Disclaimer: I don't own Eyeshield 21. Much as I would like to...sob


It was just like any other day at practice, everyone running around following Hiruma's orders while Suzuna and Mamori watched. Mamori compared the boys' progress with their past performances and told Hiruma what was going on using that weird hand-sign language only the two of them could understand. Monta watched her, wishing he could understand the things she was saying. Then, near the end of the practice, he noticed her face change before signaling something to the blond quarterback. She had looked a little uncertain, and then…

"Keh keh keh keh!" Hiruma's evil laughter broke out as he deciphered whatever it was Mamori had said in the sign language. Monta and the others nearly fell over from surprise: as far as they could tell, nothing funny had happened. Perhaps Mamori had told a joke? The poor receiver quickly forgot all about it as bullets whizzed past and he was yelled at to "quit staring at the fucking manager and get back to practice."

Although he knew no one else could understand it, Hiruma looked around to make sure nobody was paying attention before signing back to Mamori: "Fucking love you too."

Author's Note: yay! Hmmm...I wrote this even though i don't really like HiruMamo. Well, more specifically I dislike Mamori; I love Hiruma! Anyway, the idea just sorta hit me after I heard a subway commercial that involved hand-signals for baseball. And...yeah. My author's note is almost as long as the story itself. I'm sorry! Please rate and review! Thanks for reading!