Chapter 67: Tell me who my hands were made for

"I haven't really been eating."

Jay sat back on his heels, forgetting that he had been reacquainting himself with Emma's body. He took a moment to look from her face, down her shirtless upper body, clad only in a green and white checkered bra that had a strawberry band. His eyes stopped at the button of her jeans. Emma didn't look as if she had stopped eating, but that wasn't what she said. She said she hasn't really been eating.

Jay shook his head lightly, trying to figure out what his brain was telling him to do. Emma, seeing the confusion on Jay's face took a deep breath. She was going to have to explain this. "It's just… I can't really eat… when…" Emma trailed off, finding it hard to explain to Jay what she was feeling, "Mom and Snake have done nothing but argue about me, and they keep questioning me about everything. It was too much, and I couldn't," Emma paused, shaking her head to fight off the few tears that were forming, "Plus, I hurt you, and it killed me, which didn't help." She closed her eyes tightly, uncertain that her uncompleted sentences made any sense.

"Hey, hey," Jay spoke softly as he wiped Emma's cheeks with his thumbs. "Sit up," He told her, giving her room to do so. His one leg was still in between hers, and Jay was content with leaving it there. Situating her back against the headboard, Emma crossed her arms over her chest, accentuating her cleavage. "So, you only didn't eat because you were feeling stressed," Jay figured, trying to make sure he understood, "You don't think you're fat or anything, right?"

Emma shook her head softly, "No, my eating issue isn't really about my body weight, not anymore. It's more so for control. I couldn't stop Snake and mom from being mad, or questioning me, or arguing about me, but I could control what I put in my mouth," She explained, exhaling a nervous breath.

"I'm glad you told me, that I know everything, but I don't want anything to happen to you," Jay told her. He was pretty sure he wouldn't know how to handle Emma if she completely stopped eating.

"I know, I just wanted you to know, because you should know," Emma rambled lightly. Leaning towards her, Jay kissed her lips, twice, and then kissed down her neck, to her cleavage. "How… about… I order… some room service?" Jay suggested in between kisses, "I could use a beer."

"Champagne," Emma said.

"Champagne?" Jay echoed.

"Yeah, it's New Years Eve, and champagne is what you drink when you celebrate, and we're celebrating, right?" She looked at Jay, settling herself against the pillows, inadvertently wiggling her chest.

"Yeah, we're celebrating," Jay murmured, watching her movements. His eyes traveled up to her face, smirking slightly as he leaned down to give her a kiss. Quickly, Jay got off the bed, grabbing the phone, and ordering room service.

Walking back over to the bed, Jay climbed onto the bed, on his hands and knees over Emma, kissing up her stomach. Her giggles shot through his ears, making him smirk as he continued making his way up her body. Once Jay was at her lips, he shifted his weight to his elbow, caressing her hair with his other hand. Emma couldn't help the smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around Jay's neck, bringing his lips to hers.

The two teased each other at first, kissing slowly and nibbling at each other's bottom lips, but the teasing was quickly forgotten as the passion grew. The kiss deepened, and Jay's hand traveled down Emma's body, massaging her stomach before heading south to the button of her jeans. Nimbly, Jay's fingers worked the button, and then slowly pulled the zipper down. His hand came in contact with Emma's underwear, making her moan softly into the kiss. Breaking the kiss, Jay smirked at her as his middle finger made small circles on her panties.

"Jay," Emma whined, her voice just above a whisper.

Jay loved that, hearing his name come out of her mouth. He kissed her once more before moving down her body, slowly pulling off her jeans. As he made his way back up, he spoke softly with a smirk on his lips, "Ya know, I never knew how well 'Greenpeace' actually suited you."

Emma looked down at her matching bra and panties and shrugged lightly, "I like the color green. It looks good on me," She stated.

"Yes it does," Jay replied as he leaned down to kiss her.

As they slowly began another make out session, there was a knock on the door, "Room service."