A/N: I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. A big shout out and thanks to On The Hill. I'm getting closer to finishing but I don't think it will be done before 2014 is over. If I don't get another post up by then, I wish you all a Happy New Year.

Welcome to My Truth

Brooke was sitting in the park with Jake while they were watching Jenny play with a couple of other kids. She had decided to give Peyton some space so she could talk to Larry. Watching Larry with Peyton and even Jake with Jenny, made her incredibly jealous of their relationship. Brooke didn't have that kind of relationship with her father at any point during her life. She couldn't remember moments with him as a young child and it hurt. She was brought out of her thoughts when Jake tried to get her attention. "Hey, are you ok?"


Jake looked to make sure Jenny was ok before he took another look at Brooke. Thinking that this was as better time as any to say what he wanted to say, Jake proceeded, "I wasn't going to say anything but I thought I should at least let you know that I know who you're seeing."

Brooke quickly looked back in Jake's direction while contemplating what words were to come out of her mouth. Instead of saying anything, she made a noise that instantly made her cover her mouth with her hand.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Jake reassured her.

Brooke took a deep breath and wondered why that wasn't the thing that scared her the most. "When did you find out?"

Still looking at his daughter playing, Jake answered Brooke's question. "At the open-mic. I saw you and Peyton after you ran off stage."

"Oh." Brooke briefly internally panicked. "Did anyone else?"

"I don't think so." Jake looked at Brooke and smiled before continuing. "So how long have you been together?"

"The first or the second time?" Brooke muttered under her breath. Unfortunately for her, Jake heard exactly what she said and decided to probe further. "So you were together before? Details please."

Brooke threw her head in her hands and groaned. "I'm not comfortable with this conversation."

Jake started laughing as he watched Brooke's reaction. "I didn't mean that but if you want to give me those details, then I won't stop you."

Brooke hit Jake while he laughed. "Seriously though. Were you and Peyton together during my birthday party?"

Brooke sighed. "Yes."

"Ok. Some things are starting to make sense." Jake took a little time to think back on a few things he had noticed about the pair. "So I guess hating each other was an act?"

Brooke was started to feel more comfortable having this conversation. She wasn't quite sure if it was because of Jake or that she just felt more at ease with everything but she decided to go with it. "Yeah. We were together for a while before she left Tree Hill."

Jake looked at Brooke and really studied her face. He could probably see the answer to his next question but thought it wouldn't hurt to get confirmation. "Are you happy?"

Brooke smiled and had no hesitation in answering his question. "Yes."

Jake nodded his head and once again turned his focus towards his daughter. "That's good." Jenny ran up to them both and hugged her father's legs. Bending to pick her up, he spoke again. "You have to hold on to the things that make you happy."

Peyton had spent most of the day wondering how she was going to talk to her father. She had chickened out a few times and was hiding in her room. Peyton couldn't count on both hands the amount of times she had walked down the stairs, only to quickly walk back up. Stopping the latest song she played in order to give her some confidence, she slowly walked down the stairs. She saw her father sitting in his favourite chair, reading a newspaper. She sat down and took deep breaths. Hearing his daughter's loud breathing, he shifted the newspaper so he could see Peyton's face. "Is everything ok, Peyton?"

Before Peyton could form the words she wanted to say to ease into the conversation, she somehow found herself just coming out with it, "Dad, I'm gay."

Larry put the newspaper down on the table and removed the glasses on his face. He took the words in and thought carefully about what he was going to say. Peyton was worried about Larry's silence and she was thinking the worse. Larry shifted in his seat before he finally spoke up. "I'm glad you told me. I can't say that I didn't have my suspicion, so I'm not completely surprised."

Peyton had a complete look of shock written all over her face. She was expecting a completely different response. She actually couldn't form any words. Larry sat forward and continued talking. "I'm going to talk a wild stab at the dark that maybe you have feelings for Brooke that goes beyond a friendship."

Peyton looked at her father wondering what else he seemed to be plucking straight from her head. She decided to question him. "How did you know?"

"You don't talk much about school apart from art and music but you would talk about Brooke and how you couldn't stand her. All that was missing was you pulling her hair. When she was here the other day, I could see the way you were looking at her."

"Was I really that obvious?"

"Yeah but what is also obvious to me is that she cares about you also. Does she know?"

Peyton thought about how she could answer that question. Though she had told Brooke she was going to come out to her father, they hadn't really agreed about telling him about their relationship. She started to feel uncomfortable with the conversation and wanted to change the subject. "I errm, I'm gonna head out for a while." Peyton got up and started to make her way towards the door.

Larry stood up "Peyton, don't forget that I love you and you can always talk to me."

Peyton turned back with tears in her eyes, as she walked back to where Larry was standing. "Thanks dad." Peyton said as she hugged him. A sense of relief washed over her as Larry held onto her.