Okay. So I'm starting a new fic, which is kind of precarious, seeing as how I'm trying to continue to edit other ones. But I'll finish them all.. eventually, I promise! So read this, and tell me what you think. I have ideas, but I need to know what you think!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, except a date with my TV in 21 minutes, when LWD starts on the Family Channel. I also don't own 'For The Nights I Can't Remember' by Hedley, or Seventeen magazine.
Derek Venturi sat on his bed, his acoustic guitar in his arms, as he tried to compose a masterpiece. He had been sitting there for the past hour, but nothing was coming to him. The next D-Rock concert was only two days away, and he needed new materiel. There had been rumours speculating about a talent scout coming to the concert, but that was the least of Derek's concerns. He looked over to the clock on his desk, and realized that it was only nine in the morning. Usually, on weekends, he would sleep in until noon, and trudge downstairs to find the rest of his family eating lunch. But today, he had woken at eight.
A sudden burst of inspiration came to his mind, and he began to scribble it down in his battered notebook. As he wrote, he frowned, and crossed it out. There was only one thing on his mind, and it wasn't the music. Yesterday, when he was finishing his shift at the restaurant, he started to talk with a girl. Not just any girl, but the head cheerleader, Calli Stuart. The one who was always the homecoming dance queen. The one who everyone else admired. And the one who was dating the hockey team captain. He wanted to talk to her again. He wanted to see her smile; he wanted her in general. But Derek knew that that would never happen.
He sighed and slipped his headphones over his ears. He turned on his iPod, and scrolled down the list until he found just the song he was looking for.
'And I do wanna love you, if you see me running back.
And I do wanna try,
Because if falling for you girl is crazy,
Then I'm going out of my mind,
So hold back your tears this time.'
This song was currently his escape from his situation. From avoiding his current obsessed girlfriend, Kendra, to getting Calli to fall in love with him, he had work to do. As much as he didn't want to admit it, there was only one thing to do. He put his guitar on his bed, turned off his music, and walked down to the front hallway of his house.
'Derek, what are you doing up this early?' Nora asked from the island in the middle of their kitchen, where she was making muffins for breakfast.
'I couldn't sleep.' Derek sighed, grabbing a banana. This was true; he was tossing and turning all night, only being able to think of one person.
'That's too bad.' Nora said, looking sympathetic. 'Well, we're planning on going to the movies today, if you want to join us.'
'I'll see what Sam and Madeleine are doing today, and I'll get back to you.' Derek smirked. There was almost no way that he was going to go to the movies with his family. Usually, they ended up seeing movies about dancing penguins and fairy tales. Not Derek's kind of movies.
Nora just smiled and went back to her baking. Derek slipped into his leather jacket, and walked out of the house. He breathed in the fresh morning air, and listened to the silence. It was probably just spring fever. It had been snowy and cold for the past four months, and in the past week, the snow was melting, and it was warm enough to wear just a sweater.
As he passed the park, he saw two people sitting on the bench. As he neared, he noticed that it was his step-sister, Casey and his best friend, Sam. They had been going out for almost four months, and they were still going strong. At first it had been a little weird to see the two different people go together, but opposites attract, right? And now they seemed perfect for each other.
When they saw him, they both waved, and went back to talking. Derek waved back sadly, and continued on his way. He felt weird that even his best friend could find the perfect girl. Derek had always gone out with the shallow, blond type girls, but there was never anything serious.
He turned his iPod back on, and walked along with the beat of the drums. Finally, he got to his destination. He walked up the porch stairs, and knocked on the door. A young girl opened the door.
'Derek!' she exclaimed. She was wearing purple Care-Bear pajamas, yet she looked wide awake. 'Are you looking for Maddie?'
'Yup.' Derek said, looking down at the young Madeleine look-alike. Like her older sister, she bore the same auburn hair and green eyes.
'She's in her room. You can go in.' Saxton confirmed.
'Thanks, dude.' Derek said, ruffling her hair.
He took off his shoes, and made his way to her room. He knocked, and when there was no answer, he opened the door, only to find his best friend still asleep. He gingerly stepped over the piles of clothes, over to the chair in the corner. He'd wait until she woke up. He picked up a copy of Seventeen Magazine that was lying on the floor, and began leafing through it absently. This definitely wasn't his type of magazine, but he needed something to do.
Suddenly, he heard a stirring noise. He looked over to see Madeleine slowly waking up. Her eyes opened and focused on the figure sitting in the corner of her room.
'Derek?' she asked, groggily, 'What are you doing here?'
'Fancy meeting you here.' Derek smirked. He tossed the magazine aside, and crossed his legs.
Madeleine brushed a stray piece of hair out of her face, as she sighed. 'Okay. This isn't embarrassing at all. But really, what do you want?'
Derek cleared his throat, before saying, 'I need advice.'
'What kind of advice?' she said, while attempting to prop the pillows behind her head, to get comfortable. 'Like, which shirt looks good with that jacket, or the real stuff, that you think I'd know the answer to, just because I'm a girl?'
'The second one?' Derek admitted, holding up two fingers.
'That's what I thought.' She said, standing up and looking around her messy room. 'How can I be of service?'
'Do you mind if we go outside and do this?' Derek asked, looking embarrassed.
'I guess.' She replied, her head inside her closet, before pulling out a baggy sweatshirt. 'I've been meaning to return this to you... But do you mind if I wear it?'
'So that's where it went.' Derek said, shaking his head. He had been looking for that for a while. 'But yeah, go ahead. I guess.'
Madeleine slipped on her Ugg boots before opening the door of the balcony. 'So what's your dilemma?'
'Well...' Derek started, unable to find the right words, without sounding completely shallow. 'There's this girl..'
So tell me what you think! Also, in the next few chapters, you'll find out more about Calli Stuart and Madeleine.