Disclaimer- I don't own anything (except for the kids and my own warped ideas)
"Bella, love, what's been going on lately?"
"No clue. I guess I've just had a fever or something." Edward turned to me, slight concern in his eyes, as he reached gently forward to feel my forehead.
"No, your fine. Just get some rest, ok?"
"I-I'm not tired." I stuttered, opening my eyes as wide as they could possibly allow. "See?" Edward chuckled to himself and rolled his eyes, ignoring my plea. Instead, he scooped me up gently by pushing my knees forward and dashed upstairs, where he lay me down gently on the golden bed with the roses.
"Sleep. Now." Then, without even waiting to hear my protest, he dashed back downstairs.
"Alice, I heard your thoughts. What do mean by that?" I heard him say. A short pause followed.
"But she couldn't honestly be, I mean. . .she's. . . I'm. . .not possible." At first I was confused, but then I remembered the whole mind reading thing, and let a heavy sigh escape. "She's listening. I have to go. I'm still going to stay updated, though." And with that, he left. I suddenly popped back into reality, and lay down as fast as I could; vampire slow-mo.
"You're the worst liar in the world." He stated, kissing me on the cheek.
"I know." I pouted, my voice muffled by the pillow that was crushing into my nose. "But I did hear, you can't get out of that one. Explain." I sat up, my arms crossed.
"Oh, nothing."
"Nothing is nothing."
"That's where you're wrong, love. Go to sleep now, you'll regret it in the morning if you don't." With that, he lay down next to me and began to hum a lullaby. My lullaby. The sound of it soothed me, made me relax in his arms.
"I hate it. . . . when you. . . . play. . . . dirty like this. . ." My protests slurred off as I fell deeper and deeper into unconsciousness. Soon, I was asleep. But I wasn't even close to forgetting what had happened. I simply hated it when he did that; even if was to save my butt. I still hated it. Yet, I did have comfort in the fact that I was going to win in the end.
(Sorry for the short chapter, I just want to get the first done quickly. I will update, no worries. 3, author 2 )