Tex Will be Tex

A One Shot


Pancakes & Blackmail

Tex stared at the Reds through her sniper riffle. She was spying alone on the base. She heard a sound behind her, but didn't bother to turn.

"Do you ever just sit back and watch the clouds?" Church asked from behind her. She turned around and shot him a look. He still smiled.

"What are you so fuckin' happy about." Tex took her hemlet off. It was too hot to be out there all day.

"Caboose has disapeared... Again, and Tucker's too busy flirting with Sister to bug me." He smiled bigger, If that was possible.

"So you decide to come and bug me?" Tex growled, taking her hair down. She layed down on the ground.

"Yep." Church went and layed next to her.

"So I see you can sit back and watch the clouds." Church pointed out.

"Nothing better to do." Tex yawned. Church looked over to her. She looked beautiful. Her green eyes sparkling, her red hair not too messy, but not too done up. Why couldn't he just tell her he still loved her? He sighed.

"What?" Tex turned to him. He just smiled at her.

"I don't know." He stared into her eyes, and she stared back. Church was ready to defend himself if Tex decided to hurt him, but he was pretty sure she wouldn't this time. He wanted to scream, 'I love you!', but he wouldn't. He couldn't. Instead, he slid his hand into hers. He squeezed it tight, willing her not to let go. Suprisingly, she didn't. Either Tex was feeling good that day. And I mean really fucking good, or she had just killed Wyoming or something. Church's bet was on Wyoming. Tex shifted, and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Wow..." Church played with a strand of her hair, "You're a little different today."

"Tell anyone, and I'll kill you." Tex smiled.

"Now that's the Tex I know." He kissed her cheek.

"Chu-urch!" Caboose's voice rang from inside the base. He moaned, and Tex sighed. She watched as he grabbed his helmet. He looked so hot to her that day. She didn't know why, but just the way his hair was messed up, the way his brown eyes seemed to sparkle, just... Church in general. She followed him into the base.

"What!?" Church yelled. Caboose ran up to him.

"Have you seen Teddy?" He asked. Church yawned and looked at his watch. Even though the sun was still out, It always was It was about time the Blue team went to bed.

"No," Church wondered why god hated him, "I haven't seen the fucking bear." He went to his room and slammed the door. Why did he have to be interrupted when Tex was actually treating him like a boyfriend again? God really despised him. He took off his armor, and laid in his bed in his jeans. Church yawned and put his hands behind his head. The door to his room opened, and a familiar body sat down on his bed with him in the darkness. Tex layed next to him, and held his hand. She never wanted to let go. He kissed her cheek, and she layed her head on his chest. They fell asleep, cuddling like that.

"Get. Up. I. Made. Pancakes." Caboose opened the door to Church's room. Tucker saw Caboose looking in Church's room, and came over.

"Oh. My. God." Tucker smiled. Tex and Church were still sitting up on his bed, cuddling.

"Blackmail!" He yelled and took a picture. Tex opened her eyes and saw Tucker going for another picture.

"You. Are. So. Dead." She yelled before going after him with Church's gun.