thanks to blue-eyed chica for her review, umm no i havent changed my e-mail address but its annoying coz all those stories ive put alerts on, i cant find them either...
oh and to ur other sugestion with James and the patronus? lol umm to tell u the truth, i didn't think of that until you told me that but then again, it may lose the plot in my story or make it not as... interesting? but i honestly did not think of that and thank you heaps for reminding me!


Chapter six:

Lily sat on her couch, shivering all over, even though her blanket was wrapped tightly around her. It had now been 6 weeks since James was due home and Lily was beginning to give up.

A light knock at the door broke her train of thoughts and Lily stood up, swaying alittle and walked slowly over to the door and opened it to reveal a Professor Dumbledore.

"Good evening, Lily. May i come in?" Dumbledore asked lightly.

Lily nodded and stepped aside to let Dumbledore walk in.

"I think it best if you sit down. Such news can make one faint." Dumbledore said softly and Lily nodded numbly and obeyed.

"As i am sure you are aware, it has been six weeks since James was due home and i fear something must have gone terribly wrong. Although the operation was simple, even the most simple things can turn into chaos. So i have come," Dumbledore sat down and took Lily's hand, looking gravely into her own eyes. "to prepare you for the worst. We have no evidence that James had failed or he is dead. But we have no news that he has passed and he is alive. As you know, apparation is very simple and extremely quick for transportation. Six weeks have gone by and no one has heard hide nor hair of James Potter. And i ask you to not get your hopes up on the small chance that he has defied all and is alive."

Lily shook her head and sobbed into her hands. No, no, this can't be happening! He promised to come back!

"Lily, dear. I am so sorry." Dumbledore whispered.

Lily nodded. "Perhaps you should go."

Dumbledore nodded and left silently leaving Lily a mess on her couch.

James glanced out of the door of his room and saw nobody. With a deep breath in, he pulled out the tube in his nose and biting his lip, tugged out his IV tube.

James swore. His hand was now bleeding badly. Looking around quickly, he spotted a few rolled bandages and picked up two, and rolled one around his hand tightly.

James lifted up his shirt and look at his side. Instead of being smooth skin, his side had been sowed together.

"What the bloody hell?" James cried.

He touched it and he felt a sharp pain in his side.

"Well, least its not bleeding. Hopefully St. Mungo's can fix it.' James muttered as he climbed out of the window of his room and ran full pelt behind a large gum tree.

"Alrite, James, time to go home." He told him self firmly.

With one last look at the hospital, James held out his wand and concentrated on home, shutting his eyes tightly. He turned on the spot and grinned as he felt something grab his navel from his inside and all the air being squeezed out of him.

When James did open his eyes, he was standing in front of a house he had been picturing in his mind... but it was different.

The house seemed dull and faded, even though the house had been painted a vibrant blue only four months ago, the house seemed almost grey.

James opened the gate and walked into the front yard and stared at the unfamiliar territory. Plants in the front yard were either wilted or shriveled up and dead, the grass was up to James's knees and in some patches it had died and left a horrible brown mark.

But James strode threw all of this, with one person in mind he climbed the stairs leading up to the front door. As he climbed, he seemed to be in slow motion, he was getting where he wanted to be quick.

When James finally reached the front door he was sweating hard. With a deep breath, James burst threw the door and half ran, half stumbled into the house.

There on the ground, lying on her stomach, spread eagle was a woman, a thin, pale woman with fiery red hair matted around her head.

"Lily! Oh God, Lily!" James cried aloud.

James bent down onto his knees and carefully turned lily over, onto her back, amazed at how little she weighed. He turned her slowly and rested her head in his lap.

"Lily..." James whispered, his eyes welling up.

He stroked her hair, it was oily and dead but it was still fiery.

"C'mon, Lils! Wake up!" James croaked, three tears rolled quickly down his cheek and one splashed Lily's face.

"ermph?" Lily groaned.

Blinking back the tears on the verge of falling, James shook Lily lightly. "Lily? C'mon Lily, Wake Up!" James pleaded.

"J-James?" Lily breathed, still not opening her eyes, her lips were cracked and blistered and her face was horribly white and hollow.

"Lily, honey, I'm here, open your beautiful eyes, c'mon Lils!" James breathed back, the tears he had been holding back burst out and rolled fervently down his face.

Lily's eyes snapped open and james almost screamed aloud.

Her eyes, her once beautiful, shining, twinkling, loving, happy eyes were gone. Instead James looked into a pair of eyes that were so unfamiliar to him. They had lost most of their vibrance and mischievous look. Now they seemed grey and distant. So distant James wasn't sure he could go so far to reach her and bring lily back.

Lily began to shake her head in james lap. "No! No... no, you're dead!" Lily cried in a hoarse whisper.

"No, Lily, I'm here. I'm here with you." James whispered back.

"It's a dream." Lily breathed, almost inaudible.

"It's no dream, Lily. I'm here, I'm home. Just like i promised." James nodded, his voice croaking with the sadness of seeing his beautiful wife so messed and confused.

"But... Dumbledore, he came over. He said... he told me you were..." Lily began to make a choking noise.

"Hey, hey, Lily. Shhhh. it's alright. Everythings going to be ok." James rocked her slowly.

"No... no- it's not." Lily whispered and she curled around James and began to violently shake as tears poured down her face.

James laid down beside her, and hugged and cradled her in his arms.

James and Lily laid on the floor, curled around one another, crying silently, until it was so dark, they could no longer see each others faces.

"I'm back, Lil's." james whispered into her ear and he felt her nod against his shoulder. "And i am never leaving you again."

James grabbed Lily's hand and squeezed it tight. "You're going to have to put up with me, and my slightly over cooked meat,my very bad habit of leaving the toilet seat up, my stupid, lame, not-good-looking mates . . . and my undying love for you . . . forever and ever."


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