I lace my fingers with Edward's and tug lightly. "Pay attention!" I grumble impatiently. We're sitting on my porch steps; I'm trying to tell Edward about a hard test in Calculus but he's only staring at the falling rain drops. I know something is own his mind but the look in his eyes warn me not to ask.

"What?" he asks a few seconds too late. He spots the grim smile on my face and forces a smile. "I'm so sorry, Bella honey. What were you saying?"

I sigh heavily. It's no use. "Nothing, Edward. Charlie will be home soon and I haven't even thought about dinner yet. How about you go home for a bit and I'll see you in my room later?" I pecked his stone cheek before extracting my fingers from his and standing up. I've barely turned away before I see him fly off into the forest faster than a torpedo. Okay, I think, something is definitely up.

I try to ignore the sudden dread taking up residence in the pit of my stomach. I push into the empty house and pad slowly into the kitchen. Without really thinking about it, I start to pull together the ingredients needed for baked chicken and mashed potatoes.

Edward has been acting really weird all day. As I peel the potatoes I try to convince myself that he's only worried about something minor, like a fight with Alice, not something major. Not like, say, a bunch of blood-thirsty Italian vampires swooping down to Forks for a visit.

"Dammit!" I mutter as a sharp pain shoots through my hand. I smell the blood before I feel it and I instantly feel my lunch rising up my throat. As I'm fumbling around for a dish towel I hear the front door open and close then the hard stomp of boots. While holding my breath I turn on the faucet and run my thumb under the cold water for a few seconds before wrapping it in a dish towel.

"Hey Charlie!" I say with fake brightness as he comes into the kitchen. "I'm a little late on dinner, so it'll be an hour. Or so." With my free hand I open a cupboard and pull out the handy-dandy pack of band-aids.

"No problem. There's an early game on and I don't want to miss the tip-off."

I mumble a slightly coherent mm-hmm as I concentrate on putting the band-aid on. Once I'm convinced I won't need a blood transfusion, I pick up the abandoned potato and continue peeling while trying to keep my mind off Edward. But it's hard; he's always on my mind.

After dinner I'm in a bit of a rush to go upstairs and "do my homework". I bid Charlie a good game before skipping up the stairs and into my room. My eyes sweep the tiny room and my heart sinks when I don't see him. I furrow my brow in confusion as I walk to my open window and poke my head through. "Edward?" I call half-heartedly. No answer. I pout childishly as I sit down on my bed and stare blankly at the wall. Panic finally starts to set in and I feel the urge to scream.

Something is wrong, something is wrong, something is so wrong! I lay down on my side and curl into a loose ball, quickly going over the possibilities in my head.

Volturi? Possibly. Psychotic hungry vampires? Likely. Edward getting bored with me? I hope not. None of the possibilities seem like something I want to dwell on. Just as I'm about to start yanking out my hair I feel cool arms wrap around my waist. My heartbeat picks up as I shimmy around to face Edward. I gasp at the sight of his hard black eyes.

"What's wrong?" I croak, feeling slightly dizzy.

Edward looks down at me briefly before smashing his lips against mine. I arch up slightly to press my body against his and run my hand through his hair. Suddenly, expectantly, he pulls away. "Alice saw something" he says hoarsely.

I bite my lip in anticipation of the bad news and nod dumbly.

"She saw our family and the Quileute pack...fighting."

My eyes widen as I force back a scream. "No" I whisper. "No...no...why?"

Edward shakes his head. I see his face contort with intense pain and anger.

"What?" I urge.

His eyes focus blankly on my face. He trails a cold finger down my cheek and the pain is heavy in his voice as he says "She sees you getting killed by Jacob."