
Ok this is the first chapter of the many adventures of Haku and Hinata. The first few chapters will have plot, but after that it will be mostly randomness.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I did Haku would still be alive and Naruto wouldn't be half the idiot he is

Darkness enveloped the young Hyuuga as she walked through the forest, soullessly, without a feeling of anything except pain, grief, and betrayal. A sort of numbness took over her once she reached a stream and looked at her reflection. She saw tear stained girl, a lost soul, someone who had no reason to exist. She cupped her hands and drank from the river hungrily. She had no idea were she was, she had lost all sense of place and time ever since she ran away. Hinata chocked back a sob as she remembered the tragic night.

"You know what must be done. She hasn't gotten any closer to getting better and the chunin exams are coming up. If she fails, not only will she make a fool of herself, she will also disgrace the whole Hyuuga clan more than she already has," explained a man. "Yes, I understand, but she is trying hard to prove herself. I've seen so with my own eyes." Hinata recognized the voice as her father. Hinata was making her way to her room, when she heard voices in her fathers voice. Curios, she silently pressed her ear to the door, careful to not make sound. "What she is proving is that she is not ready for the responsibility!" the man yelled once more. "I would much appreciate if you would not yell" he calmly stated. "Listen to me, Hokashi," the man whispered "if you do not replace her, I will have no other choice but to remove you from the main branch." Hinata tried to suppress a gasp. Who was this man to threaten her father by removing him from the head of the clan? Hinata wiped away the tears that were starting to fall and once again pressed her ear to the door. There was nothing but silence. "Alright then, but you must promise me you will not tell her until she is ready." "Ready? You know the rules, once removed she must be banished form the clan" Hinata couldn't hear anymore, it hurt too much. She ran into her room an sobbed in her room for what seemed like an eternity until she had the strength to stop. "What am I doing here if they don't want me? There is no reason for me to stay" Hinata wobbled up and steadied herself. She glided through the corridors like a ghost until she ended up at the main gate. As she walked out she tried to look back, but stopped midway. "No more" she whispered to herself.

Tears trickled down her cheek from the memory. As she wiped them away she saw a new face in the water...