((A/N: …and here is the first of hopefully many unfortunately short, once a week updates! I really hope you guys like it anyways!
-Muse-chan out!))
Steal The Dead
After watching the second mail box suffer the wrath of his invisible, shapeless, opponent, KID determined that if nothing else, this thing had quite an appetite.
"My sweet little snack, you shouldn't try to escape so much! It'll be much less painful to stay still."
KID rolled his eyes from behind a dumpster, the last thing he wanted was to give this sit still and await his fate as an entrée.
Seriously, how was he supposed to defeat this thing? It had no presence other than the second it ate a part of reality and even then, its presence was only available to what was literally inside of it.
How does it even do that?
You're listening to it.
KID paused his newest escape, a new thought striking him.
'Never talk to demons indeed…' he could have kicked himself.
He moved one second too late and the air scraped him as he evaded being eaten once again. If it had a presence, Kaito would swear the thing was smiling at him.
"You're bleeding! How incredibly sad…" it paused, thoughtfully, "…and I'll have to admit, a bit scrumptious. Nothing quite like—"
Stop listening.
Aoko. Think of Aoko and Nakamouri-keibu. Think of the dinner at their house last month.
Nakamouri-keibu had laughed at Kaito's magic trick. Aoko had scolded him for doing it at the table. Nakamouri-keibu had bragged about his latest 'victory' of Kaitou KID. Kaito had rolled his eyes and grumbled, pride getting in the way of some of his common sense.
Aoko's half smile.
Nakamouri-keibu's hearty laughter.
That horrid surprise when he realized there was fish in the soup.
It was silent.
KID opened his eyes, clutching the bleeding gash on his side.
There was a sound about a block away of something being crushed.
KID grinned, and silently wished he'd figured it out sooner.
Talking to demons wasn't the only way they got a grip onto a person, listening to a demon had a similar effect.
With a grunt, he attempted to ascertain his location and, more importantly, the location of his next target.
His own injuries were nothing with that thought propelling him. He needed to create the miracle that would return Aoko to him. Return Aoko to her father. He'd do anything for this goal.
Still, he grimaced at the thought of locating Pain again.
He liked to think Pain would get a little easier. After his first two experiences he held a mild hope that he could get used to the blood surging painfully through his veins and the bones twisting unnaturally.
He knew it would mean nothing. Pain was ever changing.
What was felt once twisted and melted into an unrecognizable pain that made it impossible to adjust.
It was difficult to imagine why his body felt attracted to it, pulled towards it.
Looking at a nearby sign, he could've laughed.
He figured he'd at some point end up in Kyoto; it was old and meaningful and seemed suiting for a supernatural phenomenon.
He'd also been expecting a temple of some kind, the edge of a random and fairly normal looking forest would have struck him as anti-climatic.
Except when the crushing terror of Pain was pushing his feet forward, it was hard to think of anything as 'anti-climatic' when it literally felt as if his blood was slowly moving to a boil.
Ideally, he didn't have a run in with the good ol' grim reaper again anytime soon…
'After this, only one more.'
((Ending: Ugh… I feel bad posting something so short ;A; aw well, at least the updates coming soon!
Curiosity strikes, I have an idea what scene I'd like to do next but I want to know what you guys want; what do want to see next the absolute most? Makoto and Haibara vs poor possessed Keiko? Limbo bound detectives? Nakamouri-keibu? The witch that seems to have the answers?
-Muse loving taking care of her adorable nephew.))