i know its reeeeally short, but i just wanted to get it going to see how... ok(?)... it is.

So all reviews will make this kooky girl do back flips off an alpaca!!

Coming Home

Chapter One: The Front Door

Lily sat rigid on her couch, fidgeting with her hands as her eyes stared unfixed at the television in front of her

Lily sat rigid on her couch, fidgeting with her hands as her eyes stared unfixed at the television in front of her. The late summer sun set reluctantly behind her, filling the room with bright pinks and reds.

Lily looked at the front door, she stared at the bright indigo colour her and James and fought over, she stared at the gold door knob that she had yelled at James for installing; she stared at the elaborate patterns on the half-circle window at the top of the front door.

Every bit of Lily wanted that door to fling open wide and a tall man with messy raven hair to stride in smirking.

But it sat still, as if it was mocking poor Lily.

James Potter, Lily's husband of four months, was due home three weeks ago from a job Dumbledore had given him.

Lily's heart was heavy and ached for her beloved. She felt guilt and ashamed she had not joined him on the job, but being three and a half months pregnant, James didn't want to take any risks.

Lily bit her lip as the grandfather clock upstairs began to chime the ninth hour of the evening.

Lily closed her eyes and a heavy, bulky lump appeared in her throat as the memory of James bidding her farewell came to her…

"James…" Lily had whispered.

"It'll be fine, I'll be back before you know it and you'll be wishing I was away longer." James joked.

Lily looked down as tears welled in her eyes.

"Hey, hey, Lily, it'll be ok." James soothed as her hugged Lily.

Numbly she nodded.

"Keep an eye on the door, I'll be bursting through it in three weeks time, you'll see." James whispered into her ear, taking her hand.

Lily looked into James deep liquid eyes. "I love you."

Lily could see on James face that was all it took to reveal his true worries. "Lily, I promise you, I will return. I will come back to you. I am not leaving you or the baby. We are going to be a family."

Lily nodded again, kissed James softly on the lips and bid him a safe journey.

Lily stood up slowly, keeping her eyes on he door, she tried to leave the room. But as soon as she got to the foot of the stairs, Lily knew she couldn't sleep in her bed again.

Instead, she returned to the couch and lay down, pulling the warm blankets up to her chin staring back at the door.

And when she finally drifted off into a fitful sleep, she dreamed of her front door. She dreamed of wrenching it open, but it wouldn't budge.

Little did she know, James was coming…