Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from the O.C. I'm strictly borrowing them in order to bring life to my own little world. I also don't own the song "I Can't Stay Away" by the Veronicas. Summary: AU. After Ryan dumps Marissa, Summer takes her to a club hoping to distract her. But what Marissa ends up finding there will prove to be much more than a mere distraction.
I Can't Stay Away
Part 1
This is wrong… This is so wrong…
That's all that's running through my mind as I once again walk into the club, the same club I've been going to every single weekend for the past couple of months.
I shouldn't be here, but I have no control over my body. I was stripped of that ability the first time I stepped foot in this club. I'm drawn to it… I'm drawn to it like a moth to a blinding light. I can't help myself, I just can't stay away…
It all started about three months ago. My boyfriend of nearly two years broke up with me and I was pretty much devastated. After crying on my best friend's shoulder for a while, she insisted we go out and as much as I just wanted to stay home and mope, knowing Summer, she wouldn't give up until I caved, so I didn't bother fighting and simply agreed.
Throughout the ride, she kept talking about the club and how great the shows were. But I didn't pay much attention as she tends to talk a bit too much sometimes. So we arrived at the club and as she's dragging me to the entrance, I glance at the neon lit name and realize the type of club she's taking me to.
"Is this a joke?" I asked in shock.
"What?" Summer asked back.
"Are you seriously taking me to a strip club?"
"It's not a strip club…" Summer replied rolling her eyes, "the dancers keep their bikinis on…"
I remember staring at her. Like I was waiting for her to start laughing and making fun of me for being so gullible to pranks… it never happened…
Rolling her eyes at me again, she linked her arm around mine and pulled me into the club, mumbling something about me being a prude. As we got inside, the first thing I noticed was the abundance of men. There were a few women, but I couldn't be sure if they were customers or employees.
We headed for the bar and Summer didn't hesitate to order a couple of shots right away. I'd usually oppose to shots so early in the evening, but I knew I was going to need them so I chugged mine down without a word.
And while Summer flirted with the bartender, I glanced around the club and instantly noticed the amount of eyes that were on us. The stage was empty, so I guessed the lack of entertainment led to gawking at the only females in the vicinity. Lucky me…
I'd never felt more out of place. Feeling very uncomfortable, I turned back towards the bar just in time to have Summer grab my arm and (literally) drag me towards the stage. And of course, of all the places to sit, she just had to pick the seats directly in front of it.
"Must we really sit here?" I asked, feeling the stares more then ever.
"Lighten up!" Summer exclaimed, "This is gonna be great!"
"Great…" I mumbled before downing half of my drink. This was gonna be a loooong night.
Suddenly the lights dimmed lower and a very sensual melody started filling the air. The club was instantly drowned in howls and catcalls as a spotlight focused on a slender leg that sneaked out from behind the curtain. I rolled my eyes at the male's one track mind and took another sip of my drink, wishing this night would just end. But then the curtains were drawn back and everything froze (including the drink I held in mid air I might add).
Now I can assure you that I've never been attracted to girls. NEVER! But this one… this one took my breath away…
She was wearing a very short black skirt with slits up the sides along with a black woman's suit jacket. There was no shirt underneath, just a black bra that peeped out, showing off just how incredibly sexy she was. Adding to the raw look, she wore a black silk tie, a pair of black boots and a black trilby hat. Her long blonde hair was tied up to one side and the black mascara made her blue eyes more distinctive and penetrating than anything I'd ever seen before. She was without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I'd ever laid eyes on.
I can still remember the haze I was in. My throat had gone dry and my jaw hung slack, but my eyes refused to look away from the flawless beauty swaying oh so seductively in front of me.
"You might wanna try breathing" Summer whispered in my ear, making me jump slightly as I'd completely forgotten she was there.
But as I turned my attention to her, no words came out and she simply smirked at me with a raised eyebrow, giving me that "you're so busted" look. Needless to say, I started blushing and not just out of embarrassment for getting caught staring, but at the realization that I was staring at a girl.
Not knowing what to say or how I was supposed to even react, I breathed out in relief as she turned back towards the stage (and of course it didn't take long for me to follow suit). Now I'm sure it must've been my imagination, but I swear she was looking at me. And my embarrassment was forgotten as I simply fell back into that trance.
Halfway into the song, she had taken off her jacket and I had to swallow the lump in my throat as I took note of her exposed torso (that bra and tie left almost nothing to the imagination).
Now what happened next was really stupid and I still feel embarrassed whenever I think about it… So you know how it's completely normal for customers to tip dancers during their routines. I do too. But I was so entranced by her that I managed to completely forget where I was and every time I saw a guy attaching a note to her skirt, boots or (and this one really makes me cringe) bra, I felt my blood boil like never before. I just couldn't take my eyes off her. Every time she glanced my way, I swear my heart skipped a beat.
Then I sensed movement next to me. So I turned just in time to see Summer motioning with her finger for the dancer to come closer. I gulped nervously, wondering what in the world Summer was up to and turned back towards the blonde beauty. I was rendered speechless as I watched her spin gracefully yet provocatively on the pole before landing on her knees and crawling towards Summer. My heart started racing. I watched spellbound as Summer seductively stroked the girl's tie before attaching a rather large bill to her bra strap. I was overtaken by a massive wave of jealousy at Summer's forwardness (or maybe it was just at my lack of confidence), but everything suddenly froze when I heard Summer say, "Come look for us when you're done". What the hell?! If I thought I was nervous before, I was a complete train wreck now. But as much as part of me was screaming to get the hell out of there, a bigger part really (and I mean really!!) wanted nothing more than another chance to be in the dancer's presence. What scared me though was that I not only wanted to see her, it was almost like I needed to see her. Like my survival depended on it. And it didn't take long to realize how truly addictive she was.
A/N: I started writing this fic a couple of months ago. It was supposed to be a short story just to help me get over the writer's block I'd been experiencing regarding another story, but it kinda took on a life of its own and I really fell in love with it... I'm currently writing part 10, so if there's any interest, I'll continue posting.