(A/N: I just made up the names of Sakura's parents cause I don't know the real ones so forgive me…)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

Full Summary: Sasuke could have any girl fall at his knees. He was the heartthrob prince per say. But of all the girls he could be serious with, he fell for an unnoticed mute. Not knowing that she was actually a real princess… their love would be forbidden when she goes back to claim the throne.

25 Days With Sakura

Chapter 1 :

A Weird Meeting

The past:

"If she goes to a normal school then maybe she can speak once and for all… we can't have her on the throne being mute!" a fatherly voice said to a beautiful woman who was probably her wife.

"But she's just 8…" the woman said sadly.

"6 years… that's all it takes Yoruni… 6 years" the man said patting his wife named Yoruni on the back.

"But will Sakura want this? Think of your daughter's opinion" Yoruni pleaded.

"Sakura doesn't even know how to speak… how can she decide then?" the man said.

"Yaru… what if she's gonna get bullied or hurt…" Yoruni cried.

The man named Yaru sighed. "Then they'll regret it once they know she's one to take a powerful clan's throne." Yaru said hugging his wife looking at a distance.

A little girl with shoulder length bobbed hair and long bangs with beautiful emerald eyes looked from a door. She gave sigh. Probably one of the most few sound and things she could utter.

"Sakura?" Yaru asked.

The girl moved into the room.

"Sakura… you mother and I think that you should go to a normal school for you to learn how to speak faster… you need to claim the throne on your 18th birthday and we think that socializing with other people outside this house will make you learn to talk…" Yaru said.

Sakura simply looked at her father.

"Do you want to do as your father says Sakura?" Yoruni asked.

Sakura looked then to her mother. She closed her eyes and allowed a smile to form on her face.

"See… she wants to… so it's settled then, she goes tomorrow" Yaru said patting his daughter on the head.

At School

"Class be good alright… she's mute so you should be patient with her… make friends with her." The teacher said showing everyone Sakura.

After that scary day she moved outside when the bell rang screaming recess.

She smiled and sat outside on the playground by herself.

She smiled and took out a slingshot from her bag and picked up stones. She pulled the rubber along with the stone and hit a small dust hill perfectly square.

"You freak!" a boy shouted in the middle of the playground.

"Loser!" another shouted.

"Weakling!" another one spat.

The crowd closed in to a poor boy being kicked square on the ground by some big bullies.

Sakura looked at them. Finally the crowd gave way and she targeted on the big bully who kicked the poor boy square in the stomach.

The boy was curled up like a ball, apparently scared.

Sakura hit the bully on his neck.

"Oww!" he said holding the part of his neck that held the pain.

"Who did that?" he asked angrily.

The bullies stopped kicking the poor boy.

The one's that were near Sakura pointed at her.

"You feeling lucky today freaking mute?" the biggest of them threatened.

Sakura targeted and hit him again. The stones came fast to the bullies until they cried and ran away.

The crowd surrounding the boy pointed at him and simply laughed. The boy didn't care to stand up and remained curled up on the ground crying.

Sakura closed her eyes, inhaled and moved towards the boy.

The others looked at her and backed away.

She bent down and shook the boy.

The boy looked at her with his red eyes. He was very handsome. He had raven hair and onyx eyes.

She smiled brightly at him and offered a hand.

He hesitated but took it after. As soon as both of them stood up the boy smiled and wiped his tears away.

Sakura pushed the slingshot to him.

"You- you're giving this to me?" the boy asked.

Sakura smiled and nodded.

The slingshot had letter S carved on it's handle.

"I- can't take this…" the boy said smiling as he scratched his head. She looked at him and simply hid her slingshot back in her bag.

"I'm-"the boy was cut off.

"Man! You should've called for us!"

"Yeah! We were looking for you everywhere!"

The boy's friends' said surrounding him.

Sakura backed away.

The boy looked at her trying to get away from his friends.

But she simply smiled brighter and waved goodbye.

6 years after (the present)

Sakura picked up her books that fell to the floor.

"Oh sorry freak… I didn't see you there since you don't make a sound…" a girl laughed along with her other popular friends.

Sakura simply looked at them and sighed.

It's been 6 years… was the matter? Why wasn't she still speaking? She shook her head and closed her locker. It was dismissal and she was hasty to go to the apartment her parents got her so as not to let anyone know she was royalty. She loved living the simple life. No maids telling you what to do, no icky food for diet, no stupid dancing lessons, no nothing!

She smiled walking outside the school as she carried her bag happily.

"Sasuke! 8 alright!" a girl shouted.

"Sure… Friday…" he said obviously not forgetting he had a date with her on that day.

"And don't forget me hon! 7:30 on Thursday!" another girl shouted.

"I won't!" Sasuke shouted walking out of the school's gate.

"And me Sasuke! Reserve me for next week!" a girl squealed.

"Sure!" he shouted staring to move out already. "Don't follow me or else I won't date you all" he said smirking. The girls were heard whining but nonetheless they didn't follow Sasuke.

Uchiha Sasuke… this was him. The school's most wanted heartthrob. The school's most wanted guitarist slash drummer slash lead vocalist of his band. The guy who like to date different girls at the same time. The guy who never took any relationship seriously.

Sasuke simply chuckled and moved to turn around a corner. He figured a walk home would take some bad things off his mind. The sun was setting fast. He looked at his own shadow getting taller.

"C'mon hon! Just one fun time!" a guy by a dark alley said along with some others who were obviously drunk strangling a girl. The girl didn't even scream.

"Hey!" Sasuke said looking at the punks who looked back at him with great plotting.

"Let her go…" he said smirking.

"What makes you think were listening to you punk ass bitch?" the guy said getting closer and he gripped Sasuke's shirt.

"Hn" Sasuke smirked and kicked the guy's balls.

The guy fell to the floor holding his dingdong.

Sasuke launched and kicked another guy's neck and punched the last guy's ribs hard.

"Let's get out of here!" the big one said all of them ran away holding the parts that Sasuke had just hit.

"You okay?" Sasuke asked the girl who was trying to get up.

"Here let me help." He said as offered a hand and the girl took it.

As soon as she had her chest straight up, she tucked her hair behind her ear. She had emerald eyes and long pink hair. Her top was a little bit ripped and her zipper on her skirt was open.

Sasuke looked at her with great curiosity.

Sakura looked at him and wanted to say something so badly. This boy... he was the boy. She opened her mouth hopiong that something would come out.

Sasuke thought she was the girl that saved him before but rumors spread out that she left town. And that girl had short pink hair and greyish-green eyes. he knew that green eyes would always seem to look like grey whenever strong sun hit those colorful eyes. But... that was only what he heard from others.

Sakura looked at him. This was him, the little boy she had saved years ago, the boy whom she liked… the boy… who she had always thought about.

She couldn't speak, in her utter shock she just stared at him.

"Okay…" Sasuke chuckled helping her up. "Uhhmmm… you'll be okay on your own?" he asked picking up the girl's bag.

The girl shook her head and nodded. She waved goodbye and skipped away.

That was a bit weird.

Sasuke eyed her as they got out of the dark alley.

You seem very familiar… he thought looking at her disappear into a corner.



Much love
