A/N This takes place after book 3 chapter 13. I was very interested in the Aang/Azula pairing after reading a few other stories. And man there just aren't enough. So I decided to add one.

Things change

It was several days after the invasion of the fire nation. All the rebels had been rounded up and sent to the furthest dungeons. Azula set out to hunt down the Avatar and his friends. Azula, Ty lee and Mai had followed the trail as far as they could.

"It seems we have lost track of them." Azula told the two girls.

"What should we do guys?" Ty lee asked.

"We may have to split up?" Mai suggested.

"Excellent idea Mai. I shall head west. You two continue on to the east. We shall meet up in a few days time." Azula instructed.

Azula headed eastward, and found herself alone. Alone with her thoughts of recent events. Too her surprise she found herself thinking about the Avatar. He had displayed incredible courage and skill. Despite all that had happened, the Avatar maintained a calm exterior.

She thought back to previous encounters with the Avatar. He had always been quick and agile. Yet this last time was different. He was not the playful child he had always been. This time he was a mature leader. Not just mentally mature but physically as well. His body had gone through the most change. Perhaps due to the lightning bolt that nearly killed him. It may have showed him just how much training he was lacking. She continued on like this for some time.

Not far away, Zuko and Aang had concluded another tough fire bending lesson. They headed down to the nearby stream to gather water for dinner. Zuko used opportunities like these to ask the Avatar questions in order to get to know him better.

"Come on Avatar, you mean to tell me you have never told a girl how you feel?" Zuko asked.

"Hey I was raised by monks. These type of situations never came up." Aang answered back.

"Your goofy friend Sokka must have told 3 girls just in the short time you have been traveling together."

"Yeah but.." Aang started

Azula had reached a large grassy hill side. It was pretty warm, she removed her fire nation robes and set them beside her. She leaned back against the hillside, and heard a sound. She could swear she heard voices coming from the other side. She frantically climbed the hill side. As she reached the top she narrowed her eyes on the two unsuspecting victims. She soon realized the two she was watching was her very own brother, and the Avatar. Not only were they standing together but they were talking like two old friends. For some reason Azula felt a bit jealous.

"I'm sure Sokka's grumpy sister has told someone by now." Zuko interrupted.

"Katara's not grumpy, your sister Azula now she is grumpy." Aang shot back.

"Did the Avatar just say my name?" Azula asked herself

She decided to listen in. She needed to know why the Avatar was talking about her. The thought of knowing the Avatar was speaking about her made Azula happy. Her heart began to race faster.

"That's not news to anyone Avatar. Azula is a dangerous and crafty individual. Yet I think she just needs to meet someone who can make her see things differently. Maybe someone like you." Zuko said smiling.

"What? Why me? She's always trying to kill me." Aang responded.

"See that's your answer. Trying, meaning she never finishes the job. She must like you." Zuko joked.

"Stop talking nonsense." Aang said blushing.

"I'll get you back for this Zuzu." Azula whispered

Azula's face smacked against the grassy hill. She couldn't believe all the stupid things her brother was saying about her. Her cheeks were redder then they had ever been. She didn't like the Avatar, she just admired how strong he was. After all, he was the only man who could fight against her at the same level.

"Ha your blushing, so you have noticed how beautiful she is. Some guys would kill to have gotten as close to her as you have. Not to mention you have been up and close to her on several occasions." Zuko said teasing.

"You'd have to be an idiot not to notice. Azula is very attractive." Aang admitted.

Azula couldn't stand it any longer. For some reason the thought of her brother saying things about her to the Avatar made her angry. She was determined to give him the beating of a life time. Azula jumped over the grassy hill and headed straight for Zuko. Her golden eyes set to finish him off. Suddenly Aang turned to her. She saw his gentle grey eyes widen as she came into view. Azula stumbled and fell into the stream.

"What was that?" Zuko said turning to Aang.

"I'll save her!" Aang shouted.

"Who?" Zuko asked

Aang didn't respond, instead he jumped into the stream. He swam quickly and pulled the young lady out of the water. He pulled her out and laid her on the ground. Her white underclothes were completely soaked. Aang blushed as he caught site of her see through top. This young lady wasn't too modest about wearing more underclothing in that area. Yet Aang pushed that all side when he noticed she wasn't breathing.

"Zuko she's not breathing." Aang told Zuko.

"Try sending air to her?" Zuko suggested

Aang leaned over and placed his mouth over hers. He breathed air into her. Azula's eyes opened slowly. As her vision came to focus she saw the Avatar leaning over her. His cheeks were flushed from all the excitement. Azula was blushing from the closeness they shared. She could feel his warm breath on her. Without a second thought, Azula wrapped her arms around Aang's neck. Aang looked to her confused, then suddenly Azula leaned in for a kiss. A deep passionate kiss that neither here nor Aang fought.

"I take back what I said Avatar. You don't have to tell a girl how you feel to get your point across." Zuko said to Aang

To be continued.