Disclaimer: I do not own anything that has to relate with One Tree Hill.

(A/N: This is my new story, I hope you guys enjoy this story! Also somethings to remember is that Karen and Keith are together and engaged, Dan and Deb are going through a divorce, this take place a season 1, Lucas is an ass, Peyton and Jake are Jenny biological parents there is no Nikki, Haley and Nathan are married and if I forgot anything I'll mention it soon! Once again enjoy the story and please review!)

Chapter One: Strange New Town?

Brooke Davis walked into the kitchen of the new house that her parents had just bought, she didn't see the point in moving since they were never home. Their recent location was Tree Hill, a small town located in North Carolina, but they would buy any house anywhere as long as it kept their teenage daughter far away from them. The brunette looked through the refrigerator and looked for what she need to make a sandwich.

Bread? Check. Turkey? Check. Lettuce? Check. Cheese? Check.

"Brooke?!" She heard her name being called from upstairs, she ignored the call and continued making her sandwich knowing that the person would sooner or later have to come downstairs. As the red head made her way into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge she grabbed a seat on the kitchen counter next to where Brooke was making her sandwich.

"What do you want Rach?" Brooke asked her god sister who was also her best friend, they were inseparable since they were babies. When Rachel's parents died after a horrible car crash when she was five, she was left to live with her only living relatives which were the Davis's. They weren't related by blood but they were her godparents and they vowed to take care of her no matter what, that was the only promised they ever seemed to keep.

"Nothing, just wanted to bother your skanky ass," Rachel shrugged opening up her bottle of water and gulping it down. "How long do you think they'll keep us in this house before they move us again? I'm kind of looking to raise some hell in this small town and the guy next door seem really hot but I think I'll save him for you. He was checking you out! I think his name is Locus."

"It's Lucas." Brooke laughed at Rachel as she joined in. "You can have him, he's an ass and I'm not really interested in any relationship. I guess we're going to be causing havoc another year around, hopefully this time you won't get us expelled." Brooke said referring to their sophomore year in L.A.

"Who knew that you couldn't steal a school bus and have a kick ass party on it?" Rachel said defensively. "Weren't you the one who bought the boy with the keg?"

"So it still wasn't my idea!" Brooke finished making her sandwich biting off a piece. "Want some?" She offered Rachel who took a bite and continued letting Brooke finish the rest of it. "But maybe we should be more careful this time around and actually befriend people instead of fighting, drinking and partying plus tomorrow the first day of school as juniors maybe we should try?"

"You're kidding right?"

"Kind of," Brooke laughed. "But still we should make some friends who aren't guys."

"Hey as long as you got me and I got you we don't need anyone else," Rachel wrapped her arm around Brooke's shoulder and began singing. "They say we're young and we don't know, we won't find out until we grow!"

"Oh my gosh don't start that again!" Brooke covered her ears as Rachel began singing 'I Got You Babe' by Sonny and Cher. "I swear if you keep singing I'll stab your crazy ass!"

"Come on Brookie monster!" Rachel laughed as she chased Brooke throughout the house still singing.

The next morning...

Lucas watched as the brunette and the red head entered the car driving off to school, they just moved in a week ago and he already didn't like the brunette all that much. It had to do with their first encounter, which also happened to be the brunette first day there.

Brooke walked into the Karen's Cafe trying to get a cup of coffee, she heard this place had the best coffee so she decide that she probably try it out. It wasn't exactly a Starbucks but it definitely had potential, she walked up to the woman behind the Cafe which she noticed was also her next door neighbor. She didn't know much about her but she sure seemed nice when she met her earlier that morning, she bought over some brownies as a welcome present."Hi there!" Brooke waved at the woman.

"Hey," the brunette woman smiled at the young girl in front of her. "You're Brooke right?""Yeah and you must obviously be Karen," Brooke referred to the sign on the front door that read Karen's Cafe. "I heard this place wad good and I didn't know you ran it. Thanks for the brownies this morning me and my friend really enjoyed them."

"Anytime, if you ever need me I'm right next door," Karen flashed Brooke another smile. "So what can I get you?"

"A cup of coffee to go please?"

"Coming right up." Karen walked into the back room leaving Brooke by herself to look around the store, as she looked around she never seen a Cafe quite like this one and she could see herself and Rachel hanging their most of the time. Karen came out of the back room and handed Brooke the coffee as Brooke handed her some money and smiled. "Enjoy, I'll see you soon."

"Thanks Karen." Brooke smiled walking out the store, she parked a block away from the Cafe and began sipping on her coffee as she walked towards her car. She was suddenly bombarded to the ground as a blond haired, blue eyes boy bumped into her causing her to spill her coffee on her expensive top. The coffee was hot but she didn't really feel it because she was already fuming mad.

"Watch where you're going!" the blond boy yelled at her as she picked herself up.

"Excuse me?" Brooke was about to go into bitch mode as Rachel liked to call it, she flipped her hair back tossing it out her face. "You pushed me to the ground and tell me to watch where I'm going? Listen asshole--""Whoa, whoa, whoa," the blond boy cut her off. "Are you talking back? Did I say that you could speak?"

"What?" Brooke jaw dropped, never in her life has she met someone this ignorant. "Are you drunk? Do I look like your little bitch?" She looked him up and down, he may had been a jerk but at least he was a hot jerk.

"I could make you my bitch if you wanted," he grinned slightly. "I'm Lucas Scott, remember my name the next time you decide to put yourself in my way."

"Whatever asshole," Brooke began walking away, she grinned before turning all the way around. She walked back to Lucas and tiptoed so she could reach up to his ear and began to whisper. "Brooke Davis is no one bitch, and before you'll know it I'll have everyone saying that Lucas Scott is my bitch." She got back down on her feet and turned still grinning as Lucas stared at her curiously, she got in her car and drove off.

Lucas grabbed his book bag before heading off to school, of course he had to say goodbye to his mother and his uncle Keith first. He headed to school in his car that they bought him for his sixteenth birthday, he was hoping to see his half brother, Nathan, and his best friend, Haley at school. Nathan and Haley got married as soon as Nathan emancipated himself from his parents Deb and Dan because he couldn't take the fighting and constantly having to choose sides. They were Tree Hill's cutest couple beside Peyton and Jake who had a baby together named Jenny, although they had a baby they weren't married but they did live together.

Lucas pulled up into the parking lot of his school, he made sure to get a spot close to the school so he wouldn't have to much walking. He saw his brother and his sister-in-law sitting side by side on campus at a round picnic table, he set his book bag down by his side and took a seat next to them.

"Hey what's up you two?" Lucas asked as he pounded fist with Nathan and hugged Haley.

"Nothing much," Haley shrugged. "Nathan was trying to calm me down because a couple of sophomore girls were trying to flirt with him even though I'm his wife." Lucas and Nathan were the star basketball players of the school, which meant a whole lot of girls would often try and flirt with them. Nathan would never flirt back but Lucas on the other hand took full advantage of it, Lucas was a heart breaker, although every girl in school knew that they kept coming back for more.

"Look Hales, there's always going to be other girls who want to get with me but I don't want them," Nathan reassured her. "I thought I made it pretty clear that I wanted to be with you when I married you on the beach in front of our parents."

"Yeah, I'm sorry Dan didn't come but I am glad your mom put aside her anger to at least show up," Haley said as she placed her head firmly on his shoulder. "So Lucas you're excited about a whole new year at school?"

"Sort of," Lucas shrugged, he wasn't to fond of school but he really liked basketball and figured that was the only way he could play. Sometimes he wonder if it wasn't for basketball he would've probably dropped out. "It's a new season and I'm looking forward to taking home that championship trophy, I'm also interested in checking out the new girls in school."

"When are you going to settle down and get a real girlfriend?" Haley snapped at him, she loved him but he broke too many hearts when he slept with girls and often didn't call them back or ignore them the next day in school. "You know one day this is going to come back and bite you in the ass!"

"Hopefully not soon because that girl right there is looking hot," Lucas grinned checking out the a brunette girl who just passed him by, he only saw her back but if her front looked as good as her back he was definitely going to ask her out. When the girl turned around seeing her red haired friend yelling out her name his grinned turned into a frown. "I'm not asking her out!"

"Why not?" Nathan asked confused, the girl was obviously hot but he couldn't say that in front of Haley.

"Because she's a bitch, she bumped into me and poured her coffee on herself and expected me to apologize," Lucas shook his head. "Well she had another thing coming."

"Are you sure that you didn't bump into her?" Haley asked rolling her eyes.

"Well either way I wasn't apologizing." Lucas was a sweet guy to his friends but to people he didn't know he could come off as a really insensitive jackass.

"Hey brunette!" Nathan yelled out causing Lucas to flinch, he saw the girl face and she looked puzzle as she approached the table. She was looking pretty good that day, she had her out straight coming straight down her shoulder and a bang covering her forehead. She was wearing tight fitting jeans and a short sleeve shirt with design that they hadn't seen in stores before, it read 'Clothes Over Bros'.

"Hey do I know you?" The brunette asked curiously as she looked at Nathan and Haley not even noticing Lucas right was there.

"No you don't but I'm Nathan Scott and this my wife Haley," Nathan introduced themselves to her. "And you are?"

"Brooke Davis," Brooke smiled at them. "This is so weird the other day this jerk bumped into me and his last name was Scott too, you wouldn't happen to be related would you?"

"Jerk sitting right here!" Lucas waved his hand giving off a sinister smile.

"Oh boy," Brooke sighed rolling her eyes. "Nathan, Haley it was nice meeting you. Jerk, it wasn't nice seeing you and I hope to never have to see you as long as I live." Brooke began to walk off and her last comment cause Nathan and Haley to begin bursting out laughing, someone was finally giving Lucas a run for his money, figuratively speaking.

Lucas chased after her as she began to walk inside the school, he grabbed her arm causing her to spin around. "What the hell is you're problem you don't even know me!" Lucas shouted at her as he began to cause a scene. Brooke was slightly shorter than him causing her to look up at him, she pulled back her arm and pushed Lucas away from her.

"I'm Brooke Davis and like I told you before I'm not going to back down from you because I'm not scared of you," Brooke crossed her arms. "Listen Scott, maybe you would be less of a jerk if you got laid so why don't you find yourself a screw. Or better yet go fuck yourself?" Brooke shrugged slightly as she said this she got a little laughter out of the crowd, she saw Rachel standing a few inches away from her smiling.

Lucas looked down at her still fuming mad that he was letting her get to him, "Why fuck myself when I can have you?"

"You wish," Brooke laughed. "Look Lucas this was really fun and maybe we should try doing this again sometime, but I got to go, I have cheer leading tryout to go to and I'm sure it's more fun than arguing with you." Brooke walked over to Rachel who was still smiling as they walked off to the gym.

Nathan walked up to Lucas slapping him on the back, "Brooke Davis, one and Lucas Scott, zero."

Brooke just finished her routine for tryouts after Rachel finished hers, they both changed and headed out the gym smiling, they thought they both did pretty good and would make the squad in no time. They saw a curly blond girl chasing after them and decided to stop and turned around and see what she wanted.

"Brooke and Rachel right?" the curly blond asked them while trying to catch her breath. "Well Melissa the captain of the squad and as you know she will be resigning since she leaving after today and she decide to give me the role as head cheerleader but I can't really do it since I have other priorities but Brooke you did an awesome job so how would you like to be head cheerleader?"

"Wait me?" Brooke questioned the blond. "Why not one of the other of the other girls they been here longer?"

"Are you kidding me? The other girls would drive this squad to the ground," the blond shook her head. "But you seem very dedicated to this and you have been head cheerleader at every other school you've been to even when you were a freshman."

"Wait how did you know that?" Brooke looked at the girl kind of freaked out.

"Well I've always seen you at the competitions, both of you," the blond explained. "By the way my name is Peyton Sawyer, so do you accept the offer because I could ask someone else?"

"Sure I'll do it!" Brooke shrugged looking at Rachel who was just surprised as she was. "Well when do I get started?"

"Well our first official practice is tomorrow so I guess then," Peyton thought. "As long as you don't mind sharing the gym with the basketball team their should be no problems."

"Well as long as Lucas Scott—"

"You know Lucas?" Peyton immediately said. "Well who doesn't know Lucas, and he's on the team if that what you were wondering."

"Damn it," Brooke cursed. "I can't stand him."

"Neither can I," Peyton shrugged. "I only hang around him when he's with Nathan and Haley who are like my best friends"

"Hey maybe we can all hang out together sometime?" Rachel suggested shocking Brooke.

"Sure, I'll see you two later." Peyton nodded her head walking away.

"I thought you didn't want to make friends," Brooke nudge Rachel in the stomach. "I hope this isn't apart of some master plan to destroyed their lives."

"Damn it, I can never have any fun!" Rachel pouted like a five year old causing Brooke to laugh as she cuffed arms with Rachel. "But what about you and Lucas how much you want to bet that you two be having sex by the end of this semester?"

"Eww, gross," Brooke couldn't stand Lucas and the bare thought of having sex with him freaked her out. "I doubt that will happen but game on bitch!"

"This about to get a whole lot interesting."

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed and please leave some reviews, I hope I didn't do a bad job. Tell me if I should continue.)