Zander wanted to use her as Jason's weakness, but Sam had her own plan. She would help Zander get rid of the little witch, and then she would warn Jason about what was going on. That would get her back in Jason's good graces…and more than likely back into his bed. And of course Jake would need a mommy to help raise him. She would be perfect for the job…much better than the little witch. Cam could go to Audrey or something. She had heard that Jason had adopted him…but she was sure it was just because she had made him. Plus for some reason, Zander wanted Cameron. By all means, he could have him.

But it was starting to get tiring, following Elizabeth around. She wasn't sure who he was getting his information from, but Zander always seemed to know where Elizabeth was. It really wasn't hard to find her. The problem was that she knew Jason was starting to get irritated…more so than Elizabeth. She wasn't stupid. She knew that was why she had been locked in the cabin a couple of weeks ago. She had been warned…and now she had just been avoiding Jason…which wasn't too hard since she was currently staying at a different place every couple of days. Zander seemed to move a lot, and he was keeping her close. Pretty close for now…which really didn't bother her in the least. It was actually pretty enjoyable. Much better than Lucky, but she still would prefer Jason. She contemplated whether she should go on down and see the happy couple. Zander had said to go see them. The plan was to happen sooner rather than later…but still.

Just then a guard walked up and grabbed her arm. "Ms. McCall. I seem to recall that you are not wanted around Jason or Mrs. Morgan. You need to leave."

Jason looked up as he noticed a movement from the side. Andrew was holding Sam. Damn it. When was she going to learn? Now to interrupt his private time with his wife. "Elizabeth, look I'm sorry, but can you let Francis take you home?"

Elizabeth looked back over her shoulder and groaned. "Why does she keep showing up? I'll go, but can we have a little time together later?"

Jason nodded and gave her a quick kiss. "I promise. This shouldn't take long, and then I have to stop off to see Sonny."

She nodded. "Okay. I love you."

"I love you." He watched her walk to the car and climb in. As Francis climbed in the front, he motioned to Andrew. He watched as Andrew drug Sam down to where he stood.

Sam huffed once the guard let her go. "Jason, you really need to talk with your guards. They shouldn't be manhandling women that way. I thought that was part of your motto or something…to keep women and children out of your business."

Jason nodded to the other guard and watched him walk away. "This has nothing to do with that Sam, and you know it."

Sam shrugged and looked around. "What is your fascination with the place? Did your little princess take you here as well while you were cheating on me behind my back?"

Jason shook his head and pinched the end of his nose. "This is going to stop Sam. You will not come near my family any more."

Sam moved to walk around him, but he grabbed her arm and held her still. "Do you hear me? Do you understand? Because there are no more chances Sam. You come near my family again, and you will never get that opportunity again."

Sam smiled and said, "Jason, if I didn't know any better I would think you were threatening me. But I know you wouldn't do that. We lost a child together too. You are still in love with me…I know that deep down. Plus, my mother might enjoy hearing about me getting threatened. What a way to bring the big, bad Jason down? Not through his business dealings, but with her own daughter." She jerked her arm from his hand. "Plus, you owe me for everything that was taken from me because of you. I will never have children, Jason. Do you remember that? You TOOK THE ONE CHANCE FOR US TO HAVE A CHILD TOGETHER BY BEING WITH HER!!" She paused, and then began to whisper, "Wouldn't want to upset the little princess now would we. We could have raised that little boy together. We would have been a family. She and Lucky could have had more children, and we would have still been together."

Jason stared at her is disbelief. He was beginning to think she must truly be crazy.

Sam stared back at him with tears in her eyes, "Don't you miss us? Don't you miss our family? Weren't we great together?"

Jason shook his head and motioned to his guards, "Sam this is it. I am married. I am with the women that I have loved for years. I'm final happy, and you are trying to pull this. I am sorry that you can't have children, but you can't use that against me any more. You chose your path, and I have chosen mine. If you want children, look into adoption or something. I'm sure Lucky will be thrilled to do that for you once he's back in town…which apparently should be any day now. Stay away from me. Stay away from my family. STAY AWAY FROM MY WIFE!!" He watched her to make sure she was listening this time. "The guards' instruction from this point forward will be to not let you anywhere within the range of my family. This includes me. You choose to sleep with Lucky. You choose to sleep with Ric. You have made plenty of choices that I don't agree with, but you are no longer our problem. And just to make this clear, that was yours and Sonny's child, not mine that was lost." He motioned to the guards and said, "Make sure she makes it home." As Andrew walked away with Sam, Jason called Milo and said, "Stay on Sam until otherwise told. She is probably going to try something. I want to know what she is doing and who she is with at all times." He closed the phone and watched Andrew drive away. Then he turned to Max and said, "I need to go see Sonny."