Genre: Romance/Tragedy

Inspired by a quote from

www. boardofwisdom. com/default.asp?topic1005&listnameLove

Only You

Klavier sped down the open stretch of deserted road, Apollo clinging tightly to his waist.

"How fast are we going?!" Apollo yelled over the roar of the motorcycle and the air whizzing by their ears.

"Just over 100," Klavier called back. Apollo could hear the smile in his voice, but he couldn't take it any more.

"Slow down, Klavier! We're going to fast!" He clung tighter, "I don't want anything to happen!"

"Trust me, ja?" Klavier shouted, "I know what I'm doing, and you're having fun right?"

"To be honest, no, I'm not," Apollo buried his head in the other man's back, "I…I'm scared, Klavier, please stop…!"

"Tell me you love me."

"I LOVE YOU! I really do, Klavier! Now, please!" Apollo begged.

"Give me a hug." Apollo hugged him tighter than he ever had before, "and could you do me a favour? Take my helmet off for me and put it on you, I want to feel the wind for a while." Apollo complied.

The next morning, Phoenix picked up the newspaper and thumbed through it. He stopped on an article that caught his eye. A motorcycle had crashed into a building the other night due to a break malfunction. One of the passengers sustained serious (but not fatal) injuries and was getting immediate medical attention; the second passenger did not survive.

He put his coat on and walked to the hospital to visit Apollo. He wanted to cry, but he knew he couldn't, for Apollo's sake.