Chapter One: Middle Earth

Summary: Naruto, Neji, Kiba, and Hinata are sent on a reconnaissance mission, but that mission takes a turn, and now they are dragged into a war where they have no idea what's going on.

Author's note: Okay…er, I'm sorry if some parts are a little…weird. I was bored, couldn't get to sleep, and ideas were going about 90 mph around in my head keeping me up-forgive me-and Neji happens to be my favorite character. Did I say everything I wanted to? I think I did. Read on!

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto or LOTR…why must I say that?



Chapter One: Middle Earth?

How they ended up as a couple was a complete mystery to everyone, including the two in question. One was cheerful, a prankster, and completely wild. The other was more reserved, calm, and collected. Naruto and Neji, respectively. Maybe it had to do with how Neji had complemented Naruto as they were going after Sasuke, and almost died trying to keep Kidomaru at bay. Or how Naruto had managed to go through with his promise, even if he wasn't Hokage yet-let's just say that he was very convincing when he wanted to be when it came to Tsunade. That had been a very eventful month or so when the Hyuuga were told to change their ways. And Hiashi had agreed to, over the complaints of the elders.

Still, when it had been found out that they were together, it was another interesting month. Hinata had been gloomy for quite a few days, the very supportive-which both boys were glad for. She had finally developed into a fine family heiress, according to her father. She was even a mednin, and had done better than Sakura, since she was a Hyuuga and had to have chakra control to execute her jutsu. Kiba had…well, he had almost laughed himself sick. Shino was as unreadable as ever, though he did ask when they had ever really talked to each other before they became a couple. And a few other questions that made Kiba laugh even harder, until Neji threatened him with the Juken. That shut him up for the rest of the week. Tenten had been in a state of shock, but had gotten over it quite admirably, and Lee was…well, Lee. He didn't see a problem with it, and simply congratulated the two…like they had been married or something. Both vowed to never tell him anything more on their relationship-for the sake of their sanity. Sasuke, who had returned after finally dealing with his brother, was not too sure of what to say. He didn't know if he was supposed to be happy for Naruto-or worried about what had happened while he was gone…Sakura was definitely confused. After all, hadn't he loved her? Then to go off and become a couple with a Hyuuga, not to mention the male Hyuuga that was their age. Somehow, that really hurt her ego. Not that she would admit that. The others had mixed feelings, but really didn't mind, seeing as how they were not really involved in it.

Just because they were going out did not mean that they stopped going on missions thought.

"Ne, Neji? What are you up so early for?" Naruto asked, as he noted his boyfriend getting dressed in his ANBU gear. Neji sighed, and looked back over to the kitsune, and shook his head.

"You were paying no attention to what I said last night, were you?" he asked, and Naruto smirked.

"Well…" Neji cut him off before he could say something completely perverted.

"Before that! About a mission?" at that Naruto looked up at the ceiling, before snapping his fingers.

"Right! A recon mission! Oh…wait. Today?" Neji picked up his bird mask, and resisted the urge to smack the blond over the head with it.

"Today. As in now. Get moving or your going to be facing Tsunade-sama alone." Neji said, and that lit the fire under Naruto's tail so to speak. He scrambled up, and began to dress, making it to the door just as Neji opened it. With that the two took off to the Hokage's.

When the arrived they saw who was going on the mission with them, another couple; Hinata and Kiba. Not that their announcement was unexpected, after all Kiba really did seem to like Hinata, and after Naruto said that he was going out with Neji, Hinata finally saw how much Kiba cared for her.

Still, there was one person missing. Oh, right. The HOKAGE!

"How long have you two been waiting?" Naruto asked, and Kiba shrugged.

"Sorta lost count after 30 minutes…" he grumbled, as Hinata sighed and sat down. The males followed her example, and sat down, waiting for her to show up. They heard screams coming down the hall, both female voices.

'That's them…' all four thought, and no sooner did they scramble to their feet than did the doors fly open. There stood Tsunade and Shizune, bickering. The four ANBU stared, though it wasn't visible from behind the masks. Though it should have been expected from those two…Naruto sighed, Neji shook his head, Hinata coughed, and Kiba rolled his eyes as Akamaru wined. Their small noises got the attention of the two women.

"Ah! You four are early…" she began but Naruto being the bolder of the group cut in, saying what was on everyone's mind.

"Tsunade-baachan! We're not early! You're late!" he snapped, and everyone backed a good few feet away from him, just incase.

Tsunade twitched, but refused to acknowledge the comment.

"Right, I asked you four to come here because I have a mission, one that I don't know how to rank. You four are going on a mission into lands we have next to no information on. You are to go there, and gather that information, and form alliances if you can. Once again it is un-ranked, and I do not know how long it will last for. Accept?" she finished as she sat down in her chair. Well, it had gotten a bit boring around the area, after the other problems had been dealt with…so they all thought that this mission could be interesting.

"Accepted." The four replied, and Tsunade nodded. She pulled out a map. It wasn't highly detailed, or helpful. Aside from the title of the map-Middle Earth.

"This is all we have on the place, aside that a special jutsu is needed to get to the area." She said, after they had gathered around her desk to look over the map. The four nodded, as they looked over the map of the area, wondering why they hadn't seen it on any maps that they had studied at the Academy. She handed it off to Neji, who looked it over and rolled it up and placed it into his pocket.

"Now, go pack, and be back within the hour." She said, and the four ANBU agents shot off to go and collect their things.


After all had finished packing their stuff, they met up before the doors of the Hokage's office, and entered. She was still there, which told them that this mission was definitely serious. It wasn't everyday that woman sat around and waited for them to come back without breaking out a bottle of sake. So, that made them just a bit nervous.

"Follow me. When we get to the room I want you four to hold onto each other so you are not separated." She said, as soon as they all came into the room. She stood, and began leading the way to a room. The four looked at each other, some more nervous than others. Still, they followed after her; they had taken the mission.

The room she led them too was large and circular, with a pattern drawn into the floor, and the other shinobi within the room were standing around the design at different points.

That was then that they knew that it was not going to be pleasant. After all, if it was some of the nin in the room would be smirking, or snickering. No, as they were ushered to the center of the design they could see that the others in the room looked worried, and some looked apologetic. This was going to be one hell of a ride. Then Tsunade handed them each a small scroll.

"Here, take these, they'll keep you in contact with each other, and me. Just write who you want to talk to first. Run a bit of chakra through them to link them to you. Write at least once a week so I know you're all okay…" she trailed off here, as the four did as she asked with the scrolls, and then placed them in their packs. And with that she backed out of the design, and took her place, as did Shizune.

"Hold on to each other so you don't get separated!" she yelled, as the wind in the room picked up, tossing their cloaks around. Neji immediately felt a death grip on his arm, and already knew who it was. Naruto had latched onto him, with a grip that would have been lethal if around the neck, at the mention of being separated. With his free hand he grabbed his cousin's arm, as she took a hold of Kiba, who was sitting on Akamaru. Within seconds they found out why they had been told to hang on to each other.

It felt like they had been caught in a tornado. The strong winds had picked up, almost tearing their cloaks from their bodies, and they had to fight to keep a grip on each other. And, just like the winds of a tornado, the winds tore at them and made them feel as if they had been caught in a vacuum with almost unbearable pressure on all sides. Thankfully it didn't last long. Soon they no longer felt the tearing winds, but a gentle breeze, as they stood-blinking in confusion-atop a hill. Neji blinked a few times, before he dug into his pocket, and pulled out the map.

"Well…this thing is no help…" he muttered, as he rolled it back up and stuffed it back into his pocket. He sighed, and looked around at the area, looking for a good place to set up camp so they could figure out where they were. After looking around he sighed.

"Well…it looks like we are going to be setting up camp here." He said, and Kiba replied by sliding of Akamaru, and dropping to the ground.

"Fine by me!" Naruto chirped, and Hinata just nodded. It would be a good place to stay, as the height would give them the advantage of being able to see potential problems sneaking up on them. So with that in mind they set about making the camp, and deciding who would have the first watch.