Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own anything except the plot line :(
True Love Never Dies
It has been five years since I've been changed.
Edward and I got married on August thirteenth, as planned. Charlie didn't take it very well when we told him, but he soon got over it and finally accepted the fact that it was happening and that we weren't turning back.
On my wedding night, all my dreams were fulfilled. It was the most magnificent night of my life and I shall never forget it. Edward won't either—him stating so when we both lay panting, thanking the good Lord that the rest of the Cullens had decided to take an extended hunting trip to give us our privacy.
We left for Alaska the next day, and the day after that was the day my life changed forever. Edward bit me. The event itself was excruciating—for both me and the rest of the Cullens, especially Edward—three days of my endless screaming because of the fire that slowly spread through my veins, soon swallowing me up in agony. But afterwards, when I opened my eyes for the first time, I felt wonderful, more wonderful than I'd ever felt before. Not only that, but every sense was heightened, I was able to do things I was never able to do before: run at super vampire speed, hear things from miles away, and best of all I was no longer clumsy Bella, though Edward admits often that he misses that part of me. When he begins to talk like this, I purposely trip and fall into his arms, him chuckling all the time.
I became beautiful like all other vampires. I didn't think I was anything special like Rosalie, but rather just a more beautiful Bella. Edward seemed to think differently. When I finally woke from my agony and took my first few steps around, Edward was looking at me—no, scratch that—he was gaping in awe. His mouth hung slightly open and he just stared. Jasper, sensing his emotions began to chuckle. Each of the Cullens said their greetings and their "welcome back Bella!"s and Alice bounded over and hugged me with so much force that if I was still human I would be crushed to dust, before they all left the room, smiling, to leave Edward and I to our private reunion.
After a few months, me being confined to the new Cullen household except for hunting trips, always supervised by Edward and another Cullen, I was starting to get better and better at resisting the thirst that burned at the back of my throat. If this was the way Edward felt when I was around him when I was human, I was so incredibly in awe that we was able to keep control and it just made me love him more.
A year or so passed, and unusual characteristics began to surface—soon to be discovered as my 'vampire power'. Living with the Cullens was amazing—everything I wanted it to be and more. However my new 'siblings' did get extremely annoying sometimes, and whenever I found myself angry or even slightly annoyed with one of them, they would randomly trip, or drop something, or even fall—very un-vampire-ish. After the first realization of what was happening, Edward and I spent countless hours exercising my power (we had loads of time as I was unable to be around humans quite yet), until finally I was able to have full control over them. Alice was the hardest to manipulate, but if I was really annoyed I could manage to make her stumble.
A few more years went by, until we finally decided that I was ready to be around people. I took my first step in a human environment four and a half years after my change, and found it slightly challenging, but tolerable. We made gradual steps, every day increasing the proximity of the humans, until I was finally able to shake the headmaster's hand at the University of Alaska.
Which lead us to today, the day I shall be returning to visit Forks.
If I get over 5 reviews then I'll continue the story.
So please review!