The sister

Dean grinned to himself from his hiding place behind a tall oak tree and tested his water gun.

"De-ean!" seven year old Jaxxenne called to her twin, "Come out, come out, wherever you aaare!"

He tried not to laugh as she went to the tree next to his. He pointed the gun at her and pulled the trigger, soaking her. She fired back, getting the front of his shirt wet. They chased each other around the yard until Jaxxenne stopped and put her hand over her chest. Dean ran up next to her, panting.

"Jaxxenne? You okay?"

"Chest hurts." She started hacking, and after a few moments, she was coughing blood. Dean ran inside and got their father. John sprinted out to Jaxxenne's side.

"Jaxxenne, look at me, baby." She raised her head to look at him and her eyes drooped closed. "No, no, come on, stay awake. Dean! Get Sam and get in the car! Now!" He picked Jaxxenne up carefully and rushed her to the hospital.

He sat for what seemed like weeks, waiting for the doctors to tell him something. Dean tapped his shoulder. "Dad, is Jaxxenne gonna be okay?"

"I hope so, son." He looked down at three year old Sam and smiled. Sam handed him a sheet of paper and a crayon.

"Daddy, draw a doggie," he said. John took the paper and drew a stick figure dog, then handed it back to the toddler. "You didn't draw ears," he complained.

"Make Dean draw a doggie," John laughed.

Sam looked at Dean and smiled. "Dean, draw a doggie!"

Dean shook his head and stared at the waiting room doors. John sighed.

"Daddy, Dean won't draw a doggie."

"I know. Dean's worried, okay? He'll draw one later."

"But, I need a doggie for my picture. Daddy!"

"Sam, why can't you draw a dog?" John asked.

Sam turned the paper over and showed John a bubble on sticks. "I don't know how to draw the head."

"Make a circle with dots for eyes."

"But then it won't have ears."

A doctor walked toward them and Dean jumped up. "Sam," John said, "Just give me a minute. We'll go see Jaxxenne, and she can draw a doggie, okay?"


John stood up. "Mr. Winchester?" the doctor asked.


"The situation isn't as bad as it seems. Your daughter has Active Tuberculosis. She's--"

"What does that mean?" Dean asked.

The doctor smiled at Dean. "That means that there is bad stuff around her lungs, and it makes it hard for her to breathe." He looked back up at John. "Her pulse is speeding up, but otherwise she's perfectly stable."

"Can it be treated?"

"Yes. She'll have to take a set of antibiotics for about six months, and she should be fine. Now, there is a chance something could go wrong and the disease could spread, but we caught it early enough that that's not likely. You will have to watch her and make sure the symptoms don't get worse. And during the first few weeks, she'll probably get very tired, she'll lose a lot of weight, and she'll get feverish and sweaty at night. But don't worry, that's typical. All you have to do is let her get a few hours of sleep during the day, make sure she doesn't stop eating regularly, and put a cold rag on her forehead. After those first few weeks, she should go back to normal."

John nodded. "Can we see her?"

"Sure. Room 232."

"Thanks." John looked at Sam. "Come on, Sammy, we're gonna go see Jaxxenne."

Sam picked up his papers and crayons and followed John and Dean to Jaxxenne's room. She looked up when they walked in and smiled. Her eyelids were half closed and her face was pale. She smiled at Dean.

"Who won?" she asked.

"Dude, I did," Dean laughed.

"No, I think I did."





"Okay, you won. So, how're you feeling?"

"I feel okay. That man said I'd have to stay the night, and I don't wanna."

Dean smiled and pulled something out of his backpack. He tossed the small object to her and she gasped.

"Dean, you brought Beary?"

He nodded. "He wanted to see you."

"Thank you!"

John smiled and Sam ran over to Jaxxenne's bed, begging her to draw a dog.

Jaxxenne was allowed to leave two days later, and for six weeks after, John and Dean jumped everytime she coughed, force-fed her everytime she didn't eat, ran to her in the middle of the night to make sure she was okay, and made her take her pills. Six months later, she went back to the hospital to find out that everything would be okay. John and Dean slept for the longest amount of time ever.

A/N That is NOT all of it. Next chapter will be present day. Please review. Makes me happy.