Employee Relations

Author: VickiBmore

Fandom: Dexter

Summary: Ever have a co-worker you just couldn't stand?

Disclaimer: Dexter doesn't belong to me. I have no money. Don't sue.

Authors Note: It was supposed to be a 100 word drabble, but I'm just too wordy for that. Its about 450 instead. I have no beta so all mistakes are mine. Comments are appreciated.

Some people hate their jobs, some muddle along doing the bare minimum simply waiting for the weekend or their vacation or for retirement. Not me. I love my job. I fucking live for it. Besides being a cop isn't just something you do, its something you are.

Ask any good cop. Its not the money that brings you back to the station everyday. The money is straight shit. You spend the majority of your time with the fucking dregs of society and the rest of the time ducking bullets. Somehow that risk to your life and sanity just doesn't seem to be worth it for a measly 42K a year. No, I'm here cause I'm addicted. Its my complete obsession with catching murdering assholes and making them pay, that keeps me at this job. And its that same obsession that caused me to hate Dexter Morgan at first sight.

I knew he was dangerous the first time I noticed him. He was standing by the elevators, looking like Mister Joe Average. He was wearing a stupid bowling shirt with a stupid grin, offering donuts to the stupid masses. On the surface he appeared totally harmless, just another geek trying to buy friends with fried dough, except for his eyes.

Despite his fake smile his eyes remained cold and calculating. They seemed to almost look through you, like he was assessing you for weakness and planning his mode of attack. They were the eyes of a predator and they had my spidey sense on red alert. He may have won over the greedy geeks in the lab and a few of the fat fucks in squad cars but I was on to him. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing and I wasn't falling for the act. I wouldn't put it pass the sick fuck to dust those donuts with arsenic or injected the jellies with AIDS.

"Donut Sgt. Doakes?" asks Dexter.

"Fuck you," I reply, as I knock his arm and send his sugar coated box of bribes to the floor.

For a second I see real emotion in Dexter's face. As his mask briefly slips I see his eyes flash with murderous rage before they go cold and that stupid smirk appears on his face once more.

"Do you have a problem with me officer?" he coldly asks.

"Not one I can't solve Motherfucker" I reply. "Now clean that shit up." Then I walked away knowing our conflict wasn't over but was just beginning.