Freddie yelled adn screamed for his friends to stop as they pulled on the strings. Slowly, his voice no longer mattered, for it could not be heard. He found himself, although he couldn't hear himself, in head or speech, shouting anything. Although he wished that wasn't the case. "Sam, I love you!"

The room suddenly fell silent. Sam and Carly froze, Sam dropping her cord and Carly tugging on her own. Freddie's hands covered his mouth, his eyes wide. Sam and Carly's mouth hung open. Nobody made any noise. When Carly's involentary tugging pulled on Sam's ponytail, Sam -trance-like- broke the silence. "Ow."

Silence endured once more. Shorter this time. "I take it guys just heard that?"

"Uh-huh." Carly nodded, slowly letting go of the rope.

"You don't actually mean you?" Sam inquired.

Freddie sighed, stepping down and standing infront of Sam. "Actually, I do."

"But you just said you loved Carly. And if you did love me, then why'd you only yank my ponytail and not hers. And why didn't you-" Sam's ramblings were cut short when Freddie grasped her shoulders and crashed their lips together. Sam froze, and slowly kissed back.

"OKAY!" Came Spencer's voice. "I heard somebody scream and I want to know-" The older Shay turned and his train of thought quickly changed. "Why is Freddie kissing Sam and why is Sam not punching Freddie?" He turned to his baby sister.

Carly open and closed her mouth. Gesturing towards them, she turned to her brother. "Freddie loves Sam."