Well as you already know, my name is May Masaki, or my real name, Maylin Maple Princess of Petalbug. But of course that's too long so I prefer May Maple. It has now been a year since I found out my identity. I still live a normal life in the present, but I go and visit the past very often. And hey, it's time traveling. I can come and go any time I wish. As you know I'm 13. It's March right now, so I'm still in school, and in the 8th grade.

I bought my lunch and sat down at our cafeteria table, next to my friends, Ash, Misty, and Dawn.

"Hi guys," I greeted. I still wore my red and white bandanna and my necklace. I also changed my clothing style, as well as the others. But I don't wanna get into details about clothes. I sat down in a seat beside Dawn. Ash and Misty sat across from me.

"You seem tired," Misty said, taking a bite of her salad.

I just yawned, "Yeah, I am."

"We didn't even have history period yet and you're already falling asleep," Ash commented. Actually, History was my best subject, well, so far. For the past year since the start of the 8th grade, we've been focusing on the Dark Ages, or on other words, the Medieval times. And hello, I practically go to the Medieval Ages on a daily basis. So I'm never asleep in that class.

"The only reason I'm tired is because of yesterday in Petalburg," I said with another yawn, "I had to attend this borring meeting with some king visiting. At least it was my grandma talking. I just had to sit and be there."

"Well did you at least stay awake. The only thing more boring than history is, well, being in history during the most boring times." Dawn said.

"Oh believe me, that meeting was bo-ring," I said, slamming my head into my arms on the table. Then I felt someone grabbing my head by my bandanna. When I got my sight back I realized it was Ash.

"Yup, she's definitely gonna fall asleep any second now," he said, letting go of my bandanna and my head falling slam back onto the table, most likely knocking me out. That gave Ash a whack in the head by Misty who had an anime vein.

Dawn just sweatdroped ans slapped her forehead," Well, it's already lunch period. And remember after History that's it. Today's a half-day, Friday.

"Oh yeah," Ash and Misty said.

"Great," I said, muffled by my arm, "Once I get home I have to do those chores for Kira."

"I don't see why you still stay here May," Dawn said, drinking her juice, "I mean, you can time travel to the Medieval Ages, a World of Pokemon, and back here. I don't see why you can't just live in Petalburg but still visit us. Like the way you live here in the Modern World but still visit the past."

"Well the Modern World is where I grew up. And I still want to finish my education. And maybe learn a little more about the Medieval Ages," I explained, lifting my head off the table and onto my hand.

"Yeah, you're right," Misty said pondering, "History always was your best subject, well, eversince the incident in Petalburg over the summer."

"Mhm, I wonder why Pokemon don't exist in real life the way they did in the Medieval Ages. They don't even mention it in the Histoty Tectbooks, unless you look in that book you took from the library."

"You never did return it," Misty added, sweatdropping.

"Well I borrowed over and over each week. So the librarian said I could keep it, " I explained, "No crime in doing what you're allowed to do."

"Well... I guess so," Misty said, still a little confused by my words.

"Hey, meet me at the usual time?" I asked.

They looked at each other and shrugged with random agreeing. Each day they'd sneak out of their house and come over to my backyard and climb in through my window. What we found out was that when it was day time in the present, it was night in the past, and vice versa. So we usually went to the Medieval Ages during the night. Being the teenagers we were, we didn't need sleep to much. Five to six hours is probably how much we'd sleep in a day.

And with my enhanced strength from training, I'd gotten a lot stronger, that the chores didn't really bother me as they once did. Unless I was sleepy, like today. After a whole afternoon's worth of chores, I finished. I forgot about dinner, seeing that Kira didn't feed me at all anymore. Since I ate in Petalburg and didn't get hungry, she just forgot about it. I ran up to my room after she fell asleep. I opened my window, seeing Dawn, Ash, and Misty waiting outside below my window. I smiled and threw down my rope ladder. They climbed up and into my small attic slash room.

"Thanks for comming guys," I said, rolling back up the rope ladder.

"Eh, we have nothing better to do but sneak out at night and time travel," Ash said shrugging. That made me laugh a little as I opened the floorboards, bringing out my necklace and the Golden Pokeball.

"Alright guys, you ready?" I asked. They nodded. This wasn't as weird as it first was when we had to get used to time traveling with the Golden Pokeball. I placed my necklace in the center of the Pokeball as it opened, revealing the light. It engulfed it and we closed our eyes, when I opened them, I expected to see the green grassy plains and the Pecha Berry Tree behind us. When I opened them, that's exactly what I saw, except, i felt something strange, really strange.

"Hey May, you still in there?" Dawn asked, snapping her fingers in front of my face. I came out of my dazed state and back into the real world.

"Um, s-sorry. I just felt something strange is all," I said worryingly.

"I'm sure it's nothing," Ash said, walking. We went around the place and into the palace. All the Nurse Joys were as busy as ever. I haven't seen them this way ever since they were getting ready for my Princess Ball. I could see my grandma giving them instructions.

"Hey! Grandma!" I yelled, running up to her.

"Ah, May, Misty, Ash, Dawn, hello. How nice of you all to visit again," she said a little nervously.

"Is there something going on your majesty?" Misty asked, seeing all of the Nurse Joys buzzing around her, practically making her dizzy. They were sorta in a panic.

"You'll find out in time," My grandma said. Her face wasn't as calm as it was usually. It looked kinda worried, like mine just was, "Why don't you go see Drew and Soladad? I'm sure they're looking forward to seeing you four."

We nodded and went upstairs, changing clothes. I got on my long normal plain white dress and my red and yellow cloak, leaving my bandanna on. My Torchic came out of my dresser too.

"Aw, hi Torchic, nice to see you again," I said, petting her. She chirped happily as she jumped out of the drawer, landing by me. We all walked out of the palace in our Medieval clothing. We arrived at their little house on the farm. I knocked on the door, expecting Drew or Soladad to answer. No one answered it.

"Strange," I said, "No one's there."

"Maybe they're out in town," Misty suggested. Suddenly we saw Max running through the path. He was 11 now, and he still had Ralts with him, not using a pokeball.

"Hey! Max!" Dawn called out, cupping her hands around her mouth. Max stopped, turning to see us at Soladad's and Drew's porch, "Where's Soladad and Drew?!"

"That's why I'm running!" He yelled back as we ran to him.

"What's going on Max? Where are they?" Ash asked.

"It's Drew,he's in trouble!"

"Trouble?" I asked, "What kinda trouble?"

"I don't know yet! He was accused of something and now the Royal Knights are trying to decapitate him him!"

"Wait what?!" I asked.

"Then what we we doing standing around for? Come on!" Misty shouted, grabbing Ash's ear and running down the path. Dawn, Max, and I followed behind them. We reached the town square, seeing a large crowd of angry people. Just what was going on and how did this involve Drew? We went through the crowd up to the front. I saw Soladad there with tears running down her face, paralyzed. Drew's Rosellia was tugging at her leg, trying to snap her out of it.

"Soladad what's going on? Where's Drew?" I asked in a hurry. She just pointed her arm up as her other hand covered her mouth. I turned and my eyes widened. Up on a huge wooden platform was a guillotine. I always wondered what one was but I definitely never wanted to find out this way. Especially since it was Drew in it. I saw him with his hands tied behind his back with a rope and his head on that wooden part, under the blade above. Now I knew why Soladad was crying, but why was he there in the first place?

"For the last time I said I'm innocent!" Drew yelled at the Royal Knight holding the rope to the blade.

"Silence peasant! Enough lies! And now, come the end of your time," The Royal Knight said, letting go of the rope.

"Wait stop!" I yelled, running up. The Royal Knight jumped and caught onto the rope before it could reach Drew. It was probably like a few inches away from his head. When he realized he wasn't dead yet, he opened one eye seeing me and the Royal Knight holding onto the rope.

He made a huge sigh, "Talk about great timming."

"What on earth is going on here?! What are you trying to do, decapitating him!" I asked, my arms straight at my sides and my hands balled into fists.

"Y-Your majesty, Princess May-"

"Answer my questions!"

"This peasant has committed high treason against our Kingdom. He infiltrated the palace and tried to assassinate Queen Somei," they Royal Knight explained, "And then he turned one of your servants into stone."

"What? Impossible, Drew's not like that. He's never do that!" I shouted back.

"It's true!" yelled a man from the crowd.

"He robbed a sword from the weaponry shop and broke into the palace!"yelled a woman.

"Our queen was almost killed!" yelled an old man.

"And he was asking of your where abouts so he may slay you as well!" yelled another woman.

"Drew," I said looking at him, "Is this true?"

"What? You're not seriously gonna believe them are you? I'd never kill anyone, let alone you or your grandmother," he said looking up at me from the guillotine, "Come on, you believe me right?"

Yeah, he was telling the truth. His eyes explained all. But if it wasn't Drew, then who? ANd this probabaly explained all the comotion back in the palace.

"Alright, release him," I commanded. The Royal Knight and the crowd looked startled.

"A-Are you sure your highness-"

"I said release him! He's innocent!" I shouted, "I'll get to the bottom of this myself. So everyone just go one your usual business."

The crowd dispersed, some angry. Something told me Drew was gonna be getting the baddest treatment a peasant could ever get for a while, at least until we could actually provehim innocent. The Royal Knight lifted the blade back up and untied Drew. He stood up and cracked his neck, rubbing it. "Man, I hate guillotines."

"Drew what happened back there?" I asked.

"I don't know, I haven't been to the palace since yesterday with you, Misty, Dawn, and Ash. And I never wielded a sword ever since the invasion last year," he said.

"Drew!" the others yelled. We looked as saw Ash, misty, Dawn, Max, Soladad, Roselia, and Torchic running up onto the platform. Soladad came on front and hugged Drew.

"Drew thank heavens you're ok. I thought I'd loose my little bro." she said, ruffling his hair. Drew smiled and pushed her arm off his head.

"I'm fine Soladad," he assured. She nodded smiling and wiping her tears.

"Drew is what they said all true?" Ash asked, "Like with one of teh Nurse Joys turning into stone?"

"I don't know, I wasn't there you know," Drew said,

"Maybe someone who looked like you did all that," Dawn said, trying to think of something.

"So much for a normal school day," I said rubbing my head.

"Come on, let's go to the castle. We need some answers," Misty said, walking.

"Are you sure? I don't think I'd really be wanted there," Drew said with a nervous face.

"Oh Just come on Drew, you're with May here," Max said, tugging on his arm, "As long as you're with her you're fine. They respect her just as much as Queen Somei."

Drew sighed in defeat as we walked to the palace. When we arrived there, I saw some of the garden destroyed, like a sword battle was fought here. It was probably "Drew" and those Royal Knights. We walked inside, seeing all of the Nurse Joys crying, all around a statue of one of their sisters. Queen Somei was here trying to calm them down.

"Grandma!" I yelled running to her.

"Oh May, dear you're ok," she said giving me a hug, "I thought that boy who attacked would have gotten to you."

"Don't worry, I just came a few minutes ago." I said looking up.

Then my grandmother saw the others, and Drew, "Ah, Drew you're alive! Thank goodness."

'Wait, you're happy your assasinator is alive?" Max said cocking an eyebrow.

Drew just got an anime as he covered Max's mouth, "Shut up Max, who's side are you o anyway?"

"Oh don't worry drew, I know it wasn't you," my grandma said smiling.

"You do?" the others asked.

"You do?" Drew asked.

"You do?" I asked.

"I do," she responded, "It was an impostor, who broke into the castle. A Dark force indeed.

"Great, another big treat to Petalburg," Dawn said, slumping her arms.

"But why would they attack you and turn Nurse Joy into Stone? And why would that person impersonate Drew?" I asked.

"Well, Drew is very common in the palace. We wouldn't think of him as a threat to the Royal Family at all. And his he one of your closest friends May," My grandmother explain. I blushed at the last part, "So how did they try to kill you Drew?"

"They used the guillotine," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hm, they must really dispise you now," my grandmother said.

"Yeah, that response helps," I said sweatdropping.

"Hey, I think we can find out more about this imposter if we just watch the scene.

"Uh, how can we watch the scene?" Ash asked with a confused look on his face.

"About a week ago I installed a security program into the palace," Misty explained, "Dawn, May, you two remember don't you?"

"Oh yeah," Dawn said, "We found that secret passage in our bedroom and we made that the security control room."

"I see you've found one of the secret passages," My grandmother said.

"One?" I asked.

"Yes, but that's a story for another day, dear."

"Yeah, now come on, we can see a playback of what happened earlier up in the control room," Misty said, climbing up the stairs.