Well, it's been a while since I updated this, so I might as well finish this.


After they ate, they payed for the dinner and left the diner. Sonic and Elise stood at the door as they stayed silent.

That was, until Elise spoke up.



"W-what do you want to do now?" Elise asked hesitantly.

Sonic shrugged. "I don't know. What about you?"

"Hmm..." Elise thought about it for a moment. She then looked up at the night sky.

Sonic noticed this and gave him an idea. "Hey, I know!"


"Let's go stargazing." Sonic said.

"Stargazing?" Elise asked.

"Yeah. Just the two of us." Sonic said with a smirk.

When he said "the two os us", it made her feel strange. It wasn't in a bad way, but in a really weird, strange, and good way.

"Elise? Are you OK?"

Elise didn't answer.


There was still no answer.


"Huh?" Elise snapped out of her trance. "Oh, I'm sorry..."

"You know, you've been acting a little weird today."

Elise's eyes widened a bit. "How?"

"Well, ever since I asked you to hang out with me today, you kept going silent on me, like I was a ghost." Sonic replied.

"Oh..." Elise lowered her head.

"Elise? Is there something your not telling me?" Sonic raised an eyebrow.

Elise wasn't sure. Was she going to respond to Sonic's question? Or did she want to keep hiding the truth so that everything will be okay?


"Sonic...I'm sorry."

"Huh? Sorry about what?"

Elise started to form a tear in her eye. "You don't think I'm having a good time, right?"

"Well, judging by how you kept silent on me, I think I know the answer to that." Sonic said.

"Sniff...I'm so sorry." Elise started to cover her eyes in tears.

"Elise? What's wrong?"

"I'm such a bad person!" Elise shouted.

"What? That is not true Elise, and you know it!" Sonic noted.

Elise opened her eyes to look at Sonic.

"Look, whatever happened today, and whatever you were thinking about, you probably wanted to keep these things to yourself. You know, like there's something your not telling me, but you'd rather keep it a secret, right?"

Elise nodded her head slowly. "Your right...I'm sorry I got all emotional there."

"Hey, don't worry about it. It's okay to let out your emotions every now and then." Sonic said.

Elise nodded again. "I understand."

"Good, now let's head over to my place so that we can go stargazing.." Sonic said.

"Wait? YOU have a house?"

"Oh yeah." Sonic chuckled a bit. "You see, Tails and Knuckles helped me build it so that I can have my own place to stay in."

"Oh...is it big?"

"Well, not too big, but even you should fit in there." Sonic laughed a bit.

Elise smiled. "Well then, let's go!"

"OK, but uh...I have to carry you."


"Because, even if we walked, I'm sure that your legs would get tired. So I'll carry you while you relax, all right?"

"Well...okay." Elise nodded slowly.

With that, Sonic picked her up bridal style and dashed towards his place.

After about a few minutes, Sonic screeched to a halt as Elise was still holding on to him tightly.

"OK Elise, you can let go now. We're here." Sonic said to her.

Elise slowly opened her eyes and saw what stood before her.

Sonic's house was pretty large. It was designed yellow and had a red roof. There were some windows and it even had a balcony.

"Wow..." Elise was in awe.

"Do you like it?" Sonic asked.

"Sonic, I didn't think that your house was so..."


"Yeah..." Elise slowly said.

Sonic went over to his answering machine and saw that he was left a ton of messages. Deciding to see who they were from, Sonic pressed the button.

"Sonic! It's me, Amy. I just came to see if you'll accept me on a date?" Beep!

"Sonic! Amy again! Listen, you still haven't answered whether or not that you will go on a date with me!" Beep!

"Sonic! I'm really starting to get angry! Why haven't you answered me yet!?" Beep!

Sonic sighed. Thinking that the rest of the messages were probably from Amy, he deleted the rest of the messages and shook his head.

"Man, Amy will never give up." Sonic said.

"Sonic?" Elise spoke.


"Was that...?"

"Yeah. That was her." Sonic shook his head.

"Wow...she really is demanding." Elise said.

"Tell me about it..." Sonic said with a sigh.

Elise felt sorry for Sonic. A girl that was hardly even a teenager yet has always been demanding Sonic that he would marry her, even when his answer is no.

"Well, come on, let's head towards the balcony." Sonic said as he grabbed Elise's arm and made their way towards the balcony.

Once they made it to the balcony, there were two chairs that were the right size for both of them.

"Here you go, Elise. Have a seat." Sonic said.

"OK." Elise nodded as both of them sat down and started looking up at the night sky.

"The stars are so beautiful." Elise said calmly.

"Yeah..." Sonic said.



"Have you ever seen 'The Big Dipper'?"

"Uh...what?" Sonic was confused.

"If you like at the stars just right, you can see 'The Big Dipper'." Elise said.

"So...what does this Big Dipper look like?"

"Well, it's kind of like a cooking pan, but a little smaller." Elise explained.

"Hmm..." Sonic took Elise's words to see if he can see the Big Dipper himself. It took him a while, but he saw it with his own eyes. "I see it!"


"Up there!" Sonic pointed to the sky.

Elise looked in Sonic's direction. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to see it for herself. "I see it!"

"You do?"

"Yeah. You have good eyes, Sonic." Elise smiled at him.

"Heh. Call me the Sonic watcher." They both laughed.

After about forty-five minutes, the night started to get chilly and windy. Elise was starting fell the cold as it blew right through her face. Sonic was starting to feel it too.

"Brr..." Elise said shakily.

"E-Elise? A-are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine...just a l-little c-cold." Elise hugged herself.

"C-come on, l-let's go back i-inside and g-get ourselves w-warm." Sonic said shakily as they got up and slowly made their way inside, with Sonic closing the balcony door. After that, they both went downstairs.

As they made it downstairs, Elise sat herself on a couch and started breath deeply.

"You want some hot cocoa?" Sonic asked.

"Y-yeah. Thanks." Elise nodded.

"There's a blanket right there, and you can start a fireplace, right?"


"Good!" Sonic said with a thumbs up before heading into the kitchen to start making teh hot cocoa.

It didn't take long for Elise to warm up the fireplace, and started to wrap herself up in the nice, warm blanket.

As she started to warm herself up, she started to think about to her time with Sonic today. At times, she didn't like it because her people would see and recognize her. Other times, she felt like she was a ghost because she didn't fit in with other people.

But when Sonic was with her, she felt like she was a normal person. She felt like she could do anything. She felt like she fitted in with others. It seemed that whenever Sonic was around her, she was a happy person.

But something was still unclear. And that her feelings for Sonic. What were they? Were they nothing special? Or was it something that she never felt before?

Just then, Sonic came in with two warm beverages of hot cocoa in his hands. Sonic sat down in front of the fireplace.

"Hey Elise, come sit here with me." Sonic gestured.

"OK." Elise nodded as she got up and sat down in front of Sonic while sitting beside the fireplace.

"Here you go." Sonic gave the hot cup of cocoa to Elise.

"Thank you." Elise thanked before taking a sip of it in her mouth. However, it was still hot and the inside of her mouth burned a bit.

"Careful. It's hot." Sonic reminded.

"I'll remember that." Elise said a little uneasily, still feeling the effect.

As they both enjoyed their cocoa (and getting warm), Sonic and Elise both stayed silent for a long period of time.


"Yeah, Elise?"

"Do you remember earlier when I asked have you ever been in love?" Elise asked.

"Yeah...what about it?"

"Well, I was curious...is there anybody you've taken an interest in?"

"Your not talking about Amy, are you?" Sonic asked suspiciously.

"No, Sonic. I'm asking if there's anybody, besides her, that you like?"

"Hmm..." Sonic thought about it for a moment. "Well, there is one. But I'm not sure if it'll work out anyways. What about you?"

"Well, there is one. But I'm not sure if it'll work out either. And besides, I got a lot of unwanted attention going on." Elise said not too impressed with herself.

"What do you mean?" Sonic asked.

"Well, one time, when I was on my vacation, there were these guys that kept 'wooing' me to get me to go out with them." Elise shook her head.

"And did you give in?"

"No. I didn't like them very much anyway, especially if they 'wooed' me. It was just gross." Elise said with a sigh.


"What about you, Sonic? Who's the lucky girl you like?" Elise asked with a smile.

"I'd rather not tell. Besides, it would seem...wrong." Sonic said uneasily.

"What do you mean?" Elise asked.

"Well, I really like this girl, but I don't think she likes me the same way." Sonic said sadly.

Elise looked pained when Sonic said that.

"And it's not just that, it would be called inter-species dating. And from every angle it, it just looks wrong."

"Is that what you really think?" Elise asked slowly.

"It's what others would think." Sonic quickly replied. "And it's society that breaks up the most happy couples."


"What is it, Elise?"

"Am I...the one?"


"Am I the girl...that you've taken an interest in?" Elise's eyes narrowed.

Sonic turned his head away. "Maybe..."

"Sonic..." Elise said a little sternly.

"OK. I like you. I like you a lot. I know that your a princess and your beautiful. Ever since we started hanging out with each other, I got these weird feelings that I never felt before. I know that doesn't sound like me, but I'm serious. I really like you." Sonic said.

Elise's face blushed deep red. "Sonic..."

"But I don't if you like me the same way." Sonic stopped her.


"And there is somebody else you like, anyways. So it's not like I'll be able to win your heart now." Sonic said.

"Sonic, are you done talking?"

"Uh, yeah...I'm done."

"Good. Now let me say my peace. Remember when I said I had feelings for someone?"

"Yeah? Who is it?"

"That someone...is you." Elise slowly answered.


"I've always liked your carefree spirit and attitude. I also like you've always been so nice and so easy to understand. Your everything that a lot of people aren't. And underneath that carefree style, your so calm and passionate about others. Your the one that I'm looking for." Elise smiled at him.

There was no turning back now. The truth was out. Everything was now silent. Sonic and Elise stood there, looking at one another, not blinking. Their eyes gazed at each other.



"What else do couples do?"

Elise thought about it for a moment. "They kiss."


"You've never kissed before?"

"No. Never."

Again, they stood like that, not blinking. Then slowly, their heads started to lean closer towards each other. Their lips were mere inches away from each other.

"You realize that you are near me, right?" Sonic reminded.

"I know." Elise whispered.

Finally, their lips pressed against one another, as they shared their first kiss. Their eyes widened as they realized their position that they were in, but slowly closed them as they wanted to enjoy this moment. Elise slowly wrapped her arms around him, as they continued to kiss. Sonic placed his arm on her waist, as they continued to share their long and slow kiss. Finally, they broke it, as they looked at each other, not blinking.

"Wow..." Elise whispered.

"What is it?" Sonic asked.

"Nothing. It's just..."

"You don't like romance?" Sonic smirked.

"To tell you the truth, I never experienced it to be like that." Elise admitted.

"How was it?"

"It was...romantic." Elise slowly said.

Soon, Elise started to yawn, as she started to grow tired.

"Are you all right?"

"I'm fine...I'm just tired, is all." Elise replied.

"Couldn't handle it?"

"The kiss?"

Sonic nodded.

Elise laughed a bit. She then yawned again.

"Man, you need some sleep." Sonic noted.

"I agree." Elise nodded.

"Let me carry you to bed."

"Can you do that?" Elise asked.

"Watch me." Sonic smirked.

He picked up Elise from under her. She smiled as she layed in Sonic's arms. Her eyes closed as Sonic carried Elise upstairs.

When they got to Sonic's room, the blue hedgehog carried her over to his bed, jumped on the bed, layed her down, and tucked her in. Elise looked at Sonic as he finished tucking her in.



"I want to thank you for today. This was the best that I ever had." Elise said as she hugged Sonic, with him hugging her back.

"Your welcome, Elise. But your the one I really have to thank."

"How do you mean?"

"If we hadn't ran into each other, we never would've had that kiss." Sonic said.

"Oh Sonic..." Elise reached up kissed Sonic again, Sonic returned the kiss as they both shared a slow, romantic moment. They broke it off and stared at each other.

"Sonic, come sleep with me tonight, please?" Elise asked as she opened the covers for the blue hedgehog.

Sonic's heart fluttered in happiness as he got under the covers. Elise then kissed Sonic on the cheek and layed her arm on his chest. She then whispered something as she started to fall asleep.

"I...love you...Sonic the Hedgehog." Elise whispered.

When Sonic heard those words, his heart beated wildly.

"I love you too, Elise." Sonic whipsered as he wrapped his arm around her head and brought it close to him.

Just like Sonic, Elise's heart beated wildly. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Sonic stared at the ceiling for a moment longer before closing his eyes with a contented smirk on his face.

Author's Note: Well, there have you it. I hope you SonicxElise lovers liked it!

Please, read and review.