Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :D and boy do I have a valentine treat for you all.
Gentlemen, BEHOLD! I present....the final chapter of The Little Mermaid: Avatar Style! Yaaaaaaaaays!! *waves arms frantically*
Also, consider this my own personal Ode to Tokka Week ;)
Final disclaimer: I do not own Avatar or The Little Mermaid...*sigh*
Chapter 28: Happily Ever After
It was a glorious day when Zuko and Katara's wedding took place. The sun shined brightly up in the cloudless sky and the ocean waves calmly slapped against the shoreline. On the beach, people from the Fire Nation, Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom (both land and sea) and Air Nomads came together for the first time in over a century to celebrate the union of Prince Zuko to Princess Katara.
It was two hours before sunset when the band started the wedding march, prompting all the guests to take a seat. On one side of the alter, which was the beach, all the land nations citizens sat in their chairs ready to witness the event when their prince became Fire lord. On the other side of the aisle, which was the ocean, all the water dwelling benders floated among the waves eager to see their princess fulfill their desires of being able to go on land. And at the end of the aisle, dressed in his finest royal fire nation garments, stood Zuko looking who looked more nervous than ever had before. Fidgeting with his cloak, he kept staring at the end of the aisle and back at Iroh who was acting as priest to the ceremony.
"Don't be so nervous nephew." Iroh said putting a hand on Zuko's shoulder "You're just getting married. It's not like you have to go fight sea monsters again." Zuko grinned nervously and gave his uncles hand a firm squeeze. Suddenly organ music began playing and everyone turned to watch as Appa and Momo flew overhead sprinkling a trail of flower petals. Aang and Toph, who was now on legs, then preceded to walk down the aisle arm in arm before stopping in front of Zuko. Aang gave him a thumbs up while Toph lightly punched him in the arm before standing off to the side beside Appa.
As the music changed, everyone stood up eager to see the new blushing bride. Finally from the back tent emerged Katara, holding a bouquet in one hand while being escorted by Sokka with the other. As she walked gracefully down the aisle, people couldn't help but sigh and stare at her dress in admiration. Made of the finest silks, the dress was white as snow and had thick sleeves lined with diamonds that hung daintily around her shoulders. A matching diamond tiara sat amidst her gentle brown curls that flowed over her shoulders and down her back. Following closely behind her was Meng, who was carrying her train and veil which had patterns of flowers, starfish and seashells skillfully woven into the fabric.
Everyone who saw the beautiful bride was awe struck, but none more than Zuko. Unable to take his eyes off her, he was practically beaming as Katara approached the podium and was looking happier than he ever had before. At the base of the podium, Iroh stood ready to unite the couple.
"Who here gives this woman to this man?" Iroh asked.
"That'd be me." Sokka said raising his hand. From the water, Hakoda watched the ceremony, filled with pride and happiness.
"You look beautiful." Sokka said as he lifted her veil back. Katara then slipped an object into his hand and quietly whispering into his ear. Sokka looked confused at first but after looking at the item, seemed to understand what her words meant. Nodding, he slipped the item into his pocket and joined the couple's hands together.
"You better take care of my sister Sparky." Sokka said pointing at Zuko "Or I'll get the claws out on you."
Zuko chuckled. "That won't be necessary." he said smiling at his bride. Satisfied, Sokka stood next to Toph who looked at him suspiciously. Everyone sat as Iroh began reading the vows, anxiously waiting for when their nations would be joined as one.
"Do you Zuko, take Katara, to have and to hold, forever and ever as long as you both shall live?"
Zuko smiled at his beautiful waterbender "I do."
"And do you Katara, take Zuko, to have and to hold, forever and ever as long as you both shall live?"
Katara looked back at her handsome prince and nodded. "I do."
Iroh beamed at the two and turned to Aang, motioning for the rings. Taking them out of his pocket, Aang gave them to Momo who flew them over to Iroh and landed on his shoulder.
After placing the rings on each other's finger, Zuko and Katara knelt before each other as two advisors came behind them and placed fire nation crowns on their heads.
"Then, by the power vested in me by the Fire Nation, Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom and Air Nomads, I now pronounce you, Fire lord and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
As soon as those words were spoken, Zuko and Katara stood back up and shared their first wedded kiss. Everyone cheered and clapped for them, except for Sokka who was dabbing his eyes with a hanky and loudly blowing his nose. Momo then flew between them and licked them both on the cheeks followed by a huge slimy lick by Appa. Everyone laughed and threw confetti as the new Fire Lord and Lady walked joyfully arm in arm down the aisle.
On a pier by the shoreline, all the guest were in the party tent and surrounding waters eating, dancing, swimming and happily talking amongst themselves. With half an hour before sunset, Sokka causally lead Toph away from the tent and further down the beach.
"Wow that was one heck of a party." Toph said while eating a plate of fire flakes. "Who knew Fire Nation food tasted so good?"
"Yeah who knew?" Sokka agreed. "So it was great of dad to let you come on land for the wedding."
"Yeah...too bad it only last till sunset." Toph said sadly. "But you know how the rules are."
"That I do...same conditions as Katara's spell right?" Sokka asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Right...and speaking of Katara" Toph said setting the plate on a rock. "What was that thing she gave you back at the aisle?"
"Oh that? Nothing really..." Sokka said as he put his hands in his pockets.
"I know you're lying. And I can hear that thing rattling around in your pocket" she said hearing the clinking "I also know Katara whispered something to you. What was it?"
"I don't know what you're talking about..." Sokka said coyly while trying hard not to smirk.
"Stop being so secretive Sokka!" Toph said impatiently "I know your hiding something and you better tell me before I earth bend you into the ground."
"Alright, alright. If you insist..." Sokka then pulled his hand out of his pocket and put the item in Toph's hand.
Toph ran the item over with her fingers. "Wait is this...Katara's necklace? But why would she give you-" Toph then paused as Sokka gently held her hands in his and got on his knee.
"She gave it to me...because she wanted me to follow my heart." Sokka said looking up at Toph who had temporarily gone speechless. "And right now, it's telling me I should be with the one I love...that's you Toph."
"Sokka..." Toph said a tear running down her face.
"Toph...will you marry me?"
Tears ran down Toph face and she lunged forward, wrapping her arms around Sokka's neck and kissed him deeply. Falling backward onto the sand, the two shared a deep long passionate kiss as the spell on Toph was promptly lifted.
"I'm guessing that's a yes then?" Sokka said, breaking away as his head all light and dizzy from kissing.
"I love you too Sokka." Toph said smirking as she kissed his cheek. "And yes, that is what I meant."
"BOOYAH!" Sokka shouted punching his fist in the air. Getting to his feet, Sokka help Toph up and carefully tied the necklace around her neck. Touching the smooth stone, Toph smiled widely and went to give Sokka another kiss.
Both then jumped as Bumi appeared out of nowhere and started running full speed ahead at them. Sokka, who saw the sharp cake cutter in his hand, yelped and backed away as Bumi got closer. "I GOT YOU NOW YOU SNEAKY LITTLE-!"
Just then a pillar shot out of the ground, slamming Bumi from underneath and launching him high into the air and away from the beach. Below on the decks, Chou was pushing a new cart full of cabbages toward the tent when Bumi landed right in the middle of it.
"Ouch my-ooh cabbage!" he then grabbed a head of cabbage and began munching on it. "Mmm! Extra chewy!"
"NO! MY CABBA- oh what's the point?" Chou said as he sank down and sulked.
Toph lowered her fist and then turned her attention back to Sokka who looked thoroughly impressed. "Did I ever mention how glad I am that you could do that?"
"You could stand to mention it more." she said lightly punching him in the arm. Grabbing her wrist, Sokka then dipped Toph and proceeded to smother her in kisses.
Across the beach watching the scene was Katara and Aang, who were smiling to themselves and high fiving each other. Zuko then came up behind Katara gently wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "So, how'd it go?"
Katara smirked "You tell me." she then gestured toward Sokka and Toph who were in a loving embrace.
"Looks like we have another wedding on our hands." Aang said cheerfully.
Zuko smiled and held Katara tighter as she leaned back against him. "Speaking of weddings, what say we finish up ours and get started on the honeymoon?"
"I think we can do that. Aang, could you tell everyone we're heading off and to meet us at the docks?"
"No problem" Aang said cheerfully as he headed back to the tent.
"And once we're at sea, maybe you help me catch up on my swimming?" Zuko asked.
Katara smiled and nodded. "I'd love to." Joining hands, the newlyweds started making their way toward the docks.
Hearing all the commotion on pier, Sokka and Toph snapped out of their loving gaze and watched as the wedding party followed after Zuko and Katara who were heading toward the mainland.
"Should we follow them?" Sokka asked.
"Well it's not like they can get out of trouble without us." Toph said sarcastically. "But how are we gonna catch up?"
Just then both heard a growl and turned to see Appa land by them, motioning for them to get on. Sokka grinned and squeezed Toph's hand as they jumped on Appa and followed the crowd to the palace.
On board the ship, the newly refurbished Dancing Dragon, the helmsman was waited patiently and kept checking the clock. As it neared the hour point, he heard a loud noise approaching from land and turned to see Zuko and Katara running down the docks. "Hehe, right on time." he said signaling to the decks hands to get ready.
As the platform was lowered down, Zuko and Katara rushed on board and ran up the stairs to the main deck.
"Good to see you Prince- I mean, Fire Lord Zuko." the helmsmen said bowing to him. "And the same to you Lady Katara." he added bowing to her as well. "So where's our heading for today?"
"I have a destination that I'd like to chart myself." Zuko said happily. "That is if you don't mind your fire lord and lady taking control of the wheel." he said gesturing to Katara.
"It's all yours" he said graciously stepping aside. Katara and Zuko grabbed the wheel and together, pulled the whistle signaling their departure. As the ship started up, loud cheering was heard from the docks. Looking over the side, Zuko and Katara cheerfully waved down to all the guests as the ship began to leave port.
People from the land nations, including Iroh, Aunt Wu and Aang, stood on the docks and cheered while people from the water tribe, including Hakoda and the Kyoshi warriors, swam around the ship waving up at them.
Up in the sky, the air nomads flew over the ship throwing rice and flowers on board. In the excitement, one of the air benders accidentally knocked Zuko's head piece off sending it falling into the water. Luckily Hakoda reached up and grabbed it, then propelled himself up the side to the ledge.
"I believe you dropped this." he said holding out the crown.
Zuko took it and bowed down to his new father-in-law. "Thank you sir."
"You're welcome. And safe traveling you two. I guarantee good weather ahead." he said winking at Katara.
Katara walked forward and hugged Hakoda. "Thank you daddy. So much..." Smiling happily, Hakoda gave his daughter one last hug before descended back into the water. With one last whistle, the ship had successfully pulled out to sea.
"Oh I almost forgot!" Katara gasped. Rushing to the back, she threw her bouquet up into the air toward the crowd where it was instantly caught by Momo. As he flew over their heads, women from all nations rushed forward to grab it but kept falling over themselves and into the water. Reaching the end of the dock, he flew between Iroh and Aunt Wu before finally dropping the bouquet onto Aang's head.
"Ow! Hey what's this?" Picked up the bouquet, Aang looked curiously at it and at Iroh and Aunt Wu who were smiling to each other before gesturing behind him.
"Hey there hansom." Just then Aang felt someone tap his shoulder and turned to see Meng batting her eyelashes and smiling at him.
"Hey..." Aang said blushing slightly. Looking at the bouquet and back at a nodding Iroh, he offered it to Meng who squealed in delight. Taking the flowers, she then tackled him to the ground and covered his face with kisses. When Aang stood back up, he was covered in lipstick marks and blushing profusely.
"Hey get a room!" Sokka shouted as Appa flew near them. "Just kidding. You two need a lift?"
"I don't...but she does." Grinning, he picked Meng up in his arms and jumped onto to Appa who rose into the air. Standing on the edge of the deck near the water, Iroh, Aunt Wu and Hakoda waved goodbye to them as they flew off into the sky towards Zuko's ship.
Once the palace and cheering crowd was out of site, Katara held Zuko's hands and kissed his cheek. "So where are we sailing to?"
"I have a summer home not too far from here." Zuko said putting an arm around her. "It's by the beach so you should feel right at home. They're also having a festival to celebrate the beginning of summer. Lots of new items for you to collect."
"Well I do love collecting." Katara said smiling at her husband.
As he leaned down to kiss her, Zuko heard a loud roar and spotted Appa in the distance moving toward them. "Is that your brother and friends?"
Opening her eyes, Katara looked back toward them and sighed in annoyance "Sure is". Appa then landed on the front deck, allowing Sokka, Toph, Aang and Meng to jump off.
"Are you guys gonna follow us around for the rest of our lives?" Katara asked as she and Zuko got to the lower deck.
"Only for next couple minutes." Toph said smugly. "We just wanted to say our goodbyes before heading off."
"Where you guys going?" Katara asked.
"Everywhere." Aang said giving Meng's hand a squeeze. "We're gonna do a world tour and see every site in the earth kingdom and fire nation."
"And then Aang's gonna show us around the air temples." Meng said squeezing Aang's hand in return. "So where are you guys going?"
"Ember Island." Zuko said putting a hand on Katara's shoulder "It's a small place but it's perfect for couples."
"Sounds romantic." Toph said grinning at Sokka. "Maybe during our tour we'll stop by your house for a visit."
"Not unless you want to get frozen to a pole in the middle the ocean." Katara threatened playfully as everyone broke into laughter.
Appa then let out a growl and began motioning toward the descending sun. "Well we better get going. Appa doesn't like flying too long after dark." Aang said as went to hug Katara. "Have fun on your honeymoon Katara. I'm gonna miss you."
"Thanks Aang. I'll miss you too." she said hugging him back and shaking Meng's hand before Aang whisked her back onto Appa.
"Well sugar queen, I guess this is where we part ways." Toph said scratching the back of her head. "Gotta admit...I'm gonna miss following you around, keeping you out of trouble and all that..."
Katara smiled at her "Me too Toph. I wish you and Sokka the best" Giving her friend a hug, she then looked at Sokka who was hastily averting his gaze. "Speaking of my brother-"
"Oh no, you're not gonna get me crying. I'm gonna leave this ship a man and men don't cry." Sokka said in a strained voice.
Looking at him smugly, Katara walked up to her brother. "Are you at least man enough to say goodbye to your little sister?" she asked. Turning to look at her, Sokka could hardly keep himself together and let out a small cry as he threw his arms around her. Katara happily reciprocated the hug and held him tightly. "I love you Sokka. Thank you for everything." she whispered in his ear.
"Same here Katara..." Sokka whispered hoarsely. Breaking apart, Sokka gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before going back to Toph. Waving back at them, they jumped onto Appa who rose back up into the air.
As they flew away, Toph wrapped her arms around Sokka who was still feeling emotional from his goodbye with Katara. "You gonna be okay there snoozles?"
"Yeah...it's not easy when a brother has to watch his little sister grow up, fall in love with a fire nation prince, make a deal with an evil sea witch and get legs so she can live on land with him." he said putting an arm around her. "But that's why I'm glad I have you around."
"And I always will be." she said holding him close. "Come land or sea." Gazing lovingly into each other's eyes, they shared a deep loving kiss.
Smiling to himself, Aang put his arm around Meng who was petting Momo and snapped the reigns. "Let's go Appa. Yip, yip!"
As the group disappeared off towards the horizon, Katara stood behind the steering wheel watching them till Zuko put his hand on her shoulder.
"You miss them already don't you?" Zuko said as he glanced briefly at their friends in the distance.
"Yeah...but I know they'll be alright. It's only a matter of time before they're back here again, arguing loudly and driving me crazy."
Zuko smiled as he held her close. "Think your new life will be as good as your old one?"
Katara gazed back at Zuko and smiled. "I had a great life under the sea...but now I want to start an even better one on land...with you."
Zuko beamed at his lovely bride. "I think I can do that." Giggling, Katara leaned against her husband as they both grasped the steering wheel and continued on their course toward Ember Island.
And now at last, love has surpassed
Each tribulation
Water and Fire, finally conspire
Together as one
Now they can smile, walking the aisle
Here at their wedding celebration
"Sailing forward" Zuko said.
"Standing steady" Katara said.
"Starting life completely ready!" they said together.
Now they can be who their meant to be
Now they can gaze on a new horizon
Here between ocean and sky
Forever as one!
"Oh, one more thing." Zuko said pulling out a small box with a ribbon on top.
"Oh Zuko..." Katara said sweetly as she opened the box. Her eye's then lit up as she saw a new necklace lay inside. It looked like her old one except the ribbon was red and the stone was a slightly different shape.
"I had a hard time finding a stone that matched your eyes." He said picking up the necklace and tying it around her neck. "But I think this one comes close."
Looking down, Katara ran her fingers over the smooth stone and smiled at Zuko. "It's not close...it's perfect."
Now they can walk
Now they can run
Now they can stay all day in the sun
"Just you and me..." Zuko said looking deeply into his wife's blue eyes.
"And I will be..." Katara said blushing up at her handsome husband.
Gazing into each other's eyes, Zuko and Katara wrapped their arms around each other and shared a sweet passionate kiss as their ship sailed off into the sunset.
IT'S OVER! WE DID IT! *chest bumps*
Finally after all these months, I finally posted my final chapter. My first fanic is officially over. And in truth, I will miss writing it a whole lot. I'd like to thank all my readers and reviewers for all their encouragement, their advice and most of their patience over the course of the story. I'd also like to thank my hubby for helping me write the story and editing it when necessary.
Now that this is over, I can focus on my other 2 fanfics currently in production. If you enjoyed this story, go check out Wicked: Avatar Style! (A Zutara/Maiko fic) and Beauty and the Beast: Avatar Style! (A Zutara/Blutara/Sukka fic). I wish you all the best and hope to see ya around :)