Mugen is a Prince?! But not ust any prince, he is the prince of the Ryukyu. The strongest, most cunning of all of Japan, and masters of assination. Nearing the outbreak of War, a treaty is signed bewtween the Lord of Ryukyu and the neghboring Lord of another kingdom.
The birds sang a lovely tune, as the sun shined brightly, on the first day of spring. A small girl about the age four sat in a field of sunflowers making jewelry out of flowers. She was dressed in a yellow kimono, made of the finest satins and silks. Today her mother told her she was free from her lessons today due to the fact her father and mother would be busy attending to their guest. Just then a little ball of fur rolled by her lap.
"Huh?" she picked it up gently, "What's this thingy, it feels really soft." as if to give an answer to her question, the tiny ball of fur unraveled itself to reveal a, cute little baby squirrel.
"'re so cute! I'll call you Momo. My name is Fuu and you can be my friend." It looked as the little creature understood what she was saying to him.
"Hmm...I wonder what you eat?" Fuu searched around for anything that could be a source of food. "Do you like sunflower seeds? Her try some." Momo eagerly ate wit gusto. Fuu giggled as she saw, Momo's cheeks grow fat.
"Hmmm... I'm hungry too, come on Momo." Fuu scooped her fried into her hands and ran off towards the palace kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen, she saw that everyone was busy preparing food for the guest later on that night. Not wanting to cause a fuss, Fuu grabbed a few dumplings and other treats and hid them away in her Kimono sleeve. Unaware that someone was watching her.
"This is yummy!" Fuu said as she stuffed another cookie into her mouth. She couldn't help but laugh at the look on Momo's face as he stuffed more seeds into its little mouth. "Oh...Momo you look so funny."
''Oi Girl, who're you talking to?" Fuu turned around to see a little boy, he looked bit older that her, and he was probably 5 years old. His hair was a mass of curls that hung around his olive colored skin. But what was really weird was that he had a really big sword strapped to his back. He didn't look familiar to her; he must have been with family that was visiting.
"My name is Fuu not girl."
"You look pretty stupid talking' to ya self like that." He swiped a cookie from her, completely ignoring her.
"I'm not stupid, you big meanie, I was talking to Momo!" Fuu showed Momo off to him.
"Why are you holdin' that little rat for?'
"Momo isn't a rat, you are!" tears began to leak from her eyes, causing her vision to blur. Fuu ran away, not being able to see clearly, which led to Fuu tripping and accidentally dropping Momo into the pond.
"Oh no Momo!" She screamed as she saw her little furry friend struggling to stay afloat.
"You have to save him!" she yelled at the boy.
"Why should I?" he asked non-chalantly.
"This is your fault you have to fix it!"
"What's in it for me?" even for a little boy, he could smirk devilishly at her.
"What do you want?" she asked, suddenly scared. "I know I'll give you lots of dumplings and sweets."
"I want that and..." he took a dramatic pause for effect.
''WHAT! What else do you want. I'll do anything !" tears escaped from the corners of her eyes.
"Anything?" he asked the smirk once again taking place on his face.
"Yes, anything just please save Momo, he's my friend."
"Be my wife."
"Okay, now please save Momo !" The young boy quickly took off his shirt and threw his sword down, and jumped into the pond. Fuu watched for what seemed like several hours of agony, until the came from the pond with Momo curled in a tight wet fuzzy ball. He handed Momo back to Fuu, who was overflowing with joy.
"Oh thank-you, thank you so much...? She wrapped her arms around his frame, and suddenly realized that she didn't know her hero's name. "What's your name again?"
"Names Mugen" he said after he pried her off of him, and shook himself dry, Fuu looked at him as if she was crazy. 'He's so wild like' She thought to herself.
"Well thank you so much Mugen." As she said was walking away. But before she could take her third step, she felt something pulling her back.
"Where do you think you're going ?"
"I'm going back to the palace to play with Momo. Wanna come too ?"
"Don't you remember our little deal, girl ?"
"Um...No hehehe?" she was obviously lying. She didn't think he was that serious about making her his wife.
"You promised you would be my wife." he plopped down, under a sakura tree bringing her down with him.
"But we're too young to marry, and...and... I don't want to !"
"When I'm old enough I'll come back and marry you, besides you promised, so now you have to. "
"But..but.." Fuu was cut off when he suddenly kissed the corner of her mouth.
"See you'll be a great wife, Fuu." Mugen sighed as he laid his head on her lap.
"But why do you want to marry me ?" she asked quietly, still blushing from the modest kiss.
"I like you" he shrugged his shoulders.
"Well I guess that's okay." Fuu blushed slightly." Besides when we get married I could cook for you. And by then I'll be a great chef, you'll me even more."
"You could start holding up the either part of our deal right now." Fuu gave him a questioning look.
"How ?'' Without answering her, Mugen picked up what was left from Fuu's snacks and handed it to Fuu. Still not understanding what he meant for her to do, she still looked at him.
"What am I supposed to do?"
"You're supposed to feed me and pat my hair. I saw a man and a woman do it once." It looked like the liked it."
"Well I guess its okay." Nervously Fuu placed small amounts of food into his mouth, she even started to enjoy the reactions that made when he ate, and it was quite entertaining. Though they didn't notice the two women watching them from afar. One wearing a kimono similar to the colors of Mugen's, with the sideways eight symbols on the back and sleeves. Her hair was a dark brown, and her eyes a cool grey. The other wore a kimono with sakura blossoms on the sleeves, with her hair fashioned similar to Fuu's but much more neat and elegant. Both women looked on at the children, watching the little scene in front of them.
"Aren't they adorable Yuko ? Your Mugen is such a handsome little devil."
"Yes they are a cute couple, Kikko. But I'm afraid Mugen gets his behavior from his father, but I think Fuu can handle him."
"I and hopefully Mugen can handle her." They both shared a few giggles, knowing how wild their children could be.
Later On That Evening (Fuu and Mugen are sent to bed)
That night when after dinner Fuu and Mugen were sent to bed early, due to their behavior at dinner. It seemed as though Mugen loved to tease Fuu, and Fuu couldn't resist a fight. As Fuu lay on her bed petting Momo, who slept next to Fuu on a bundle of clothes. She couldn't help but giggle, remembering Mugen's antics at dinner.
He loved to amuse, tease, and confuse Fuu all at once. Mugen had decided to sit next to Fuu, throughout the entire dinner he would nudge her leg with his, waiting for her to explode. But Fuu was taught to always show grace in front of company, and most of all her father.
After having enough of his meddling Fuu whispered harshly in his ear, "Stop it''
"What's wrong princess ?" he pinched her side this time, causing Fuu to let out a yelp.
"Is something wrong daughter ?" Fuu's father asked his voice having a rich deep tone.
"No Papa," Fuu answered.
"No Papa" Mugen mimicked her.
"What was that son" Mugen father's frightening deep voice side, glaring at him.
"Nothing sir" he answered seeming a bit terrified. Fuu teased him this time with a smirk of her own. Not liking this at all he pulled harshly at her hair, resulting with Fuu pulling his in return. Both of their fathers in the room chuckled at their behavior
"Mugen stop that right now !" his mother scolded him " go to bed, you will get no desert."
"Fuu you know better" her mother scolded her as well "you go to bed too, without desert."
"But…But…" Mugen and Fuu said. "it isn't my fault he/she started it!"
"To bed now" the mothers said.
End flashback
"Mugen is such a baka" Fuu laid back on her bed.
"If I'm such a baka, then why did I get you something ?" There Mugen was leaning against the wall, with a something wrapped cloth. "Maybe I should take this stuff back to the kitchen."
"No don't go…I mean you can stay" He walked over to the bed and unfolded the cloth to reveal different types of sweets and food. When they were done consuming the food at record speeds, Fuu leaned over and kissed Mugen on the cheek. She quickly pulled away from him, with a dark crimson blush on her face.
"Thank you Mugen…that was very nice of you."
"Yea whatever, I have to make sure my future wife is taken care of." Causing her blush harder.
"Mugen I want to give you something too." Fuu looked in her room for something to give him, when her eyes landed on something shining in the moonlight. It was one of her favorite tantos, it was blue with a tiny skull and sunflower attached to it. " Here I want you to have this it's my favorite, so you have to take extra special care of it! Okay !"
"Alright, I'll take care of it." He grabbed the tanto and stuffed it into his pocket. "Goodnight." He got up and headed toward the door, when suddenly a loud crash of thunder was heard. Fuu let out a scream and grabbed Mugen.
"Oi get off of me, it's only some rain." He looked at her, tears appearing in her eyes.
"Could you sleep in here, with me tonight ?"
"What you scared of some rain ?" he teased
"Please Mugen, if I'm gonna be your wife, then you have to protect me." She hugged him tighter, and started to cry.
"Alright, alright I'll stay in here with ya. Ya happy now ?"
"Oh thank you Mugen !"She gave him another peck on the cheek.
"Whateva" his face reddening slightly.
They both laid there on her futon, with the blankets covering them both. Fuu felt safe and happy as she lay next to him. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad being his wife. And maybe he won't be such a bad husband.
A/N: Well tell me what ya think, because due to the lack of inspiration I've been having lately I figured maybe if I started a new fic then the inspiration juices would start flowing again.