Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Author's Note: Okay, so I've been wanting to do a Bridge and Syd story for a while, so…hope you enjoy.

She's what?

Sky, Bridge, Z, Syd and Devon were hanging out in the Rec Room. Sky was reading a new book that he had just gotten while the other four were playing a card game. Devon was the new green ranger. He had been with them for a couple months, coming from another SPD Academy. Bridge and Devon were on a team while the girls were on a team.

"Come on Syd, it's your turn." Devon said.

"I know, I know. Calm down," after another minute Syd finally placed a card down. "And that gentlemen is how Z and I win, again."

"Man, I thought we had you for sure." Devon said looking at her card.

Giggling Syd placed all of her cards on the table, "Just ask Bridgey, we make a good team."

Z looked over at Syd, "Who Syd, me and you or you and Bridge?"

"Well, I was talking about the cards, so you and me." Syd replied standing up and getting something to drink.

Z was about to reply when they heard the familiar voice of Kat over the speakers, however it was only calling for Syd to come to the Command Center.

Sky looked at Syd. "What's going on?"

Syd left the Rec Room shrugging on the way out leaving four curious rangers behind. Immediately Sky looked over at Z who looked right back at him, "What?"

"What's going on?"

"You're the red ranger."

"You're her roommate."

That was when Bridge decided to speak up, "Come on guys, we can do that all day, but it isn't going to help us guess why Syd is there."

Z and Sky looked at each other and then at Bridge. "You're right Bridge." Z said as she picked up her cards and began shuffling them.

Sky then went back to his book until Devon spoke up, "So do you think it's anything serious?"

"No, Syd couldn't have done anything seriously bad. Well she could have, but the odds of Syd doing that are in the same odds as Z going to a spa, so—"

"Okay Bridge, we get it." Z said.


Devon looked over at Sky, "Want to play? Since Syd left, we need another player."

Sky looked down and after a couple of seconds nodded and set down his book. "So what are we playing?"

Bridge then began to explain with interruptions by Devon and Z every now and then.

After lunch Sky and Z were talking to the new cadets. Z hadn't seen Syd since she had been called to the Command Center that morning but after their card game they had a few classes and then lunch and here she was with Sky. Syd was supposed to be here with them too, and yet she did not appear and when Sky tried to talk to Doggie he didn't answer him.

The brunette was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize that they had finished class until Sky touched her shoulder, "Z, want to give them the books?"


After handing out the books the two watched as their class departed. Once the last student left Sky turned to Z, "Are you okay? You weren't really paying that much attention at the end and I had to call your name a few times."

"Yeah, I was just thinking."

"What about?"

But Z never got the chance to answer because they were all called down to the Command Center. Once there and lined up Z noticed that the only one not there was Syd. As they stood in the line Doggie came in from behind them and stood in front, "Cadet Drew will have a leave of absence for an undetermined time."

Confused the rangers looked at each other before Sky spoke up, "Sir is there a problem."

"Nothing you need to worry about. Dismissed."

All but Sky saluted Doggie and walked out. Without speaking Devon, Bridge and Z headed to Syd and Z's room. Sure Devon hadn't known Syd that long, but they had all grown fairly close over the past couple of months. Once there they came to a room that only had things on one side-Z's. Everything of Syd's was gone. It looked so weird. There was no poster of Syd, Peanuts wasn't on the bed, and there was no pink in the room at all. Z remembered when it was her side that was empty and how she had filled it. Who would have thought that it would end with Syd leaving.

Z heard someone else coming in the room, turning she saw Sky enter confused. "Sky, what's up?"

All the rangers looked at their leader, "I asked Doggie about a replacement—"

Bridge looked at Sky, "You already want to replace her?"

"Look, I'm not saying that I'm happy she's gone, but having a five member team is important and with Syd gone we'll need a new ranger."

"He does have a point." Devon nodded agreeing with Sky.

"Alright, so what's wrong?"

"I asked Doggie and he said that her position will be determined in a while and that we didn't need to discuss it yet."

Now all the rangers shared a confused look. After Jack left and Sky had become red moving Bridge up to blue, one of Sky's first tasks had been finding a green ranger. But now…something wasn't right. Where had Syd gone?